Something I Noticed

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Jan 28, 2018 5:53 pm
Not sure if this should go in Site Disccusions but it seemed to fit best. I am playing in 5 games and DMing 2(One has the party split so it's like DMing 3 and one is the West Marches game.) and have noticed that posting drops significantly over the weekend. It picks back up durimg time one would assume people would be at work. I found it interesting. We have more time to post at work than at home. What kinda jobs do we all have? Slacker, the all of ya. :)
Thanks for reading and May Nerdom Reign.
Last edited Jan 28, 2018 5:53 pm
Jan 28, 2018 6:23 pm
I sit at a computer all day at work, so I see something as soon as it's posted and can respond, typically pretty quickly.

On weekends? Life happens. It's almost February and yesterday was the first chance I've had to take down the Xmas lights!
Jan 28, 2018 6:50 pm
Hahaha. Lazy Americans;)
Jan 28, 2018 7:05 pm
Most (but not all) of you know I'm a chef who makes customized cakes for celebrations. Well, guess when people celebrate? XD So weekends are tough for me. And yet here I am. Technically it's already Monday for me though - it's now 3:04am here.

I think for most people who have 9-5 jobs or are in school they're at their computer or smartphone at some point on most weekedays, and escaping to RPG-land is a welcome break from the daily grind. By contrast, weekends might be spent partying or camping out or on a long drive with your family or your buddies, or sleeping in, or even at an actual face-to-face game. ;-)
Jan 28, 2018 8:22 pm
Weekends are usually family time for us so my posting time is a bit restricted. I started a job as a Systems Engineer (general IT dogsbody) at the beginning of Jan and whilst I do get some time to keep mostly on top of the games I’m playing in through the day (other than the days they send me on over a 300 mile round trip to do some work for a customer) I find it harder to post in those I’m running as there’s more to think about for my posts in those. I’ll be changing jobs again at the beginning of March to become a Technical Architect for the police over here and I’m hoping that’ll be a bit steadier for my time.
Jan 28, 2018 9:30 pm
I totally get it. That was me when I worked for FedEx, now my wife and I run a daycare so my freetime is completely random.
Jan 29, 2018 12:24 am
I sit at a computer all day, but my workload has increased dramatically, so I don't usually have time while I'm at work anymore. At home, I have a wife and three kids, so that's hard too. The only time I usually have to post anymore is when the wife is at work (third shift) :(
Jan 29, 2018 1:02 am
My time to post is when my wife and children are in bed. If my wife stays up with me, no posties, but having that time to ourselves is certainly great too. I am usually busy at work and not able to post, but I am a math instructional mentor/coach, so sometimes through the week I may have a day or two at the office and find a few minutes to "throw something up" (i.e. post).
Last edited Jan 29, 2018 1:02 am
Jan 30, 2018 6:05 pm
I work at an office in front of a computer as well. It's an open office landscape, so I try to limit my visits. Not that anyone cares, but it seems as long as you don't spend downtime reading news or looking at used cars everyone is curious about what you are doing. Most of my workload belongs to end of month reporting, which means that I work like crazy during the first two weeks of the month, and after the 15th I get more slack.

The weekend I do my husbandly duty and what little time I try to get in some playstation in the few hours the television is free.
Jan 30, 2018 6:42 pm
Lately I'm out of the house and about town on Saturdays raiding (still hunting Absol) or running an RPG for our face to face group Sundays (ETU using Savage Worlds until Invisible Suns comes out), on our off week we do boardgames or cardgames. If anyone is GMing from their mobile and posting hats off. I need my books and sometimes a bit of time to think/plot/map/chart out what to do as a GM or player.
Feb 1, 2018 3:14 am
Yeah, I've noticed that too. I'm in the same boat with wife/kids on early weekday evenings and weekends, so not much posting at those times. I've found that there can be a flurry of activity if you catch people right as they get to work in the morning and around lunch. (These observations are generally in line with the Eastern and Central time zones and may not necessarily reflect the experiences of GP members around the globe :) )
Feb 1, 2018 4:10 am
I use my smartphone almost exclusively for GP. I keep pdfs of game books on the phone, so it's all here.

At work, my phone sits by me at my desk. While I'm not hanging on it all day, I do check it and GP periodically. I find that short breaks keep my brain on task for the complex, mentally challenging tasks that is my occupation.

At home in the evenings, I have other things to do, but my phone is always near.

On weekends, because GP is usually quiet, I expect that and don't check it as often.

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