I am learning web development now too, perhaps i will have some technical implementation ideas so i will be glad to share them.
As i see it in its perfect form there should be some kind of non-relational database (Mongo) linked where you could be able to store various systems preset NPCs . noSQL structure could actually benefit here, and probably there already existing databases on those things on the web.
Perhaps you could add sort of collabsable "portal" , which will be placeable and editable only by GM, And will contain NPCs in action for posts where GM will desire them. As JS works, you probably will be fine with closures, and each single, even unnamed npc will have their attributes updated dynamically.
Seems quite doable in Angular, just needs some decisions on how it should be modified and how it should look, and coding, ofcourse :)
Thanks again for this amazing site :) Best pbp site on the webs.
Last edited July 12, 2015 7:37 pm