Interest Check/Weird Idea: Choose Your Character

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Feb 3, 2018 12:49 pm
I'm looking for a good place to put this, and I figured I should try here first. Right out the gate, I'm going to say that it is not a campaign like you might expect. But hear me out.

I always loved Choose Your Own Adventure stories, both in book form and online. But there were several flaws inherent to the design, among them being the many Game Over/Bad End outcomes, the awkwardness of Second Person storytelling, and the disjointed approach to plot development. Any story that says what "you" do, and doesn't feel like the reader, has problems from the get-go. So I wanted to create something that addressed the issues CYOA format has.

What I propose is a single story, with one outcome (or a few, but they will be variants of the same ending). Anyone who reads it will not be providing their own characters, or making rolls, and most importantly will not be choosing the actions of the main character or anyone else. It will be like a book. But you do choose your main character.

The MC: I will provide a list of three main character options before the story begins, tailored so that the maximum amount of people can find a character that appeals to them. They will all fit into relatively similar niches in the story, but they have separate backstories and personalities that will come into effect in their own way. There is no wrong choice. If you only want to follow one, don't read the story with the other two. If you can't decide, just read through with each one in turn.

The Party: Aside from your MC, you will find new people throughout the story. Depending on the choices you make, they may join your MC in their adventure. Most of the "heroes" will be available to all three MCs, but I will go ahead and spoil that some villains may join your party, depending how the story goes.

The Turns: While the player does not actually choose any actions for their party, there are strategically placed points where the player will be asked to choose who accompanies the main character for the next part. The story changes based on your chosen party composition. Included in those changes, your party composition may influence certain villains to join you, and leave their evil ways behind.

The Appeal: Do you have trouble with schedules and players not showing up? Do you have too many campaigns on your plate and only have a little spare time in your day? This story requires no work on your part, and isn't going anywhere. Read a little, go live your life, and come back when you're ready.

I'm still drafting Chapter 1, but does anyone here have an interest in something like this?
Feb 12, 2018 4:53 pm
I'm interested let me know if you're still looking for players.
Feb 12, 2018 10:15 pm
Bear in mind that this isn't going to be "played" so much as read. I mainly posted here first because I'm trying to draw attention to the idea before I start. Thank you for showing interest!
Feb 13, 2018 4:13 am
I think it's a really unique idea and I'm definitely going to watch it to see how it plays out! Hopefully, you're going to make the forums open to the public to view?
Feb 13, 2018 1:18 pm
Ah... would the decision be polled by the readers? I'm still up for it as long as you explain what I'm doing... Do I get to roleplay?
Feb 13, 2018 10:13 pm
@Remnant, I gave a full explanation up at the top. To put the reader's role in short, you will be doing nothing out of the ordinary for a book, except that you choose which of the three main characters the story centers around. As the story progresses, you also are given places where you can choose who follows the MC. But there's no actual work on the reader's part.

@Naatkinson, I absolutely will, once the first chapter is underway. But right now I'm just drawing attention to it so I have potential readership when it starts in earnest.
Feb 14, 2018 2:16 pm
Well I'm still interested. Thinks about RPing reading a book and reacting and wonders if that seems weird.
Feb 14, 2018 11:18 pm
As I explained in the original post, this isn't really a roleplaying opportunity. It will make more sense when I start posting.

I want to post up here, on a PbP site, because it's an unconventional format and I feel like it won't do as well elsewhere.
Mar 21, 2018 6:18 pm
Just to check, since no one's said anything. Is the story visible to people who haven't joined? Has anyone else read it?
Mar 21, 2018 6:36 pm
Is there a link? Going through game details you can't get to the forums. Also Ederu Chronicles doesn't show up in the public list for me for some odd reason even though it's marked public. Maybe it's a permissions thing?
Mar 21, 2018 7:02 pm
Weird. I'll see what I can do.
Mar 21, 2018 7:11 pm
Here's a forum link, let me know if it works or not. ""
Mar 21, 2018 7:15 pm
WalkerOfSorrow says:
Here's a forum link, let me know if it works or not. ""
That does work for me! Thanks :)
Mar 21, 2018 7:21 pm
Happy to be of service. Enjoy the story!
Mar 29, 2018 8:07 pm
While we're working out the bugs, I'm going to post messages here periodically to draw people in. Please check out the story, everyone! I welcome all readers!
Apr 6, 2018 2:38 am
Has anyone checked out the link yet? We're coming up on our first battle! The first few battles won't let you pick people, for a couple of reasons. First of all, the cast is small at the moment. Because of this, I'm making the selection be based on which main character you started with. But the final battle of Chapter 1 will be the first to allow readers to choose who will take part. I'm really enjoying writing it so far, but I would love some feedback!
Last edited Apr 6, 2018 2:41 am
May 14, 2018 12:58 am
We're still working on getting the story more visible to everyone, but I would like to bump this thread again and draw attention to our current narrative. Right now, we're almost to the halfway point of Chapter 1, and we've seen some excellent action. If you're looking for a new take on fantasy that applies some carefully constructed character development and less conventional materials (a plasma mortar, in a fantasy world?), this is the story for you!
May 20, 2018 11:22 pm
Anyone new looking and have questions?

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