Feb 23, 2018 3:27 pm
About a year ago, six of us started a dark and gritty, low-fantasy, low-magic, Sword and Sorcery style game. The original pitch on it back in the day is here: http://gamersplane.com/forums/thread/4686/
A year and well over 4000 posts later, the game is still active and fully underway. It is framed in a specialized home brew setting that features humans as the default PC race and martial classes as the primary (though not only) class types. It's reminiscent of Howard's Conan/ Hyborian Age setting, mixed with a dash of Lovecraft Cthulhu type monsters, mixed with a dash of other retro pulp sword and sandals. A Bronze Age on the edge of a coming Steel Age setting, that aims for a Mediterranean-type crossroads of cultures feel.
Aside from the narrative and mechanics side of the game, we try to keep a relaxed OOC thread going to allow for sidebar conversation, entertainment, table talk, etc.
It's a tough, challenging game. Sometimes deadly. An eye for realism. But I think it has been a blast. The characters have progressed three levels by a tough but exciting road, with some wildly memorable scenes along the way.
Now we are looking for an expansion -- would like to see if 1 or 2 new players who like this sort of spin might want to join. Would hope to incorporate new characters sometime next month (March 2018).
It is a private game so the Forums aren't accessible, but I have the game page back on visibility with a slot open. It's called Dark Thrones: Remnants of the Ancients.
Please check it out: https://gamersplane.com/games/610/
Any comments are welcome below, especially messages of interest.
Also if you are really serious about the idea, PM me to let me know your thoughts. I can answer any questions and provide more info about the game as needed.
Thanks for considering,
A year and well over 4000 posts later, the game is still active and fully underway. It is framed in a specialized home brew setting that features humans as the default PC race and martial classes as the primary (though not only) class types. It's reminiscent of Howard's Conan/ Hyborian Age setting, mixed with a dash of Lovecraft Cthulhu type monsters, mixed with a dash of other retro pulp sword and sandals. A Bronze Age on the edge of a coming Steel Age setting, that aims for a Mediterranean-type crossroads of cultures feel.
Aside from the narrative and mechanics side of the game, we try to keep a relaxed OOC thread going to allow for sidebar conversation, entertainment, table talk, etc.
It's a tough, challenging game. Sometimes deadly. An eye for realism. But I think it has been a blast. The characters have progressed three levels by a tough but exciting road, with some wildly memorable scenes along the way.
Now we are looking for an expansion -- would like to see if 1 or 2 new players who like this sort of spin might want to join. Would hope to incorporate new characters sometime next month (March 2018).
It is a private game so the Forums aren't accessible, but I have the game page back on visibility with a slot open. It's called Dark Thrones: Remnants of the Ancients.
Please check it out: https://gamersplane.com/games/610/
Any comments are welcome below, especially messages of interest.
Also if you are really serious about the idea, PM me to let me know your thoughts. I can answer any questions and provide more info about the game as needed.
Thanks for considering,
Last edited February 23, 2018 5:08 pm