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Mar 10, 2018 4:57 pm
Found on Guntor, the orc cook, in a cave near Easthaven...


Luthic be praised, I always knew you could do it! My son, in a raiding party. You had us all worried that night you said you would rather be a cook. Well, you came to your senses! Remember to always keep close the necklace I made for you, and the Cave Mother will keep you healthy and strong until we meet again - though where and when that may be, who knows? They say Uligar plans to move the clan soon. It's about time. Good luck, my boy!

With pride,
Mar 10, 2018 5:07 pm
Found on Vafthrudnir, the frost giant hunter, just outside of Easthaven...


I have another task for you, brother. Our newest client is offering a hefty bounty on a woman from that awful blight Kuldahar. Supposedly the little thing slipped through his net and is making her way through the Pass. Find her, but do not kill her. I want you to bring her to me. Our client should not have so many secrets.

Mar 10, 2018 5:09 pm
Two letters found on Uligar, Chief of the Bleeding Eye, at the mill in the Kuldahar Pass...


As promised, here is your first payment. Marshall your clan and whatever allies you have. It is time to take the Pass. The human families in the valley will fall easily to your warriors. Kill them all, and let none travel through the Pass.


You flea-bitten mongrel. You were told to let none through, but a human woman made it past your lines. Pray I do not send the frost giants after your cursed hide.

Let no other creature through, or I will come deal with you myself.
Mar 12, 2018 3:03 am
A letter given to Alalla by Quimby in Easthaven, on the behalf of Erevain...

Dear Alalla,

I hope you find this invitation neither egregious nor presumptuous. It would be my pleasure to have you join me this morning on the east bridge out of town for some sport and a light breakfast. I hope today you'll find that not only am I a better challenge than I presented last night, but also a decent cook in my own right. I await you patiently.

Sincerest regards,
Mar 12, 2018 3:04 am
A letter given to Alalla in Kuldahar, on the behalf of Erevain...

Dear Alalla,

I have made it safely to Kuldahar, though I nearly met my end in the Pass. It was thanks only to the aid of a passing stranger that I now live to write you this letter. Who would have thought that another elf wandered this frozen land?

I know that in our short time together I gave you little reason to suspect that I can handle myself capably, but the truth is that I was in poor form in Easthaven. I lacked a sense of purpose.

I have that purpose now. I am familiar with the people of Kuldahar, and the Great Oak itself is a marvel to behold. I will do what I can to protect it and the people that take shelter beneath its boughs.

For this reason, I cannot sit idly by and wait for the expedition to arrive. The elf who saved my life believes he knows where the kidnapped villagers have been taken, and together we will get them back. He is a secretive sort, but I trust him. He instructs me to leave today, and he will follow after he has made a few more arrangements.

I know this letter will find you, just as I know that you will find your way through the dangers of the Pass.

Until we meet again...

Yours truly,
Jul 30, 2018 11:32 pm
Presio's War Journal

This short booklet contains two sections of interest. The first seems to be a list of allied forces.

- Mistress?
- High Archer, High Priest, High Summoner
- 5 purebloods
- 10 malisons
- 5 histachii
- 1 score slaves

Valraxxaxath Bilewing
- himself!
- 2 score lizardmen
- kobolds
- ???

- Talona's Three. Geelo, Presio, Arturo.
- 2 wight apprentices
- 5 chosen zombies

- Frustratingly uncooperative


The second is a list of scribbled notes

Uligar - Orc chieftain working for the Old Enemy. Guards the Kuldahar Pass.

Malavon (Many Eyes?) - Sorcerer of great power. Usurper. Drow?

Arundel - Spiritual "leader" of Kuldahar. Archdruid. To be removed before he seeks aid.

Hrothgar - Effective leader of Easthaven. Could be trouble. Suspect Old Enemy may remove him.

Everard - Priest of Tempus in Easthaven. Hard to read. May need to remove. Could incite barbarians and locals to fight.

Frost giants - Relationship unknown. Believed to be making deal with Old Enemy.

Ilmadia - Elf or half-elf. Strange. Seen skulking by the Severed Hand.

Orrick - Mage from Kuldahar. Secretive. Probably no threat.

Mother Egenia - Priestess of Ilmater. Given to Talonites for interrogation. Likely sacrifice.

Brother Poquelin - Traveling priest of Ilmater. Strange icons on clothes. Relationship unknown.

Erestor - Elf. Caught spying. Admitted to working with the Old Enemy as assassin. Geased and released to remove Arundel.
Zenithral recognizes the name and description of Ilmadia.
Sep 11, 2018 7:57 pm
This note was found in Bilewing's treasure pool.

Don't be sore at me, a guy's got to make his living. You guys did an excellent job, and I'm sure you'll continue to do so in the future. I may be around sometime to trade, when I'm sure you aren't mad at me or anything.

Good luck!

- it is signed only 'N' -

P.S. You'll notice I left you a fortune in copper, and even a way to carry it! Enjoy.
Sep 11, 2018 8:00 pm
This note was found at Alalla and Erevain's wedding in a black case containing Bilewing's heart.

The handwriting seems familiar, but none of the companions are sure from where...


This is the heart of Valraxxaxath, prepared specially for a ritual that will allow you to bond it as your own. So long as you have priests and healers on hand, removing your own and replacing it with this will be an easy task, yes?

While not a solution in itself, the heart will prolong your lifespan - and grant other benefits I am sure you will make proper use of - until you trust me enough to save your soul from The One-Eyed God. It is within my power, but I cannot act without your consent. When you are ready to hear my proposal, you may contact me with the sending stone in your possession.

I highly approve of lawful marriage. May yours bring you much satisfaction.

Revered Brother Poquelin
Nov 11, 2018 2:01 am
The Diary of Evayne, daughter of Larrel

A quick perusal of the book shows that many of the pages are faded nearly unto dust, but there are some parts still legible it seems to be a history of Evayne's dealing with the dwarves of Dorn's Deep.

Written in beautiful, flowing Elvish, a passage near the beginning reads:

...contrary to popular belief, our Dwarven friends do not exist on a diet of rocks and dirt. I was recently invited to visit their wonderful stronghold, Dorn's Deep.

In this architectural wonder, hidden away in one of the most beautiful forests in the North, I entered figuring to be covered in soot from some filthy underground mine unbefitting a High Elf of my stature. Much to my surprise, my eyes were instead treated to amazing works of beauty and craftsmanship.

Our Dwarven friends proceeded to take me on a tour, pointing out each piece in thorough detail. I smiled, impressed that one of the lesser races had such talent in them to create such works. Of course, they paled in comparison to what our Elven artisan's can do, but this was not the time to point out their flaws...

This followed by more faded commentary on getting to know the bearded folk. The diary ends with this: it has come to this. The orc and goblin forces grow stronger with each victory. Where they attained the weapons of the alliance is still a mystery, but I believe in my heart that it was not through the dwarves. We have succeeded in stifling their advances but it wont hold for long. We have taken severe casualties and our forces are dwindling rapidly.

Negotiations are over with our former friends. We are now in open conflict with them. As much as I love my father, I blame him for this. Ever since we found the weapons in the horde's possession, father has been completely irrational. Any discussions had with our former friends ended in bitter accusations and resentment. He adamantly believes that the dwarves betrayed us and listens to nothing they have to say in their defense.

Am I the only one who sees that both sides are going to die horribly if this continues? Father does not see reason in putting aside hostilities with the dwarves so that we may unite against our common enemy. I spoke to him of going Dorn's Deep to approach our old friends. He lashed out at me in anger and sent me out of the astrolabe.

I now make preparations to leave home and ride to Dorn's Deep myself. Arannis, my dear friend, has offered to accompany me. I know it pains him to leave at this time, but reaching the dwarven stronghold without help will likely be impossible at this point. I know in my heart what must be done and this is the only way. Perhaps I have more of my father's stubbornness than I thought.
Feb 2, 2019 12:07 am
Journal of Evayne

Zenithral found this small journal in a room of black metal surrounded by lava.

The last few weeks have been a blur but I will recount as best as I can.

The journey here was difficult, to say the least. Leaving my people in a time of need is one of the most difficult decisions that I have ever made. Thank Corellon for my dear friend Arannis, who gave me not only protection through the mountains, but also counsel when my heart was heavy. Kaylessa is fortunate to have him! As soon as we arrived, he turned straight around to return to the Hand. I pray to the Seldarine that he made it back safely, and was not deterred by the events that happened here.

Arriving at Dorn's Deep in the middle of the night did not lead to a warm welcome by the dwarves, especially with what had come to past between both our races. As expected, the dwarves were very apprehensive to what I had to say. There were too many fresh and open wounds between both our people. Situations like this are never easy but I consider myself as good a diplomat as father, perhaps better.

Each day spent in council did not end until late evening and always in pure exhaustion. Perhaps if Reòthadh had been here, things would have gone more smoothly. He was always much more cooperative than the court's politicians.We argued and bickered over the recent past events. Athough we still continued to spend countless hours in council, the dwarves began to trust that I hid no maliciousness behind my words. The dwarves agreed to a treaty in the name of the greater good for both our races later that week. I had been successful in my part. I saw hope for the first time in many months.

The only thing left was to return home and convince my own people that this was our only chance at true salvation. The hardest part would be to convince father but he will listen. He must listen; else let our people face death.

The next morning almost made the last few weeks' work in vain. A dwarven scout arrived and told of the largest orcish army he had ever seen was only hours away. With little time to prepare, our defenses were overrun and the
orcs began to pour into Dorn's Deep.

We began our retreat into the depths of Dorn's Deep. Key passages werecollapsed to cover our movements and buy us time. Even in such dire conditions, this allowed the dwarves to control when and where we would fight. Every battle cost the orcs dearly as the dwarves fought on their terms but we were still being driven farther and farther back. Even now, we make preparations to retreat further into Wyrm's Tooth Glacier.

Even as grim as this sounds, I still hold hope. Hope that Arannis makes it back safely. Hope that I will tell father of how I fought side by side with our dwarven friends as in days of old. Hope that he will hear the tales of the dwarves who sacrificed their lives so that I may return home someday to reunite both our people. Hope to see my father's stubborn face once again.

For my people and the Seldarine's Hand,
Mar 25, 2019 6:07 pm
A letter delivered to Keggruk through Halla.


The man who recruited you into his armies is a devil, and threatens all of the North. For the orcs, he promises freedom from Gruumsh in exchange for servitude in the Nine Hells, and wants me to lead our people this way, but he has failed to sway me. I seek freedom for our people, not a new slave master. Especially not one that may be worse than Gruumsh.

The cost was high, but one hundred new orcs have joined us, all fit fighters. In my absence, they are led by a man named Morrugh. To meet, you are to take the tribe and travel to Targos. Morrugh and his orcs are traveling to Kuldahar. When you meet somewhere in the middle, Morrugh will relinquish command to you, and you should find a place to camp safely until I find you.

I've found a guideline to help you all make decisions, and have left it with Morrugh. Learn from it, and teach them what you learned from travelling with me. If things seem contradictory, remember that I am learning too. Do your best.

Be cautious of others. The devil has many allies and goes by many names, including Poquelin and Belhifet. He will try anything to enslave us, and is very clever. You must be wary of me, also. Poquelin can change his shape, and may try to look like me to trick you. Things have happened and I do look a bit different now, but there are other ways to make sure it's me.

In this case, my handwriting should match the note I left you before the dragon took you away. I still regret not checking your supplies before I sent you off, but I worried about Shargaas. I hope to provide for our tribe better in the future.

Alalla Cort Blacksheaf
Chieftess Cagebreaker

Included in the envelope is a rough map describing the route that they should take to Targos. An additional note is scribbled on the outside of the envelope.

The archdruid of Kuldahar tells me she has invited our tribe to camp near to the town. She and Kuldahar have suffered a great deal because of our people. The invitation was not made easily. Make sure the tribe is aware of this gesture, and why it is incredible. We must work to be worthy of it, and to not betray their trust. However, my instructions contained in this letter have not changed, except that you may ask the archruid if our tribe can get any supplies needed from Kuldahar. If she agrees, trade and pay for what you can, and if you are lacking anything else, tell the archdruid that I will pay any debts when I return.
May 26, 2019 3:24 am
Ilmadia's Notes

During the party's short rest, Ilmadia writes out what she can think of about Belhifet's operations.

Belhifet has seized Easthaven in an attempt to open Jerrod’s Stone, re-establishing a dormant portal to the Abyss from a long-ago war. It is blocked by a runed door created by priests of Tempus. He currently seeks for a way to open the door, and has been torturing the priest Everard in hopes that he will eventually succumb and help him open the door to the portal.

After Jerrod’s Stone has been removed, demons will rampage across the North. Then Belhifet and his devils will put them down, becoming heroes in the eyes of the rest of Faerun.

Belhifet's forces and assets:
- 20 frost giants including their chief, Joril. These are old allies of Belhifet, and I am well acquainted with them. Joril was actually the one who hired the bounty hunter sent after Halla.
- 300 barbarians led by 'reincarnated Jerrod'. Belhifet recruited them while we were having our encounters in Dorn's Deep. I suspect Jerrod wants the crystal shard Crenshinibon and has brought the barbarian army in exchange for the shard when Belhifet is done with it.
- Crenshinibon. It is a sentient magical crystal shard. Its powers include creating giant replicas of itself, which is how the crystal tower was formed, bending weak-willed creatures to its will through mind control, shooting lasers from itself, and granting its user access to powerful spells.
- Cryshal-tirith, Crenshinibon's tower. It is anti-magical. Any attacks or spells directed at it will reverse to affect the attacker. The doors are concealed, and inside magical mirrors function as portals from one room to the next. Jerrod's tomb, the location of the portal to the Abyss, is intact at the bottom of the tower. As a point of interest, there is an identical tower a great way northwest. You can actually see from here if the sun hits it just right.

Belhifet also had me summon fiendish lieutenants for him from the Hells. He gave me specific names of devils he hand picked for the job. His two highest lieutenants are a pit fiend, Merodach, and an amnizu, Nurval. They are apparently long time war buddies.
Last edited June 10, 2019 5:03 am

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