Filthy_Casual, half-awake.

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Mar 11, 2018 1:53 am
I happened in on this site through what was hopefully a lucky google search. I have a lot of spare time. Even when at work, I have a lot of downtime that I could probably use to post.
This is actually the first time I've even heard of PbP, so the concept is still pretty foreign to me. Any tips are appreciated!

I'm mostly interested in playing D&D 5e, because that's what I have books for. I've got quite a few characters I'd like to try playing. I heavily favor casters. Favorite classes include Sorcerers and Druids. I enjoy healing and support roles, but can also play tank roles, as far as combat goes. Out of combat, I've had some experience as the face, but often find off-beat solutions to problems.

Thank you for having me!
Mar 11, 2018 4:40 am
Welcome to the site. You'll find a lot of 5e games on here.
Mar 11, 2018 5:11 am
Welcome Filthy_Casual! I'm actually really curious what you googled that brought you to GP! I've never put much into SEO for the site, so that's pretty awesome. As other's have said, 5e is popular here, with a game coming up usually once every other day. I'm sure you'll find something soon!
Mar 11, 2018 5:47 am
Heya Filthy_Casual. So cool that you found us randomly. Yay, Google!
Mar 11, 2018 6:20 am
Keleth says:
Welcome Filthy_Casual! I'm actually really curious what you googled that brought you to GP! I've never put much into SEO for the site, so that's pretty awesome. As other's have said, 5e is popular here, with a game coming up usually once every other day. I'm sure you'll find something soon!
I googled "cypher 5e D&D" and found a thread about using such in the game
I was trying to find info to help out with a face-to-face game I run in which there is only one caster, to give the other players some flexibility and take the pressure off the inexperienced caster.

Super happy to have found this site though! Now if I can just get approved for a game.
Mar 12, 2018 1:55 am
I'm super glad that my post brought you to the site! Cyphers in 5e would be really cool, I think, and add some variety to the game.

Welcome to the site!
Mar 12, 2018 2:38 am
Welcome! Check out the gamers tavern form for games. If you can't get into a game soon then post in the gamers tavern that you are looking for a game. There are usually people that will help you out.

As for PbP tips. Keep in mind that it is slowwwwww. It takes forever to do combat. Sometimes weeks for a single combat. Also the first game you join may not work out. It may take some time to find a stable group. Also characters don't level up very quickly in most games. So don't think about high levels if you are starting out at first level. Just enjoy the character at the level he/she is at.
Mar 12, 2018 4:56 am
Slow is fine. I've actually got a game mostly written that's super long. It's built for in-person and has quite a bit of combat. Once I play here enough, I'll see if I can adapt it to flow better.
Cyphers in 5e would be really cool, I think, and add some variety to the game.
I think technically there are already quite a few cyphers, such as the luck blade. It only works up to three times, but the book says that it has likely already been used a few by the time players find it. So I don't think the idea is even that foreign to the game.
Mar 12, 2018 2:31 pm
Hello and welcome!

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