Ok he is a quick back story for the Warfordged. I haven't figured out what class he wilm be yet but most likely a fighter class. Maybe a seeker or avenger?
Nickalia Von Seydewitz Comes from a very upper class family.
Nickalia descided to travel the lands and adventure to spread the notoriety of his family name.
His adventures we spoken from town to town.
His last adventure he was battling a sorcerer in a deep underground dugeon. He was taunting the Sorcerer as they battled. He belittled and kept speaking about how the Von Seydewitz name was more powerful then the child magics of the Sorcery. This made the Evil Sorcerer extremely mad and he disappeared in a ball of light which flashed and engulfed the whole room.
Nickalia had passed out and when he woke up he there was a note on his chest plate "Your soul is a hollow as your armor. Enjoy eternity being one and the same"
Nickalia stood up to an empty room covered in dust and cobwebs. He began dusting himself off and tried to remove his armor. The armor would not remove. No matter what he did he could not remove it.
He tried to get out of the dungeon but he was sealed up. He spent the next couple of years by himself trying to dig out of the dugeon. Without anyone to talk with he slowly went mad. The reality he once knew was no more. He started talking to himself and answering himself. He never noticed that he never needed food or water.
Finally one day he was able break through the ground. Excited and happy he pulled himself out of the hole and danced around. Laughing and singing he noticed some people from the road were saying at him. He stopped and started to appoach then hiwever they screamed and ran away.
This confused him but he descided to start walking. Soon he came upon a river. He saw the water and thought that he should be thirsty and water sounds really good. He ran to the water and started to scoop the water into his mouth quicky, when he saw his reflection. He saw a Warfordged. He started to touch his faces as he looked at himself. Shocked he realized what happen... And then completely went mad. He stood up and strted waving his hands "NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN NEVER HAPPEN TO A VON SEYDEWITZ!" He started getting mud from the river and smearing on his face to try covering up the armor until the face is covered and then he will start laughing hysterically.
Playing this character will have to be in denial that he is a Warfordged. Time has passed since the river scene.
He will not acknowledge that he is a Warfordged and just say his armor is stuck on.
He will have painted face and body that is done to look like flesh. Not to bad in the front but gets worse at the back because can't reach spots. When in town he will always look for more paint.
He will eat food with the group and announce that he is hungry. He will spend money on rations.
He will drink water and announce he is thirsty.
He will be loud to excuse himself to pee and make bowel movement.
He will also act they he so tired and needs sleep. He will make snoring noises that sound really fake.
He will act that he is hot when it is hot out or cold when it is cold out. He will wipe fake sweat and shake if chilly.
He will act out of breath if running.
If he is in water he will act like he is drowing if head under water.
Also he will talk about Von Seydewitz like everyone should know it however no one will. When he awoke in the dungeon it was 500 years later.
Last edited August 3, 2015 4:18 pm