Alrighty, I'll put the finishing touches on it. For now, I'll reward those who were looking to get involved. Here's a little taste of what I have in store. (Please comment with your thoughts, as you will be playing one of these)
The Hunter - Level 1 Commoner
STR 14, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 12
HP: 7; BAB +0; Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +0
Skills: Climb (1 rank); Proficiency (Club, no armor, no shields)
Feature: Take Me Instead! (use: 1/game)
If the enemy’s attack would kill one of your friends, you can move up to 30 ft.
as an immediate action and try to replace them with yourself. If you are close
enough at the end of that movement, the attack roll is weighed against your
AC instead of your friend’s. Even if the attack roll fails, the feature is spent.
You enter the friend’s space, and they are moved 5 ft. in any direction you like.
Feature: Power Ball (use: 1/day)
You can take a -1 penalty on a melee attack to gain a +2 bonus on damage.
If you are using two hands, this bonus becomes +3 instead.
Feature: Gimme a Boost! (use: 3/day)
If you give someone a boost when they’re trying to climb,
they may roll Climb as if they were you.
Feature: Improvised Weapon (use: at will)
Any object heavy enough that you can pick up and bludgeon with,
you can use as a club, if a proper weapon is not available.
The Butterfly - Level 1 Commoner
STR 10, DEX 12, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 14
HP: 7; BAB +0; Fort +1; Ref +1; Will -1
Skills: Craft (1 rank), Knowledge (nobility, 1 rank); Proficiency (Wooden stake, no armor, no shields)
Feature: Spare Them (use: 1/game)
Touch a target creature, which must make a Will save. If they fail,
their attacks only deal nonlethal damage until the end of the next round.
Feature: Hey, Look at Me! (use: 1/day)
Even though you are untrained in Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate,
you may use this ability to give yourself a +5 bonus the next time you roll one
of these three skills.
Feature: Pretty Flash (use: 3/day)
Spend one use of this ability to cause one humanoid creature in 30 ft.
to become dazed. They are not stunned, but cannot take any actions
for 1 round. After a creature has been dazed by this feature,
it is immune to the effects for 1 minute.
Feature: Buck Up (use: at will)
Inspire your friend to do better, by granting them a +1 on their next roll.
This feature can be applied to any kind of roll.
The Priest - Level 1 Commoner
STR 10, DEX 10, CON 8, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 12
HP: 6; BAB +0; Fort +0; Ref +0; Will +1
Skills: Bluff (1 rank), Diplomacy (1 rank), Knowledge (religion, 1 rank), Sense Motive (1 rank); Proficiency (Dagger, no armor, no shields)
Feature: Everybody Out, Now! (use: 1/game)
As a standard action, you can create a 30 ft. radius emanation centered on you.
Until the end of next round, every friend caught in the radius can make one extra
attack per turn, gains a +1 attack bonus and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex
saves, and their land speed increases by 30 ft.
The cost is severe: both you and all enemies in range are staggered, and must choose whether to take a move or standard, take a -1 attack penalty, -1 AC, and -1 on Reflex saves, and move at half normal speed.
Feature: No Need To Fight (use: 1/day)
As a standard action, you can cause yourself or a creature you touch
to vanish from sight, along with anything on their person or in their hands.
The creature remains hidden yet audible until the end of the next round.
Feature: Let’s Think About This (use: 3/day)
As a standard action, you can create a 60 ft. cone that lasts for 1 minute.
In this emanation, you can detect whether the source of a scary light/image,
sound, smell, or otherwise sensation is just your imagination, supernatural,
or has a logical explanation.
Feature: Be Prepared (use: at will)
As a standard action, you can create a 10-foot-radius field of protection
centered on you that lasts for 2 rounds. You and all friends in that range
receive a +1 deflection bonus to their armor class.
The Ragged - Level 1 Commoner
STR 12, DEX 12, CON 10, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 8
HP: 6; BAB +0; Fort +0; Ref +1; Will +2
Skills: Knowledge (local, 1 rank), Use Magic Device (1 rank); Proficiency (Morningstar, no armor, no shields)
Feature: Ambling Shuffle (use: 1/game)
For 10 minutes, you gain a 30 ft. climb speed and a +8 Climb skill bonus.
In addition, as long as you have 10 feet of space to make a running start,
you can make a long jump of up to 10 feet without making an Acrobatics check.
Feature: Adrenaline (use: 1/day)
For 1 minute, gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity,
or Constitution. For 30 minutes after this feature ends, you lose the bonus,
and also suffer a -2 penalty to whatever you boosted.
Feature: Stinking Cloud (use: 3/day)
As a standard action, you can create a 5 ft. radius cloud around you.
It persists for 3 rounds, and you can move it 20 ft. per round.
Creatures inside the cloud take a -2 penalty on attack rolls and Perception
skill checks for as long as they remain inside and for 1 round after exiting.
Creatures inside gain concealment from attacks made by opponents
that are not adjacent to them.
Feature: Take No Prisoners (use: at will)
Whenever you attack a creature that is unaware of your actions, add +1d6 dmg.
The Oracle - Level 1 Commoner
STR 8, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 10
HP: 8; BAB +0; Fort +2; Ref +1; Will +1
Skills: Handle Animal (1 rank), Knowledge (nature, 1 rank); Proficiency (Spear, no armor, no shields)
Feature: Last One (use: 1/game)
If you would die as the result of an enemy attack, you are instead brought up
to 1 hp, but remain unconscious for 1 minute. When you wake up, the enemy
who attacked you will have moved on, presuming you to be dead.
Feature: Stop This, Now! (use: 1/day)
As a standard action, the target humanoid is paralyzed until the end of the
next round. If you choose to spend your daily on a friend, they are not paralyzed.
Instead, you may heal the friend for 2d8 HP.
Feature: Please, Be Safe! (use: 3/day)
As a standard action, you can grant all your friends 1d6 HP.
They must be within a 30 ft. radius of you to gain benefit.
If any enemies are caught within that radius at the time of activation,
they are stunned for 1 round and may take 1d6 damage, if they are
the right kind of enemy. You won’t know who is affected this way until
you try it out.
Feature: Word of Warning (use: at will)
As a standard action, you can grant a friend a +1 resistance bonus on saves.
There is no need to grant this to yourself, because it is already active on you
at all times. After this ability has been used, you lose your own bonus for
1 minute, then regain it.
Last edited Jun 7, 2018 1:45 am