The email problems from Gamersplane to it's users, isn't completely on Keleth. Almost any major service (Gmail, Yahoo, Office365) allows emails through if you follow their recommended practices on allowing emails through, this seems to fix it 100% of the time I have helped anyone with it. Basically things like adding the email address to your contact list, etc. I am an IT guy and deal with this kind of crap all the time, so getting people to do these things on their own time is one of the biggest problems faced by people trying to deliver products. People assume problems are always someone else, even when simple steps by them can alleviate the problem.
From my research for Keleth, he has done about all he can for email unless he wants to start dropping thousands more dollars at it.
Now as far as the topic goes, when I actually start running a couple of games on here, I will plan for losing players, as it is the internet and they don't have to face the music for walking away from the proverbial table as it were.
Last edited September 16, 2015 8:27 pm