Chapter 1, Day 1 Afternoon: Drellen's Ferry

Aug 17, 2015 12:44 pm
Map of Elsir Vale

Map of Drellen's Ferry

The road descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.

A group of armed townsfolk - three in leather, one in mail - stands guard, watching you warily, "Halt and state your business, strangers," one of the guards says.

You are located at just before the "I" on the bottom right of the Map of Drellen's Ferry
Aug 17, 2015 4:46 pm
"We are traveling and simply are looking for a place to rest and heal our wounds. We were attacked by Hobgoblins not far from here." the wizard states flatly. He's too tired and famished to show much emotion other than weariness.
Aug 17, 2015 10:56 pm
"A lively place with fine ale would do wonders right about now. We've had a rough day." I stand a little straighter, grimacing through the pain of my wounds, but managing to maintain eye contact with the townsfolk. "The name's Xara, by the way. Perhaps you have heard of me?"
Last edited Aug 17, 2015 10:57 pm


Persuasion - (1d20+1)

(15) + 1 = 16

Aug 18, 2015 12:12 pm
The man in front of the guards, a burly fellow in scale mail with a curling mustache, nods and says, "Killed some goblins? Good. Bands of those murderous savages have been skulking near town for days now. You're lucky you came through it! As for a place to rest, the Old Bridge Inn is just ahead, on your left. Or, if you prefer, try the Green Apple, on the other side of the square. I like the Old Bridge myself." He steps to the side, and the three militia-men with him do the same, "Of course, you're also free to enter Drellen's Ferry."

On the map of Drellen's Ferry, Old Bridge Inn is 10, Green Apple is 4
Aug 18, 2015 8:07 pm
Pleased with the welcome we are given, I smile and nod slightly to the guards after double checking that my holy symbol is still hung around my neck, displayed on my chest. As we pass the guards, I voice my vote, "If the town guards speak highly of the place, I think we should try that one."
On our way to the inn, I survey our surroundings, particularly the "town square" across the street from the inn


Perception (just in case) - (1d20+1)

(15) + 1 = 16

Aug 18, 2015 8:26 pm
As you walk down the road towards the Old Bridge Inn you pass by an open area of green grass and a few sparse trees. Children are running around playing and farmers have set up small stalls and are selling fruits and other fresh food. This must be the town square, or "The Green" as you overhear a few children who hurriedly push past you on their way to join their friends call it. As you pass by the one intersection before the Inn you notice two other things. A general store called "Jarett's Sundries" on the left and the town speaker's house on the right. Before long you are standing before the Old Bridge Inn. It is a nice building, and relatively well kept. You notice several horses are tied up outside and that the interior looks to be bustling. This is probably the more popular of the two inns, and seems to be frequented by travellers and other visitors to the small town.

Across the street you notice another building that sticks out from the rest. It's a stone tower some thirty feet high with a wood sign marked "Armory" and a single, bored looking, guard standing out front.

Area 2 is The Green. Jarret's Sundries is 11, and the Town Speaker's House is 3. The armory is 9
Aug 18, 2015 8:55 pm
The "Jarret's Sundries" sign piques my interest as I wonder if there are supplies we will be needing. I make a mental note to bring that Noticing the stone tower marked "Armory", I wonder out loud, "A public armory?" before continuing into the bustling inn with the rest of the group.
Aug 19, 2015 1:41 am
"Given our run in on the road, keeping a public armory seems like a smart idea," Zaris says to Kaiakas. "I wonder if there is a library around here?" he says aloud, mostly to himself. Zaris is still interested in reading up more on the silver concoction used on the were beast back weeks ago. And besides, one can learn a lot about an area by seeing what books they have collected.

"You all go ahead into the Inn. I'm going to find the library and see what I can learn about silvering weapons and perhaps a bit more about this Tiamat fellow in these parts." Zaris wanders off back towards the guards to have them point him in the right direction.
Aug 19, 2015 2:09 am
I take a look around, breathing in the hustle and bustle of the town. I can't help but wonder- if I were to, say, practice my craft... who would the best targets be? As I enter the inn, I nonchalantly look around in earnest.


Perception- any fat wallets around? - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Aug 19, 2015 2:53 pm
"A library sounds like a good idea Zaris, I think I'll join you and see if I can't find out anything more on Tiamat." I wearily gather up my supplies and join the Mage in the search for knowledge
Aug 19, 2015 3:23 pm
The Old Bridge Inn
Inside the inn isn't full yet, but it's quite busy for late afternoon. A halfling is pouring drinks and serving people from behind the bar and a couple halflings and half-elves are delivering drinks and food to those seated at tables. A couple games of cards are underway in the back corners, and a few tables near the door are empty.

As Xara looks around for a mark one of the halfling servers brushes past her and gently touches her hand, "Hello doll. It's a seat yourselves establishment. I'll be with you all shortly." Her expertise and fluency in thieves cant gives Xara a more thorough message: thievery will not be tolerated within the Inn, and her hands should be kept to herself.

To the Library?
The guard looks at Zaris quizzically, "A library? You're in the backwater friend, we've got no library here. Closest thing I can think of is paying a visit to Sertieren the Wise, he lives in the manor house at the north edge of town. Just follow the road until it reaches the woods. Kids'll tell you its haunted. Seriteren may be old but he's not dead. Just dislikes company."

Following the directions, the pair of you reach an old manor-house sitting right on the shore of the river. After rapping on the door, a middle-aged halfling wearing spectacles with a white-grey disheveled mop of hair flings open the door and sizes you up, "What and who are you?"

Sertieren's manor is location 7
Aug 20, 2015 3:44 am
I give the halfling a nod and a smile. I am fully capable of playing nice. I should probably save my skills for a more difficult task anyway. Parting drunk half-elves from their gold is child's play.

I immediately head towards the back right corner of the room to where the card games are being played. My goal is to listen in on the latest gossip. I'm especially curious as to whether anyone else is aware of the sort of dangers that await us in the woods.


Investigation? - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Aug 20, 2015 12:07 pm
"Sentiern the Wise I presume?" Zaris says with the utmost respect. "We were directed to you by the town's guard. We've come from a rather respectable distance and were attacked by hobgoblins during our travels. One of them carried an artifact we believe to associated with the dragon god Tiamat and we were hoping to ask for your insight."


Charisma - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Aug 20, 2015 3:14 pm
Not understanding the exchange between the thieves, I watch Xara walk toward the card games and find a table nearby where I can watch her. Should someone come by for my order, I will get a simple meal with a small glass of wine.
Aug 20, 2015 3:38 pm
The Old Bridge Inn

Kaiakas is soon served by a young halfling woman with a bright smile and curly blonde hair. The meal is warm, the bread relatively fresh - no more than a day old - and the meat has a flavour different from gravel. All nice changes from the usual roadside inn fare that he has, perhaps unfortunately, gotten used to recently.

Xara watches intently as a couple of dwarves and humans play a few hands of three dragon ante. It's a relatively simple game, but one of the dwarves, a burly fellow with a nice overcoat and several silver rings on his fingers, seems to be dominating the table. The conversation at the table is mostly about whether or not the dwarf is cheating. On occasion, their curses and remarks suggest that the townsfolk here are deeply worried about increased frequency of hobgoblin attacks. One remark from the nicely dressed dwarf sums up the general sentiment, "Another round to me. Keep up the bidding guys, I am in no hurry to get back on the road to Brindol and the more gold you lose to me the longer I can stay here and away from hobgoblin brigands."

Sentiern's Manor

The halfling shrugs, steps aside and with a gesture invites you into his home. He sits you down in a comfortable sitting area and with a waggle of his finger a cup of tea floats from an adjacent room into your hands. He sits himself in a larger, more comfortable chair and only then does he engage your question, "Hobgoblins are not news around here, unfortunately. But Tiamat, that is news. Show me this artifact and tell me what you know."
Aug 20, 2015 3:52 pm
I toss him the symbol of Tiamat with an easy underhand. "I s'pose its a good thing we were the ones on the road, else they'd have succeeded in their ambush." I look around at the books, idly wondering if there's a forgotten tome that could aid me in getting rid of my demonic obligation
Aug 20, 2015 8:31 pm
"The hobgoblins had no provocation from us and Tiamat is a god; could there be a following of that multiple headed beast? Zaris asks smiling at the cup of tea that flew into the room.
Aug 20, 2015 8:43 pm
Sentiern's Manor

The halfling frowns as he examines the holy symbol. He snaps his fingers and a dusty history book flies off a shelf into his hands. He flips the pages and his frown deepens, "Yes. I had thought as much. Centuries ago, when the Elsir Vale was the kingdom of Rhestilor, there was a cult who worshipped Tiamat that took up residence in the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. A group of adventurers eventually chased them from the mountains. I am not surprised that bits of their influence remain, even after centuries. A shrine, a temple, even a few scattered relics amongst the rocks, can be enough to spark faith in even the most monstrous of creatures. These things, especially when combined with legends, can also attract the faithful to seek them out." The symbol floats casually across the room to Rurik.
Aug 21, 2015 2:20 am
Zaris turns to Rurik as the symbol floats gently towards him. "Then it would seem we have stumbled into something most sinister here my friends," he says with a frown. He leans back in his seat and motions to Sentiern to look at the book further.
Aug 21, 2015 12:09 pm
Sentiern's Manor

Sentiern shrugs, "There isn't much more here to learn. The dragon cult was squashed centuries ago, and that was the last significant activity of Tiamat worship in this area. My best guess is that these hobgoblin worshippers of Tiamat came here because of legends of the old cult. That, or they were already here and found some artifact or something and deciding to change faiths... of course, it could also be a coincidence that this holy symbol was on a hobgoblin priest and a cult of the dragon used to inhabit Wyrmsmoke." He closes the book and sets it on a side table, then folds his arms into his lap, "These things are rarely a coincidence. Is there anything else I can help with?"
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