Oct 17, 2014 8:47 pm
Obviously as I design this site, I know how things function. I neglected that you guys may not get it at first glance. To help with that, I've created an FAQs section! Hopefully it'll help clarify details that may not be clear.
... Where is it? What do you mean, where is it? Invisible of course! To make my life easier, and to enlist help from others, I've created an ACP. I don't exactly have questions filled out yet (there's a thread in site discussions if you have suggestions); once I have a few setup, I'll make the FAQs visible and when new people register, direct them to the FAQs to start.
... Where is it? What do you mean, where is it? Invisible of course! To make my life easier, and to enlist help from others, I've created an ACP. I don't exactly have questions filled out yet (there's a thread in site discussions if you have suggestions); once I have a few setup, I'll make the FAQs visible and when new people register, direct them to the FAQs to start.