WalkerOfSorrow says:
I've heard bits and pieces about it. I know that Stars Without Number has its basis in Traveller, and that some people have lost characters during cc because of a backstory death. Ultimately, I don't really know much.
I think that there are a few things to know about before jumping into Traveller:
1. This is a game in the OSR spirit! Characters are pretty flimsy and death is a real possibility. Running away is an important option to consider. Also, the story will be emergent rather than plotted out from the beginning. I have no idea what the story of this game will be, only what cool toys I've buried in the sandbox.
2. Characters are mostly mechanically formed after character creation. You can gradually learn new skills and such, but you're mostly full-formed. There is no D&D style character advancement, no levels to gain, no new powers to unlock. In that regard it is fairly realistic, but if you enjoy that part of RPGs then it will be conspicuously absent.
3. Character creation is a mini-game that is highly random. You can attempt to enlist in the Navy or apply to University for example, but the success of those attempts and their outcomes are subject to the dice. You will end up with a series of successes and failures and a backstory already generated by the end. Maybe you had dreams of becoming a captain of a starship in the Navy but end up pissing off your superiors and get stuck peeling potatoes planetside for most of your career. In older versions you have to roll to survive each round of the mini-game, which is harder to do in the military career than in, say, a medical professional career.
Many people find this fun but its not for everyone. If you like character builds, or planning out a particular set of synergies between abilities and classes then you won't get much of that in Traveller.
4. Capitalism and a strongly stratified class system are both heavily entrenched in the game's default setting. Mega corporations are as powerful as governments, and your social standing can be quite restrictive. However, it looks like the group is leaning towards a more frontier exploration game, which will probably limit the importance of these features.