Hello! BECMI Interest, possibly other systems

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Jul 2, 2018 8:42 pm
Hello all,

I am 40+ and am looking to get into an old school revitalisation game as a DM and/or player.

About me. I have been playing for more than 30 years, non-stop, without food or water. Except that I got married, had kids, and got a full time job. But I still play here and there.

I have been playing pathfinder in live gaming and play by post. The play by post games I am in are the most fun I have had (both real and online) and I got thinking that red-box system would be interesting to get back into in this slow format. Since I also have a family, hunting around for RL games is not as convenient as it used to be.

This is just an introductory post as I join the forums, not a recruitment post. I will set up the game itself once I learn how. It would be great to say hello to some of you, and I look forward to being a member of this community. The rest of the post below is my plans, and I am open to feedback about any of it.

As a DM:
I am new to DMing in PBP, but not new to it in real life.

Rough plans: Start a game from level 1, intending to run in campaign mode.
System: BECMI (original D&D ~ basic expert companion masters immortal) from 1983
Number of Players: 1-6 (ideally around 4 but I am flexible)
Module: B2-Keep on the borderlands
Pace: 1 post daily, 1 post on weekends as a rule of thumb. (This is the standard that I have seen in Pathfinder PbP, but I have no experience in this forum to know if the pace is different)
Type of game: Campaign mode, linking published modules with some wilderness travel, exploration, and crafting as the party wishes

Full Description:
I am interested in running B2-Keep on the borderlands with a group of players. Any experience level is welcome. I say campaign mode because I would like to expand from B2 into additional modules, and would like to use wilderness/travel rules if that does not get too onerous in the PBP format. As above, crafting and wilderness travel can be incorporated. I think the published modules typically have rules for going back to town during the adventures.

More details will follow!

I expect that with the long format of PbP there could be some cycling of party members over time. I will deal with restocking the party, and will be open to referrals. I think as long as we have at least one party member, hirelings could be brought along to fill key roles. If at all possible a balanced party will be good, but knowing how old the system is I have no sense of how many players are interested.

I can be convinced of incorporating D&D Cyclopedia, I just do not know anything about what that has added to the original 5 boxes.

As a Player:
My very strong preference is to try playing BECMI as a player, and exploring that. Browsing open games, I did not see any old school original D&D games, but will look again. If such a game exists, amazing!

I will likely browse around for other games, and if I make contacts I would be open to playing in other systems. I do have a strong knowledge of pathfinder already, as well as some of the earlier editions of D&D, shadowrun, and miscellaneous other game systems. I am intending to run one campaign game as a DM, and possibly to play in one oldschool game if I can find it.

I look forward to meeting many of you, and I hope none of you mind the long intro post!
Last edited July 3, 2018 4:31 am
Jul 2, 2018 8:48 pm
Welcome to GP, glad to have you aboard! I love me some old-school gaming, so I really hope that you find players for the game you want to run :)
Jul 2, 2018 9:23 pm
Thank you, I really appreciate the welcome!
Jul 2, 2018 9:31 pm
Welcome Lemon! Always good to see someone who knows what they're looking for. I'm not positive about finding a game as a player just yet in an older system, but I'm sure you'll find players. Once you feel a bit more settled, may be worthwhile to make 2 posts in the Games Tavern, if you haven't already, one for your looking for players, one for your looking for a game (could just be the same content as above).
Jul 2, 2018 9:56 pm
Keleth says:
Welcome Lemon! Always good to see someone who knows what they're looking for. I'm not positive about finding a game as a player just yet in an older system, but I'm sure you'll find players. Once you feel a bit more settled, may be worthwhile to make 2 posts in the Games Tavern, if you haven't already, one for your looking for players, one for your looking for a game (could just be the same content as above).
Thanks Keleth! Great recommendations. I’ve started this project with the above in mind - I figured as a player it would be tough to find a game like what I want. Luckily, I do enjoy being the DM (You get to play every character in the world, except for the ones the PCs are playing).

This looks like a great site as well. I feel fortunate to have found it, and I am looking forward to reading games in progress (assuming that I can).

I will take your advice when ready and post in the games tavern. I have started creating my game already, and am doing some tests as we speak.
Jul 2, 2018 10:07 pm
Welcome Lemon. Your not the only one to express interest in BECMI, I recall an interest checking post a few weeks ago.

I first bought the red box in grade 5 maybe, buying it at a local drug store in their modest games section. Played a fair bit with my friends over the next two years, and then very little until adulthood when I went full bore and haven't stopped.
Jul 2, 2018 10:19 pm
Lemon says:
This looks like a great site as well. I feel fortunate to have found it, and I am looking forward to reading games in progress (assuming that I can).
I'm glad you're liking it. And yes, you can always read any public game!
Jul 2, 2018 10:26 pm
Qralloq says:
Welcome Lemon. Your not the only one to express interest in BECMI, I recall an interest checking post a few weeks ago.

I first bought the red box in grade 5 maybe, buying it at a local drug store in their modest games section. Played a fair bit with my friends over the next two years, and then very little until adulthood when I went full bore and haven't stopped.
That is great to know! I will search for the post.

For myself, something similar. I don’t know if I owned a copy of masters when I was a kid, but I had the first three. Recently I found the masters and immortal sets in a discount bin and picked them up. Reading all of the books again with new eyes, the system still looks pretty strong. There is more focus on seige warfare than I recalled, but we likely just skipped that at the time.
Jul 3, 2018 1:33 am
Hello and welcome!

If it wasn't for the fact that I'm already in plenty of games, I would be tempted to start my own OSR game with Swords & Six-Siders.
Jul 7, 2018 2:48 am
Thanks! Nice to meet you all, including new posts from kalajel and Phil_Ozzy_Fer.

I don't know Swords and Six-Siders, but will make a mental note to check it out.

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