unique_exemplar says:
I'm making my ranger, but I have a few questions about starting equipment. If I only start out with 600 gil, and the cheapest firearm is 320 gil, then I have only the one until later? Wasn't sure if this was a "pick your starting equipment and here's money for other stuff" type of game.
Also, starting level 1 I assume?
Lastly, where is the game taking place? I assumed Midgar/Edge?
If I remember correctly, i gave everyone 1200 more gil...? I can't remember exactly, but i did add on more gil for starter equipment, do look thru the ooc chat to cnfm how much :)
Yup, lvl 1 :)
And yeap! Midgar/Edge, maybe abit of wutai if i find interesting ideas for it, but mainly midgar and edge :)