Feng Shui. Feng Shui solves everything.
But no, seriously, the 1st edition of Feng Shui could basically be described as 'the second best system to run everything in'. I've done Star Wars in it, Gundam, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Mechwarrior, Avengers/Marvel, Call of Cthulu, zombie apocalypse survival, Ranma 1/2 and even a Tekken universe game.
You might need to do some campaign specific changes, especially if you want to do something as over the top as DBZ, but the core system does pretty well at combining martial arts, guns, magic and cybernetics.
I keep hemming and hawing over suggesting it as the next character sheet option to support on the site but it's A) under used and B) the custom sheets work just fine since there's not a lot of stuff that's needed for any particular character.
Last edited July 11, 2019 7:44 pm