Ravenloft 5e: Looking for Players

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Jul 10, 2018 1:10 pm
I'm running and playing in a bunch of weird systems :p and have decided I want to run some good old fashioned D&D 5e.
So onto the game:-
Starting Lvl 1. Leveling will be fast up till 3 then slow down a little until 7 then a much more normal pace.
23 point buy, all official Wotc content allowed. The Ravenloft we will be playing in is gritty and desperate so try and keep characters inline with that.
This Ravenloft will also draw some inspiration from the MTG set Innistrad because that set is sweet.
Here's the blurb:
The midnight hour strikes as the shrill howl echoes across the wood. Ill-equipped peasants clutch pitchforks and improvised spears and pray to a dead god that the wolves pick other poor fools to hunt. They pretend not to notice the blood-stained eyes leering from the black woodland and the sweeping shadows of darkness punctuated by twisted sharp smiles. The moans grow loud as the fences strain against the weight of the recently departed. Then all hell breaks loose and the battle erupts as every force of darkness breaks free. You close your eyes and hope you'll be the lucky ones. As the sun peeks over the horizon you open your eyes after hours of terrified cowering. You lock eyes and decide this will be the last time you ever lie in fear.
Jul 10, 2018 2:46 pm
Peasants empowering themselves? I can get into that. :P
Jul 10, 2018 3:04 pm
If your interested just post a character idea and I'll add you to the game
Jul 10, 2018 4:40 pm
I'm thinking of a human or half-elf hexblade. I haven't played a mix of magic and stabbing in a while.
What racial options are available?
Jul 10, 2018 5:21 pm
I’m interested. I like the idea of a human (variant) thief with the magic initiate feat that becomes an arcane trickster.
Jul 10, 2018 5:26 pm
Have been looking to run a Cleric in 5e (mostly do rogue or warlock) Drunken Dwarf trying to get his life back together has found the church.
Jul 10, 2018 10:21 pm
I’m interested, would be thinking of a crossbow wielding fighter, probably human
Last edited Jul 10, 2018 10:22 pm
Jul 11, 2018 3:09 am
Here's a link to the game:
Jul 11, 2018 6:08 pm
This sounds very dark and gritty. My fav.....so I sort of already applied! Need a paladin who takes his responsibility to destroy evil too seriously? Most of my character have a bit of a jokester personality, I'm looking to play someone a bit more severe. He's probably a dwarf...
Last edited Jul 11, 2018 6:09 pm
Jul 11, 2018 8:55 pm
Sounds like a good opportunity for a Divine Soul Sorcerer

Accustomed to living in squalor on the streets, Everett Wilton learned the hard way that he had to fight for anything he needed. It was a hard, dishonest life but he knew no different after his mother (he never knew his elven father) died of consumption. There was never enough food and it was always cold.

But everything changed one night -- whether he was suffering from a fever or from something less understandable -- he suddenly felt warmth flowing through him and he had a moment of clarity. He heard no voices, but he felt something touch his mind and he felt a calling to change his ways and fight for others instead of just for himself. Suddenly he was empowered by magic. Never one to be strong, it was a good thing, as his brawn would never allow him to be a champion. He would find others to fight alongside and he would free the land from the curse it was under.
Jul 11, 2018 9:37 pm
I'm seeing my hexblade as the son of a wealthy family that had its own curses. Soren will not allow evil to take anyone else's loved ones from them like it took his. He will use his sword skills to take revenge on the darkness and save lives in the process but the family curse still courses through his veins and taints him with its powers. The ancient sword he uses also has taints and powers of its own.
Jul 11, 2018 10:27 pm
So this is just a raven loft setting game and not curse of strahd?
Jul 11, 2018 11:12 pm
Just now noticed the interest thread for this but had applied to the game before seeing it. I'm definitely interested in joining this game. Initial idea would be a hunter-gatherer/trapper type who, after the battle, looks to turn her skills to hunting the beasts/creatures that attacked to begin with, instead of just hunting simple forest creatures for food/hide/etc. I was thinking a human Ranger with favored enemy (beasts) and favored terrain/natural explorer (forest) on the flavor of the previously mentioned hunting lifestyle. I can fill this out more now if you would like me to do so.

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