Jul 28, 2018 11:00 pm
I'm interested in running a zombie apocalypse themed game using the Tiny Wastelands system written by Alan Bahr for Gallant Knight Games.
If you're unfamiliar with the Tiny d6 system, in the last few years they they successfully kickstarted a space opera system called Tiny Frontiers, as well as a reskinning 2nd Edition of the Tiny Dungeons game originally published by Smoking Salamander. They recently ran a successful Kickstarter for their Post Apocalyptic themed setting called Tiny Wastelands, and while backers haven't received their physical books yet, we have received our digital copies and having read through it, I'd like to give it a try.
If anyone is familiar with the other Tiny d6 games, Tiny Wastelands is more or less the same rules as the other games in the GKG line. If you're not familiar with the Tiny d6 system, character creation is a really easy and fast process, and the rules are simple to learn and play.
You basically pick a character "archetype" that sort of defines what your character "does" occupationally, pick three traits for your character that gives your character a bit of personality and uniqueness as well as provides a bonus to certain for rolls or some other benefit, and pick what sort of weapons they're good at fighting with. During game play, any time your character has to do something where success isn't certain, they roll 2d6. If either die rolls a 5 or 6, they succeed. Sometimes the character is at a disadvantage and can only roll 1d6. Sometimes characters have an advantage in a situation and roll 3d6. That's more or less the rules. Everything else can be explained or hashed out as we go, so new players shouldn't be any problem at all, and I've made a couple of homebrew "tweaks" that I've used with the Tiny Dungeon and Tiny Frontiers versions, which I think make the game a little more balanced, but nothing drastic or gameplay altering.
Since I just finished reading through the rules, and am excited to see how this particular version of the Tiny d6 game system plays, I will probably start out using a pre-made zombie apocalypse module I enjoy running at first, just to get us started out quickly, though we may very well abandon the module if we go off the rails. The game can be pretty lethal, depending on how cast and loose you play your characters in dangerous situations, and also because you start out as everyday joes with common iccupations and mundane backgrounds. But because characters are simple to make, it doesn't take too much effort to write up a new survivor and jump back into the action if you wish to continue.
Anyone interested in a zombie apocalypse game using a simple d6 system?
If you're unfamiliar with the Tiny d6 system, in the last few years they they successfully kickstarted a space opera system called Tiny Frontiers, as well as a reskinning 2nd Edition of the Tiny Dungeons game originally published by Smoking Salamander. They recently ran a successful Kickstarter for their Post Apocalyptic themed setting called Tiny Wastelands, and while backers haven't received their physical books yet, we have received our digital copies and having read through it, I'd like to give it a try.
If anyone is familiar with the other Tiny d6 games, Tiny Wastelands is more or less the same rules as the other games in the GKG line. If you're not familiar with the Tiny d6 system, character creation is a really easy and fast process, and the rules are simple to learn and play.
You basically pick a character "archetype" that sort of defines what your character "does" occupationally, pick three traits for your character that gives your character a bit of personality and uniqueness as well as provides a bonus to certain for rolls or some other benefit, and pick what sort of weapons they're good at fighting with. During game play, any time your character has to do something where success isn't certain, they roll 2d6. If either die rolls a 5 or 6, they succeed. Sometimes the character is at a disadvantage and can only roll 1d6. Sometimes characters have an advantage in a situation and roll 3d6. That's more or less the rules. Everything else can be explained or hashed out as we go, so new players shouldn't be any problem at all, and I've made a couple of homebrew "tweaks" that I've used with the Tiny Dungeon and Tiny Frontiers versions, which I think make the game a little more balanced, but nothing drastic or gameplay altering.
Since I just finished reading through the rules, and am excited to see how this particular version of the Tiny d6 game system plays, I will probably start out using a pre-made zombie apocalypse module I enjoy running at first, just to get us started out quickly, though we may very well abandon the module if we go off the rails. The game can be pretty lethal, depending on how cast and loose you play your characters in dangerous situations, and also because you start out as everyday joes with common iccupations and mundane backgrounds. But because characters are simple to make, it doesn't take too much effort to write up a new survivor and jump back into the action if you wish to continue.
Anyone interested in a zombie apocalypse game using a simple d6 system?