Burning Wheel Tutorial Game

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Aug 6, 2018 4:44 pm

Have you ever wondered what this"Burning Wheel"-thing is all about?

Perhaps you've heard a mix of very bad and very good things about it?

Well, come learn the truth.

In response to some interest expressed in the GM mentoring thread, and in the interest of expanding the BWG plsyer-base, I am going to run a Tutorial game.

My intent is not to run an "actual" BWG game, but rather to walk through the basic processes: world-burning, campaign-burning, character-burning, and some examples of actual play, all the while focusing on theory discussion, and mechanics.

Ideally this shouldn't require the activity level of an "actual" game, and so I'd encourage anyone and everyone who is curious about the system (whether for PbP OR IRL games) to check it out.

This includes experienced players of the system who feel like they could contribute to the discussion.

So yes, come one, come all, to the family's Burning Wheel Gold Tutorial Game!!
Aug 6, 2018 7:19 pm
I have absolutely zero experience with Burning Wheel, but I've heard nothing but good things. I would love to come along for the ride!
Aug 6, 2018 7:36 pm
Awesome. Stoked to see some interest.

I should probably mention that Burning Wheel has the basic rules for their system available for free. So source material availability should be no boundary for you!
Last edited Aug 6, 2018 7:42 pm
Aug 6, 2018 8:26 pm
Sweet, I'll grab a copy this evening. I'm a bit behind on learning the system for another game, but I'll get up and going as quickly as I can.
Aug 8, 2018 4:58 pm
I had a friend tell me I'd probably like this system, and lo and behold - Burning Wheel. I still don't know much about it, as the telling was fairly recent, but my interest is there.
Aug 10, 2018 2:54 am
This is awesome. May you create many converts, emsquared!

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