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Aug 12, 2018 6:33 am
I just joined because my regular group is on hiatus. I'm a single mom, so going to the game store after work to play doesn't really work for me either. I figured this would be a good way for me to play while still being able to work and mom. I've been playing and DMing for about 15 years. I started out with D&D 3E, and I've played and DMed a bit of every edition of D&D since. Most of my experience is with the d20 system. Currently Pathfinder is my system of choice. I'm looking forward to playing some games, meeting some people, and having a good time.

Best to you all.
Aug 12, 2018 8:28 am
Hi and welcome LadyBrash!
Aug 12, 2018 11:52 am
Welcome. If you enjoy PF, you should check out the PF 2E playtest material. There are some neat changes.
Last edited August 12, 2018 11:52 am
Aug 12, 2018 1:35 pm
Welcome! Many of us are in a similar boat where adulting has gotten in the way of the hobby we love. I hope you have fun
Aug 12, 2018 2:24 pm
Aug 12, 2018 8:09 pm
Welcome LadyBrash! You'll find a number of parents, new and veteran, who use play-by-post to supplement or replace their live gaming, so people who understand what's going on. Pathfinder is still growing on GP, but I've seen a bit about the 2.0 beta around!
Aug 12, 2018 11:45 pm
Welcome to the community!
Aug 13, 2018 1:17 am
Welcome LadyBrash. Parenthood is amazing but does get in the way of gaming, heh. Hope you find a great game (s)!
Aug 13, 2018 2:25 am
Aug 13, 2018 2:31 am
I saw you created a game. You may want to post in the Game Tavern to advertise it. Most people don't really pay attention to newly created games unless they are mentioned there.
Aug 13, 2018 5:33 am
Welcome, LadyBrash! Glad to have you here!

Shackled City sounds fun! I agree with Linus: it would be a good idea to advertise it at the Games Tavern. Happy gaming! :-)
Last edited August 13, 2018 5:35 am
Aug 13, 2018 3:26 pm
Hello and welcome to the site!
Aug 13, 2018 10:31 pm
Hello and welcome!

Also... "15 years ago... 3rd edition..." ...

Oh god, I feel old!
Aug 18, 2018 11:01 am
Welcome! This a great place for parents; everyone is very understanding when life temporarily slows you down. :) How old are your kids? Mine are 4, 7, and 11-week-old puppy. My furry baby is more work than the human ones right now.

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