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Aug 17, 2018 9:28 pm
Hi everybody,

Old RPer here, french-born and english speaking, currently looking for serious, roleplay- and writing-oriented mature gamers and creative DMs to play with. Mostly used to the D&D system (especially the original red boxset, AD&D 2nd edition, 3.5 and 5e... which is quickly becoming my favorite), but I'm open to try out any other games if the story and/or group are inspiring.

Hoping to be able to contribute, and by the way if there is a forum open for pure written fiction I'd also be interested.

That was that, hidee-oh and talk soon !

Aug 17, 2018 11:45 pm
I'm new here also, running my first ever PbP (5e)! Kinda loving it so far. Can update on my own schedule and can really delve into RP'ing aspect of the game.

If you are considering running a 5E game let me know. Looking to try out pbp from the other end of the "table" (or anyone else on this thread).
Aug 18, 2018 1:59 am
Hello and welcome! There is not shortage of 5e on the site so I think you'll definitely be able to whet your appetite.
Aug 18, 2018 12:54 pm
Welcome AshDrunbar. You sound like I may have been closed from you (save the 5e as a favorite bit, haha #editionwars).

I don't think there is a written fiction section here yet. There are authors on this site, and last week we started a writing group of sorts. But I think a fiction section would be amazing. We should create one, maybe a RPG fanfic thread and another for purely original work.
Aug 20, 2018 4:06 am
Hello and welcome!

French you say hmm? And looking for serious roleplay, mature, and writing-oriented? Hmm, I think my Urban shadow game might be up to your liking, and having a 4th player surely would not hurt...
Aug 20, 2018 4:47 pm
Welcome AshDrunbar! Someone else asked for a written fiction forum section recently, I just can't remember who. I'll be glad to set one up this evening when I'm home from work. As for writing oriented, I see a lot of that happening around here, and games definitely range from mature to silly, so I'm sure you'll find something on your mark there. And I have seen an uptick in people with an interest in older DnD systems, so there may be something there too...

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