FOC Soldier Intro

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Sep 6, 2018 12:26 pm
Knifesedgegames sent a note to Mainiac
Sep 6, 2018 12:30 pm
Elijah Sanity loss


Sanity loss (Elijah) - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Sep 6, 2018 3:41 pm


Sanity Check - (1d100)

(42) = 42

Sep 6, 2018 8:29 pm
Michael Sanity loss


Sanity loss (michael) - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Sep 23, 2018 1:35 pm
ooc: What's going on with the game right now?
Sep 23, 2018 4:02 pm
Sorry for the delay. I've been busy with other stuff. So the truck have just rammed this huge moving tree. You've all come away unscathed, mentally and physically, but what do you do now?
Sep 25, 2018 7:24 am
Ok, given the lack of input, I'm going to move this along...
Frozen in a mixture of fear and confusion, no-one acts. The huge branches of the tree swing like massive flexible tentacles.

Taffy slams the truck into reverse, tearing backwards in a rush of brush and wood. Pulling back a short way he revs then flies forward again.

"Hold on , Boyos!" He shouts as he rams the thing a second time. This seems to do the trick. The thing pulls itself out by its roots, almost massive feet and begins to move away from the house and across the field behind.

Watching in horror, several flying figures appear overhead, in the same direction. It's impossible to make them out in the darkness and rain, but they are definately not airplanes, more organic.

Taffy slowly pulls forward into the field and the "tree" is joined by two others and they lurch slowly across the field, with the flying figures overhead. Taffy's mad ramming seems to have driven them off.

"Looks like they're headed to Broken Mountain. It must be their base! Those things, flying, they must be the Enemy!"
Sep 25, 2018 8:17 am
In shock Elijah can only look up in disbelief for a bit. Coming out of it he addresses the group. Well, you don't see that every day. Shall we follow them to their base now or wait and secure the area here?
Sep 26, 2018 1:08 am
Michael clenches his jaw and watches as the creatures leave. He whispers to Elijah You sure don't. An answer to his first remark. It's just us out here. Might as well give chase. Better to be bold than do nothing.
Last edited September 26, 2018 1:09 am
Sep 26, 2018 3:01 am
Sid's eyes widen as he realizes the thing he thought was a tree starst walking and is shortly joined by two others. The flying creatures also intrigue and frighten him as the same time. He reaches into his pocket and grips his baseball to steady his nerves. "Let's follow at a safe distance and find out where these things are heading. Radio base and make them aware of our situation."
Sep 26, 2018 7:14 am
"You got it, Sid," nods Taffy, taking it slow across the field. As the field gives way to farm land, the rain has turned the whole area to mud, making the ground difficult but the truck is designed to hard terrain.

Jones gets on the radio, but all he hears is static. Trying again, nothing, then a click and someone responds. The radio transmits loud screams and yelling, "We're under attack, repeat, we're under attack!"

Sounds of Gun fire then static.
Sep 26, 2018 3:49 pm
"Taffy, turn around and head back to base." Sid yells. "These things will have to wait. I don't think we'll have any trouble finding them again after we secure the base. Jones, keep on the radio with base and let them know we are heading back. Try to get someone there to let us know what the hell is going on!"
Sep 27, 2018 7:40 pm
Taffy is becoming a PC so bear with me while I get the new player set up
Sep 29, 2018 4:40 pm
Quick Intro First
Barry "Taffy" Evans is a former soldier from Cardiff, Wales, who followed his older brother, Gerald, to the fields of Belgium in the Great War in 1916. Taffy begin work at a young age in the coal mines outside Cardiff and because of this was a natural fit for the Royal Engineers. As a sapper, he found himself heavily involved in tunneling and demolitions, and it was in this latter duty that Taffy fell victim to a mistimed explosion, one that caused partial hearing loss in his left ear and an unplanned bridge collapse for which Barry was assumed KIA. He spent nearly a year in a German POW camp, during which time his great love, Jenny, and their new born daughter, Sidney, were forced to move on with their lives. Barry still carries a picture of his daughter, though he has little relationship with her, a fact that continues to torment him to this day.

Taffy is of moderate build - around 5'10" and 180 lbs. He has a ruddy complexion with sandy blond hair, and his face is dominated by a large burn on one side of his face, the result of the above mentioned mistimed explosion. Barry is deeply nihilistic, distant and lacking social graces due to his experiences during the Great War and the loss of his family.
Last edited September 30, 2018 3:20 am
Sep 29, 2018 4:52 pm
Taffy glances at the radio and then to Sid and nods silently. He cranks the wheel hard-left on the truck in an effort to do a 180 back to base.
Sep 29, 2018 5:02 pm
I'd like a Sanity roll for Taffy first of all, then a drive roll to get the truck turned around in the muddy ground.
Sep 29, 2018 5:24 pm
Sanity Check & Driving Check


Sanity Check - (1d100)

(95) = 95

Drive (Auto) Check - (1d100)

(63) = 63

Sep 29, 2018 5:38 pm
Taffy Sanity loss from viewing The Enemy and walking trees!


Taffy Sanity loss - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Sep 29, 2018 5:46 pm
Taffy pulls the wheel around, hitting just the right amount of brake to spin the truck around without getting stuck in the mud, throwing everyone around in their seats, before roaring off back toward camp. There's a reason this man is your driver and no-one in FOC handles a vehicle like Taffy.

The rain is not letting up but at least the sight of the flying creatures is out of view, though some of you glance through the windows to try and catch sight of them.

As you fly over the field, once again reaching the now half torn down farmhouse, Taffy instinctively screeches to a halt, jolting everyone. A woman stands alone, just feet in front of the vehicle, waving her arms. You recognise it as one of FOC's scientists, Dr Sarah Masterson.
Sep 30, 2018 3:12 am
Taffy leaves the car running and opens the driver's side door, his hand shielding his eyes from the driving rain.

Come, it's not safe here, miss! Taffy shouts over the storm and sound of the engine, his hand extended to the woman in an attempt to bring her into the vehicle.
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