Al and Erevain

Sep 13, 2018 10:04 pm
This thread will be for more stuff between Al and Erevain, like snippets from their travels and their trip to Targos to meet Al's dad!
Sep 13, 2018 10:27 pm


Kuldahar to Shilmista (very familiar) - (1d100)

(50) = 50

Shilmista to Waterdeep (seen casually) - (1d100)

(62) = 62

Waterdeep to Moonshae Isles (seen casually) - (1d100)

(7) = 7

Mishap! Roll again - (1d100)

(67) = 67

Moonshae Isles to Silverymoon (seen casually) - (1d100)

(57) = 57

Silverymoon to Targos (associated object) - (1d100)

(75) = 75

Sep 14, 2018 4:16 am
With a flash of light and color Alalla and Erevain find themselves outside the city of Targos. Al kisses her husband before releasing him and stowing the magical helmet in her pack.

"Here we are!" she announces with a flourish toward the walls of the rugged town. Alalla is practiced at keeping her face smooth and unconcerned, a part of keeping herself calm and serene on the inside, but she knows that Erevain has become good at reading her concealed moods. She is anxious. Excited, but nervous also.

"My uncle's name is Ellis," she instructs him as they walk the snowy streets of the town. "He took us in after my mother was killed and my father was injured. He's basically a second parent." She knows she has told Erevain this before, but she can't help but repeat herself.

As they pass through the market, a man in the town militia uniform shouts out from the crowd. "Al! I didn't know you were back in town. Any chance you'll be signing on for the trade festival? We could use the extra hands."

"Afraid not, Marcus. Short visit. I'm still on a contract elsewhere." It was true. Kind of.

Marcus lets them go with wave and a curious look for the elf at Al's side, and Alalla and Erevain continue on their way. She knows the streets by heart and barely registers the sights, only acknowledging the few people that call out to welcome her back, ask her to deliver their greetings to her uncle, or ask when they get to bet on her in the arena.

Most also have interested looks for Erevain as the Ten Towns don't see many elves, but Al is on a mission. She answers their calls with only a few words, and moves too quickly for them to draw her into conversation.

At last they arrive at her uncle's home in the shop district. The bottom floor is his small but steady woodworking shop, with large windows displaying pieces available for sale as well as sample works.

"This is it," Al says. Why she is so nervous, she has no idea. She knows they will all get along well. They must. "The store and the workshop are on the ground floor, and the living quarters are upstairs. We should be able to see my uncle Ellis before we go upstairs to see my father. Are you ready?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 4:18 am
Sep 14, 2018 12:02 pm
Erevain takes her hand with a smile. "It seems you are a popular one here in town! I am happy to meet friends and family alike. Let's go meet Ellis."
Sep 14, 2018 12:45 pm
"Oh, it's a close-knit town. Has to be, to get by in the Dale. I've tried to be the person they needed me to be, while keeping them at arms length."

Alalla takes a quick breath of the chilly air. "Here we go." She opens the door, causing a little bell above her head to sound, and steps into the warm shop.
Last edited September 14, 2018 6:14 pm
Sep 14, 2018 12:48 pm
"Hello!" A man's voice calls from the next room as sounds of rasping sandpaper stop. "What can I do for- Alalla!" The tall black man that emerges laughs loudly and rushes over to scoop Al up in his arms.
Last edited September 14, 2018 3:44 pm
Sep 14, 2018 12:50 pm
"Uncle! You're squishing me!" Al laughs, arms pinned. She is a couple inches taller than Ellis, despite the man's own height.
Sep 14, 2018 12:57 pm
"Hardly," Ellis scoffs, releasing his niece. "It would take a dragon to squish you. You look even stronger than you did when I saw you last." He gestures for Al to take off her coat. "How did you get here? We weren't expecting you until late spring. Aren't the mountain passes still closed?" As he returns from the coat rack, Ellis runs a hand over his goatee to temper his grin, then starts as he notices Erevain for the first time.

"My apologies, sir," Ellis reaches out to shake Erevain's hand. "Ellis Cort, at your service. Let me take your coat and make you comfortable. Alalla, who is your friend?" His eyes flick to Erevain's ears and back to his niece. "The man you spoke of in your letter, perhaps?"
Last edited September 14, 2018 12:59 pm
Sep 14, 2018 1:01 pm
Alalla smiles with relief. He had received her Easthaven letter. She has been worrying that she had just vanished, as far as her family knew. The twinkle in Ellis' eye as he asks for Erevain's introduction startles the relief away.

"He is, in fact," she says with a grimace at her uncle's teasing face, trying to remember how she had worded her tale about the ignorantly love-sick elf. "A lot has changed since Easthaven. This is Erevain, Uncle. He's actually the reason we're here." A slight pause and deep breath as she takes Erevain's hand. "We are recently married, you see."
Last edited September 14, 2018 3:50 pm
Sep 14, 2018 1:01 pm
Ellis' eyebrows rise, creating rows of wrinkles on his forehead. He looks slowly to Erevain, as though seeking confirmation.
Sep 15, 2018 2:38 am
Erevain grabs Ellis' hand and shakes it firmly. "Pleased to meet you, Ellis. Alalla has spoken often and fondly of her uncle." He is polite and courteous, but by this point Alalla knows him well enough to see small signs of stress. Erevain wishes for this meeting to go well.
Sep 15, 2018 2:52 am
Ellis nods absently at Erevain's words. "I should hope so. I practically raised her."

He turns his head to his niece, then takes in the two of them together. "Alalla Cort. What have you done?" Ellis says wonderingly, rubbing his beard.
Sep 15, 2018 2:54 am
"It's Blacksheaf now," Al sasses, taking Erevain's coat and tossing it to her uncle, "and Erevain knows about my mother, if that's what you're wondering." She smiles at her husband. "He knows everything, and he insisted on marrying me anyway."
Sep 15, 2018 2:55 am
Ellis' eyebrows climb higher, if it is possible, as he turns once more to Erevain, clutching the man's coat. "Is that so?"
Last edited September 15, 2018 3:59 am
Sep 15, 2018 1:46 pm
Erevain gives a sincere smile. "I have traveled all across Faerûn, and have encountered none like Alalla. She is as unique as she is lovely, braver than a dragon, and my strength when I am weak. She found me when I was hopelessly lost, and gave me the courage to continue on." He turns to Alalla, and his smile grows. "I love her for all of that and more, and there is nothing that I would not do for her."
Sep 15, 2018 2:05 pm
Alalla smiles back, though somewhat embarrassed at all that in front of her uncle, and grips his hand tight.
Sep 15, 2018 2:07 pm
Ellis' eyebrows stay where they are, but the corner of his mouth twitches upwards. "Is he always so poetic?" he asks his niece.
Sep 15, 2018 2:09 pm
"Usually," Al confirms with a chuckle, lacing an arm around Erevain's waist.
Sep 15, 2018 2:25 pm
Ellis chuckles, then turns to hang Erevain's coat. His chuckle grows louder and by the time he returns it has become a full-bellied laugh. He claps Erevain on the shoulder.

"Welcome to the family, Erevain. I look forward to getting know you!" Ellis walks to the store door, practically giggling, and flips over the sign in the door so that it reads 'closed.' "Let me wrap some things up here while you two go talk to my brother, then I'll get cooking and we can talk over lunch." He winks at Erevain. "Don't let Simeon intimidate you. He's a softie, for all he looks frightening."

Ellis takes Alalla's head in his hands and gives her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Congratulations," he murmurs, then claps Erevain on the shoulder once more before sweeping back into his woodworking shop.
Sep 15, 2018 5:13 pm
Erevain smiles warmly, but says nothing more. When Ellis leaves, the elf glances at Alalla. "All well so far?" he says in Orcish.
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