Al and Erevain

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Nov 22, 2018 10:58 pm
Alalla swallows her irritation. "Yes. Well, thank you for your time." She stands, offering her hand once more.
Nov 23, 2018 5:00 am
"I... wait, wait!" Reise leans forward. "I... I am by no means the wisest member of the clergy. But with your permission, I will reach out to my more experienced contacts. If you come and see me in a few weeks, I may have some more definitive answers for you. And if there is anything that the organized clergy can do, we'll know that too." She offers a smile. "I know it's not much to go on now, especially if you have been searching as long and hard as you've hinted at, but just... come back, and we'll see."
Nov 23, 2018 5:05 am
Alalla nods. "It may be longer than a few weeks before we'll be able to come back to Targos, but when we are here next, we'll come see you. Thank you."
Nov 23, 2018 5:19 am
As they step out and Reise closes the door behind them, Erevain lets out a breath. "At least she offered some help, small as it was. For a moment I thought she might outright refuse. I imagine it's not every day that she deals with requests such as ours!"

He squeezes her hand, green eyes searching her face. "How are you?"
Nov 23, 2018 5:55 am
Alalla shrugs but her eyes are sharp. "Im fine. But I don't know what she thinks she is going to hear from her superiors. She laid things out pretty clearly. Avandra doesn't have anything to offer me."
Nov 23, 2018 6:14 am
"That is not what she said, sharuhk." Erevain puts a hand through the beads in her hair, letting them clack softly against each other. "You lived your life here in Icewind Dale, but my feet saw thousands of miles of road over hundreds of years before I arrived in Easthaven and met you. However long the road may be, we will get there - if we keep walking." He kisses her lips lightly, then takes her hand and leads her forward to continue strolling around town. "And I have always enjoyed walking."
Nov 23, 2018 6:38 am
"Well I haven't stopped, and I don't think I need Avandra's help to continue," Alalla replies in hushed Common. "My issue is that I'm not going anywhere. And anyway, 'she cannot purchase what is not for sale,'" Al quotes. "I would guess that applies to other deities."
Nov 23, 2018 6:50 am
Erevain thinks for a moment. "She said she did not think Avandra would fight Gruumsh on your behalf. But I wonder... might another diety do so?" He holds up a hand and begins ticking off names. "Torm, Tyr, Helm... perhaps even Tempus. They are all known as warriors and champions. Do you think we should investigate them?"
Nov 23, 2018 6:59 am
"That sounds so... extreme," Alalla sighs, knocking some icicles free from a building's eaves as they pass by. "And why should a god fight a duel for me? Would a duel be needed for every person trying to escape Gruumsh? What if they lose?" Alalla grips Erevain's hand. "But I will do what you think is best. I know little about these deities."
Last edited November 23, 2018 6:59 am
Nov 23, 2018 3:12 pm
Erevain shrugs. "There is no harm in learning something new. We may as well inquire about town. Do you know of any more temples in Targos?"
Alalla would be familiar with several figures with religious ties in Targos:

Lord Ulbrec Dinnsmore - the mayor. He is well-known as a worshipper of Helm, god of watchfulness.

Denham Fisher - paladin and leader of the local chapter devoted to the Red Knight, goddess of strategy.

Koluhm Bonecutter - the mortician. He is a priest of Kelemvor, current god of death.

There are also several priests of other faiths in the militia who work as healers.

Guthewulfe Henghelm - barbarian merchant who is often in town. It is rumored that he used to be a shaman of Tempus.
Nov 23, 2018 4:20 pm
"Yes. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be sullen." Alalla stomps the snow off her boots while she thinks. "We only have shrines, but I know of some people we can try to speak with. We can start with the busiest." Al gestures down a side street, then leads the way toward the town hall to look for the mayor.
Nov 23, 2018 7:47 pm
The town hall is sturdy. Thick wooden beams support a three-story building that also serves as Lord Ulbrec's home.

In the entry hall there are several guards standing at attention. Their armor is mostly mismatched but well cared for, and Alalla recognizes the rapt attention in their posture.
Nov 23, 2018 7:49 pm
At a desk nearby stands the mayor's wife and secretary, a beautiful elven woman named Elytharra. Alalla has never spoken with her before, but it is well-known that the woman dabbles in wizardry.

Elytharra's perceptive gaze darts between half-orc and elf, and she raises a thin eyebrow. "Fair morning to you both. What business might you have with the mayor today?" She taps a paper on the desk with long, lacquered nails. "I do not believe you have an appointment."
Nov 23, 2018 11:40 pm
"Good morning, Lady Elytharra," Alalla replies with a militia salute. "My name is Alalla and this is my husband Erevain Blacksheaf. We're curious about Helm, and are wondering if Mayor Dinnsmore could spare some time to talk to us. We can make an appointment if we need to."
Last edited November 25, 2018 8:08 am
Nov 24, 2018 1:36 am
The corner of Elytharra's mouth twitches up at Alalla's introduction. "A half-orc, married to one of the fair folk?" She laughs lightly, winking at Erevain. "No need to get defensive. I felt ostracized enough when I married Ulbrec, and it seems I was only half as daring as you."

She looks back to Alalla and purses her lips. "I remember you, Alalla. Your father and uncle could hardly keep your heritage hidden from those who knew what to look for. It was I who encouraged Shawford Crale to allow you into the militia."

The elven woman gestures to a couple of chairs in front of the desk. "The mayor is currently meeting with someone, but he should be nearly finished. There will be some time for you to ask your questions then. Have a seat?"
Nov 24, 2018 1:56 am
Alalla's mouth drops open, and only ingrained habit and muscle memory brings her hand up in time to cover her small tusks.

"I-! You-?" Alalla sits abruptly. When she speaks again her voice is a sheepish croak. "Thank you."
Nov 24, 2018 7:25 am
As Erevain slips into the seat beside Alalla, Elytharra fiddles with an ornate ring on one hand. "It was only natural, really. Targos is only a moderately sized town by the Dale's standards. Given my position, I am familiar with most of the folk who live here." Her smile reveals perfect white teeth. Still, for all of her fashionable appearance the expression seems genuine.

"And who would not notice you? A young girl stronger than most grown men seemed like excellent material at the time. Not that I can take credit for that though. You are the one who put in the years of training. I believe Commander Crale was planning on promoting you when you returned from your trip to check on Deirdre Galloway's caravans." She gestures daintily at the couple. "And here you are!"

She settles back into her chair, almost seeming to lounge, but in the most lady-like way possible. "So! Tell me. What business has kept you from fulfilling your duties here? Surely you have not been honeymooning this whole time!" Her appraising gaze flicks back to Erevain, looking him up and down. He shifts uncomfortably. "Or maybe you have?"
Nov 24, 2018 7:28 pm
"Who else-? Does the Commander-? Promotion!" She claps her mouth shut.

You're making a fool of yourself!

Alalla passes a hand over her face. When it returns to her lap, her expression is smooth once more.

"While I was in Easthaven a messenger from Kuldahar arrived looking for help. The Great Oak was dying, and the townsfolk were suffering terrible circumstances. We had to leave right away in order to be able to make it through the pass.

Since then I've been helping to run a team there to solve the towns problems. They are... bigger than anticipated."

Alalla grimaces behind a hand. "I'm ashamed to say it didn't occur to me until now that Mayor Dinnsmore should be informed about the events in the Spine. We didn't expect to be able to leave or get word out until the snows cleared, but Erevain managed to get a favour from a wizard that let us get away." Alalla gives Erevain a wondering smile, though small in the Lady's presence. She turns back to face her, all business once more. "Its stolen time. We will have to get back very soon."
Last edited November 25, 2018 8:12 am
Nov 25, 2018 8:24 am
Elytharra's eyes widen as she listens. "I am sure Ulbrec will want to hear all about your travels. And I am most curious as well." She thinks for a moment, and then nods. "Yes... I think his current audience has overstayed his welcome anyway." She flicks her fingers, and three loud knocks sound at the door to the mayor's office.
Nov 25, 2018 8:26 am
A moment later the door opens, and our steps a weasely man familiar to both Alalla and Erevain. Pomab, the Calishite shopkeeper from Easthaven, strides across the floor with a smirk upon his face. He does not so much as glance at Elytharra, let alone the two of them.
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