I never know what to title these...

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Sep 16, 2018 11:01 pm
"Hello!" - boring
" in the house!" - boring, annoyingly chipper, I've used it and regretted it almost immediately

Anyway, hello. Eximius in the house?

I'm not new to the PbP scene, but it's been a while since I've had time or the will to PbP. I used to be in one or two games on RPG Crossing but that was apparently, wait, what? Four years ago? Jeez... I guess I've been busy and had some IRL RPGs fill that particular need for a while.

I'd be interested in games for any of the following systems: DnD 3.5/5e, Shadowrun 5e, Dresden Files, GURPs, Amber (from the Chronicles of Amber - highly recommend the book(s) - the game system is fairly devoid of rules besides the initial attribute bidding war which is really fun), and any custom systems! I can probably support an average of 1 post a day per game.

I'd give more of an introduction but I'm not really good at them and hopefully you can get to know me the old fashion way - pretending to be other people and reading between the lines to see what weirdo lies beneath the mask.

- Eximius
Sep 16, 2018 11:26 pm
Welcome Eximus! Hope your time here is memorable with great game experiences.
Sep 17, 2018 12:04 am
Welcome! I read most of the Chronicles of Amber and found them really enjoyable. I'll have to pick them back up and re-read them :)
Sep 17, 2018 3:43 am
Welcome eximius! I think your introduction is well on point. Glad to see you know what you're after, and I hope you get into a game soon!
Sep 17, 2018 3:56 pm
I love the Chronicles. I have yet to play a game in the system, but I'm intrigued for sure. I think they are going to be high up on the reread list here pretty soon. :) Also, welcome to the party!

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