The Severed Hand

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Nov 23, 2018 8:37 pm
Zenithral nods, but then pauses and cocks his head. "But if it's just your responsibility, what is she doing with the stone? I just handed it too her," he says, gesturing upwards, "so I imagine it's a little too late to prevent her from being distracted by it."
Nov 23, 2018 8:57 pm
The stone doesn't respond to Alalla's query, but she can feel a small pulse within it. Somehow she knows that the stone's partner is being handled by someone at the moment. She need only exert the proper willpower to enact the stone's magic - much the same way that she summons her glaive, or ignites her flame sword.
Here's a reminder of how the stone works. It is very limited communication; you send one message, you get one back, and that's it until dawn of the next day, when it can be used again.
[ +- ] Sending Stone
[ +- ] Sending spell
Nov 23, 2018 9:21 pm
Erevain smiles wryly. "She is free to make her own choices. Whatever question she has for Poquelin, I am sure it is for good reason."

The elf wipes a like of ash from the hull. "And what of you, Zenithral? Your father died days ago. Or a month ago. Or perhaps even centuries ago..." His green eyes check Zenithral's face for some sign of how he is holding up. "Does that come as a relief, or a burden?"
Nov 23, 2018 9:50 pm
Alalla focuses her mind.

Revered Brother, I am ready to hear your proposal.
Last edited November 23, 2018 9:54 pm
Nov 23, 2018 10:25 pm
Ras wanders back onto the deck, where the group is gathered. After discussing what their next move is, Ras nods and then gently takes the gem from Ug. He situates himself comfortably on the deck and lights some incense. He pulls a vial out of his pocket and holds it in his hands while muttering a specialized prayer under his breath.

"Silvanus, god of nature, I call upon you to help us in our hour of need. We need information in order to protect our families and friends and many other innocents. We commune with you in order to receive answers-- we know you will answer with truth.

"We first ask about an army recently seen by our dragon friend Aeri. We ask: is that army marching to Byrn Shander?"

Ras sits patiently with his eyes closed, waiting for an answer.
Nov 23, 2018 11:04 pm
The Heartstone Gem warms at Ras' touch. Each pulse of its throbbing shines a brighter red glow over those gathered. As Ras begins his communion with Silvanus, Halla watches with great interest. One hand fingers the two carved oak leaves clustered at her neck, while the other gently strokes the top of Valiance's head. Harmony sits with Zenithral nearby. The Gem's light almost seems to turn the cambions' skin to flame, though they merely sit and watch quietly.

The Oak Father's answer comes in the form of a small branch that sprouts from the wood of the deck just in front of Ras. The plant twists as it grows, until when it is done it forms a druidic symbol - an ancient language known only to servants of nature. Ras recognizes the rune clearly.

It is a single word.

Nov 23, 2018 11:14 pm
Ras nods thoughtfully. He closes his eyes again.

"Thank you, great Silvanus. This knowledge will save countless lives. We have another question in regards to the same army: is the army stronger than Targos' militia and defenses?"
Nov 23, 2018 11:22 pm
Flowers sprout from the branch rune. Starting first as bulbs, they twist about and open to reveal blood-red petals. Examining the magical plant, Ras discovers the shape of another word.

Nov 23, 2018 11:28 pm
Alalla releases a stream of guttural Orcish curses when Ras relates the answer.
Nov 23, 2018 11:38 pm
I forgot to reply to Halla. If she's confident she can keep Zenithral's grandmother safe, he's okay with it.
"Relief," he replies to Ereveain quickly. "Erestor was never truely Father to me. Now knowing even a fraction of the things he has done---and the things he planned to do---I hold no regret."
Zenithral tenses as he waits to hear the answer to the first question. He tries to be blank-faced, but releases a pent-up breath when he hears Bryn Shander isn't the army's current target. He tenses again when he learns that the army's strength exceeds Targos'.
Nov 24, 2018 12:14 am
Erevain nods slowly, his face serious. "Nor do I. I am sorry I helped him as long as I did." He starts to return to the others, but pauses and smiles. "Although... if it were not for Erestor, I might never have married Alalla. There is some good that comes from even the worst of situations. Come, let us return to the others."
Nov 24, 2018 1:01 am
The sending stone vibrates in Alalla's hand, and she knows that the message has been conveyed. A few seconds later, she hears the voice of Revered Brother Poquelin in her head.

Unite the orcs under your banner. When you have 1,000 soldiers, lead them to Kelvin's Cairn. You and I will show them a better way.
Nov 24, 2018 1:19 am
So the devil wants me to build him an army?

Perhaps that can be used against him, but she isn't the tactician. Alalla drops the stone back into her pocket and trudges back to the ship, arriving in time to witness Ras' scrying.
Nov 24, 2018 3:14 am
Halla eyes harden. "'Twould not have been mentioned if I did not think I could keep her and the children safe. I am not the half-dead woman you rescued outside of Easthaven. I am the Archdruid of Kuldahar. And this hellscape," she gestures at the surrounding mountain range, "is home."
Zenithral opens his mouth for a snarky response, then stops and sighs. "You're right. I'm sorry...there's no one else I'd rather them be under the care of. That's a sensible course of action. Thank you," he says as he digs in his pack for the sending stone.
Nov 26, 2018 1:32 am
Ug listens to the crew debate the questions to ask. Despite his rants, Ug does feel a deep concern for the the people of the spine and he knows the advancing army will cause even more destruction and death. But what if mama? She would go through the nine hells for him and he knew it.

Ug takes a tired seat next to the aeri, "If dragon friend has lived so long, how has friend overcome losing friends? Ug has not lived so long and already it seems too hard." Ug can’t help but glance at the quiet Ras as he speaks.
Last edited November 26, 2018 1:33 am
Nov 26, 2018 1:47 am
Ras closes his eyes one more time.

"A final question, great Silvanus: If Poquelin is defeated, will the threat to the Vale be over?"

This question in particular has Ras most impatient for an answer and it requires extra mental strength for him not yo squirm as he awaits an answer.
Nov 26, 2018 2:36 am
Aeri watches the divining with only mild interest. When Ug approaches, she sighs. "Losing people is hard. It helps when you can find somewhere to put the blame. And sometime it's hard not to just dump it all on yourself..."

Ug isn't sure if the dragon is talking about herself, or Ras, or just in general.
Nov 26, 2018 2:43 am
The petals from the red blossoms fall to the planks of the airship. As each one falls a gentle, chilly breeze touches it ever so gently into place. Watching carefully, Ras finds a message within the pattern of fallen petals, but it changes slightly with each new addition.

When the last petal has fallen, completing the response, Ras is left with one perturbing word spelled out beneath the dead plant.

Nov 26, 2018 2:48 am
Alalla sighs. "Irritating as that is, I'll take comfort that the gods can't see the future."
Nov 26, 2018 3:47 am
Ras doesn't bother getting up, although he does take a moment to stretch. That last question had given him a glimmer of hope, but the answer had extinguished that almost immediately. He was tired. So tired. But this last part was for Ug. Then Ras could rest.

He resettles and pulls a bag of herbs from his bag. Sprinkling then over the incense, he begins a new supplication to Silvanus, gem still in hand.

"Great Silvanus, speaker of truth, we come asking for knowledge of the future. We ask about the adopted mother of our party member Ug. She is a loving gnome of great strength and her name is Nancy. We believe her to be in danger and we ask: will she survive for the foreseeable future?"

Ras tries not to focus on Ug as he asks, instead focusing his concentration on the ritual.
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