Out-of-Character Discussion

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Oct 5, 2018 5:11 pm
Tsavo says:
Just wondering what everyone's timezone is (EST +1).

I just got home (and fairly early compared to the average), and I'm a full page back. I don't mind, but I do feel bad for holding things up. My job is such that there is no way I can post at work, either.

Let me know if this is a problem. I'm loving this game and am not looking for an out (at all!), but I'd hate to be a drag on it. Please tell me I'm concerned needlessly.
My delayed reaction: I'm in GMT+8 but am online at weird, unpredictable hours. It happens to me too though: game might sometimes wait for me half a day or longer if it's particularly crazy at work. I wouldn't worry about it though. Anyway, I don't really feel you are lagging at all!


Oct 5, 2018 6:18 pm
Pacific Standard Time here, GMT-7 I think.


Oct 8, 2018 5:45 am
Okay, I ran the forum combiner program on our game forum pages. It's not pretty yet, but it's searchable. Press ctrl-f and search away! I am hosting the output at:

Oct 9, 2018 2:08 pm
Hi Guys,

I'm very busy this next few days. I'll update later this week! Sorry about that.
Oct 10, 2018 11:50 am
Guys, look what I found on YouTube! The Temple of Elemental Evil' Original Soundtrack: "Hommlet" I hesitate to browse the other tracks or even look at a tracklist for fear of spoilers. So maybe Naatkinson can tell us when it's time to play a particular track or something? I know music for gaming isn't for everyone but I'm a huge fan!

Oct 13, 2018 3:29 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
Guys, look what I found on YouTube! The Temple of Elemental Evil' Original Soundtrack: "Hommlet" I hesitate to browse the other tracks or even look at a tracklist for fear of spoilers. So maybe Naatkinson can tell us when it's time to play a particular track or something? I know music for gaming isn't for everyone but I'm a huge fan!

I like the idea. I'm definitely going to have to add some music in :)

Went and added it to the first post, actually
Nov 21, 2018 1:07 am

I'm sorry I've been absent for a while, but good news is I successfully defended my thesis today and am eager to catch up on the game if you'll still have me and if the character isn't dead already. I will catch up on the thread by tomorrow. Please let me know if I can rejoin!
Nov 21, 2018 1:15 am
twotonkatrucks says:

I'm sorry I've been absent for a while, but good news is I successfully defended my thesis today and am eager to catch up on the game if you'll still have me and if the character isn't dead already. I will catch up on the thread by tomorrow. Please let me know if I can rejoin!
Very glad to have you back, you have been missed! Alonzo is still alive and you can rejoin when ready :)
Nov 21, 2018 2:10 pm
Apologies for my slow play recently. Work has been kicking my ass. It should ease up soon, but in the meantime I'll make a better effort to keep up.
Dec 11, 2018 9:23 pm
I sincerely apologize for my recent absence. The mid/end of last week was hell at work (long hours and lots of stress). I was then fairly sick all weekend and still working. It's no excuse for not jumping on and letting you all know. And so I apologize. This game deserves better.

The next two weeks don't look to be letting up much and then after that I'm away for the holidays and internet won't be readily available on a consistent basis. As a result, I think I have to back out of all my games.

I'm copying and pasting the above to all my games, but I'd like to add that I'm typing this now specifically for this game. I feel especially bad because I know the participants were chosen in no small part due to their ability to stick with a game and not bail. I hope you all believe me that it's not avoidable if I'm to maintain any amount of grip on my current workload.

Happy gaming.



Dec 12, 2018 4:44 am
Tsavo, it was a pleasure gaming with you. Hope things go well for you and hope to play with you again in the future.
Dec 12, 2018 2:19 pm
It was a pleasure having you in the game! Don't feel bad and feel free to ping me if your time ever frees up and I'd be happy to have you back.
Dec 19, 2018 2:52 pm
So, we are currently missing Jabes and twotonkatrucks. Tsavo is gone for now.

How do we proceed from here?
Dec 19, 2018 3:36 pm
Tough decision. I'm thinking that we might have to table this one, at least until after the holidays. Perhaps everyone will return once things settle? If we can't wait that long, I'm okay with dropping the game.

After the new year, if no one comes back, we could consider looking for new players. Or end the game, either way.


Dec 20, 2018 2:08 am
I am fine with a pause over the holidays. In the new year, I would like to continue with this game as long as you want to run it, Naat.
Dec 21, 2018 4:33 pm
I know that I definitely don't want to shut it down. I guess we'll just pause it over the holidays and then see what happens :)

Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Jan 7, 2019 2:00 am
Pinging interest in this game again. I'm hopeful we can continue this!


Jan 8, 2019 3:47 pm
Also really looking forward to returning to this game!

Was listening to a podcast this morning about the cartographer Anna Meyer who has been making an enormous map of greyhawk for the past 20 years. Her really big stuff is for sale only, but she has some great maps freely available @ this site. Looking at these maps makes me so hungry to play in this world!
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