Création de Personnages/Character Creation

Sep 29, 2018 6:36 pm
C'est sur ce thread que vous pouvez discuter de vos idées de personnages avec le Maître des Cérémonies ou les autres joueurs. Décider qui joue quel archétype, et répondre aux questions d’introduction de vos archétypes.

Bien que la fiche de personnage de type "custom" vous demande de la créer de toutes pièce et permet de la faire comme vous la voulez, ce modèle pourra vous accélérer les choses et rendre votre fiche plus facile à déchiffrer pour moi...

In this topic you will discuss your character concept with other players and the Master of Ceremonies. You decide which archetype to play and take the opportunity to answer your intro questions.

Even though, the character sheet "Custom" demands you to write your character sheet from scratch, I provided a model below to make work easier on you and make it easier for me to read and interpret your character sheet...
[ +- ] Modèle/Model
La fiche peut avoir à être modifiée selon l'archétype (par exemple le Vessel remplace Corruption par Redemption).

The sheet might need minor tweaks and changes depending on the archetype chosen (for exemple the Vessel will replace Corruption by Redemption).
Sep 29, 2018 6:49 pm
Pour faciliter le création de personnage et éviter les erreurs, j'ai remplie le modèle ci-dessus pour donner un exemple sur comment la fiche est supposée d'être remplie.

To facilitate character creation and minimize mistakes, I've provided an example of the filled model provided above to show how the character sheet is supposed to be filled.
[ +- ] Example/Exemple
Oct 3, 2018 7:30 pm
Alright guys, you can start working on your archetypes. As I said, I gave priorities to the players of my former game so I assume Phil will want to redo his Aware Pavel and Vagrant his Vamp Édouard. I know the Vagrant has not accepted his invite yet, but he might simply have not checked hise-mails yet. I'll see him tomorrow at the place where I follow my therapy, so I will be able to tell him.
Oct 4, 2018 2:26 am
I’m pretty open to playing just about anything, so I might wait and see what everyone is playing (or is that everyone...)
Oct 4, 2018 2:35 am
Genisisect says:
I’m pretty open to playing just about anything, so I might wait and see what everyone is playing (or is that everyone...)
Alright, I'm cool with that.
Oct 4, 2018 3:25 am
Right now, just through looking at the playbooks briefly tonight, I am looking at Tainted or Vamp.
Oct 4, 2018 4:31 am
Hello everyone, i am indeed interested in taking the Vamp archetype. Are the text of the forum of take one still available to you Kalajel? i would like to transfer the description i wrote if possible :)
Last edited October 4, 2018 5:14 am
Oct 4, 2018 2:23 pm
TheVagrant says:
Hello everyone, i am indeed interested in taking the Vamp archetype. Are the text of the forum of take one still available to you Kalajel? i would like to transfer the description i wrote if possible :)
Sadly, no. I closed the old campaign to avoid confusion between it and this one. Also, sadly, a campaign which gets closed does not get archived anywhere, it just gets deleted...
Oct 4, 2018 3:13 pm
Mmm okay. How bilingual should the stories and descrption be?
Oct 4, 2018 3:33 pm
TheVagrant says:
Mmm okay. How bilingual should the stories and descrption be?
Well, given that I have a feeling that you and I are the only two French-Canadians in here, we'll probably have to include English so that the other players understand what's going on. In fact, to make things easier, we can probably post in English only most of the times to speed things up.

However, if you're speaking to a French-Canadian NPC who only speaks French, or read some signs written in French only, you can go ahead and post in French, then later, you can translate for the other players (kind of how it would happen in real life).
Oct 5, 2018 2:49 am
I can confirm I speak no French, heh.
Oct 5, 2018 4:13 am
Well, this can be a good opportunity to start learning... :D
Oct 6, 2018 3:39 am
If its just the same, I'lgoahead and use the character for the game that was closed down. Would that be ok?
Oct 6, 2018 4:11 pm
No problem Phil. In fact I was expecting that you and Vagrant would do just that. The only difference is that your debts might be a bit different now since Nikolas is no longer here.
Oct 6, 2018 10:07 pm
I have some French, but it’s not great. I’m still trying to decide what of the left over books I’ll play...
Oct 7, 2018 2:49 am
My character is a Polish immigrant named Pavel Nowak, and I gave him the Aware archetype.
Oct 7, 2018 4:19 pm
My Tainted character is Jake Phillips, up from North Carolina, USA, at the behest of his boss.
Oct 7, 2018 5:31 pm
Okay, cool. I assume you're still working on your characters since nobody seems to have submitted one yet... either that or I'm the victim of another bug here...
Oct 8, 2018 2:52 am
grousemetal says:
Submitted moments ago.

for your character's starting faction, you're supposed to write the numbers listed on your playbook between the colon and the first bracket, sort of like what I did in the example. Jake would start with Mortality 1, Night -1, Power 0, and Wild 1, and then could add 1 to one of those (just like how you did for your character stats). You do not start with any boxes checked (at least not right away).

Also, you do not start with any Corruption advances. You need to fill your Corruption track during play in order for you to gain any of those.

Aside from that, niche character. I'll go ahead and approve it.
Oct 9, 2018 11:22 pm
Vagrant, if you could please re-submit Édouard (your Vamp). This will allow Genisisect to finally chose her archetype.
Oct 10, 2018 8:37 am
So I’ve still been umming and aahing over it. I’ll settle for a Wizard, should be able to whip a character up in a few hours (about to be busy)
Oct 10, 2018 10:48 am
If whipped something up but I’ll need to edit it and answer the intro questions but I must sleep now as it is late
Oct 10, 2018 3:42 pm
Nice character. You even thought of listing your corruption advances with brackets in front of them so you can just check when you gain them. Nice little touch. Approved it.

Edit: Hey, I just noticed something interesting. All 4 factions are represented!
Pavel (Aware) - Mortality
Édouard (Vamp) - Night
Jake (Tainted) - Wild
Victoria (Wizard) - Power
Oct 10, 2018 8:03 pm
I noticed that if I went power that would happen, which did influence my decision making... :)
Oct 10, 2018 11:32 pm
Vagrant, cool pour ton perso. Juste que ton Spirit est présentement à "-". Je suppose que c'est supposé d'être "-1". Peut-être à tus oublié le 1 ou la fiche custom à fait encore un de ses petits caprices...
Oct 11, 2018 4:42 am
Edited the spirit to -1

Here are my Vamp debt to figure out :
Someone makes sure you get fed regularly. You owe them 2 Debts.
Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt.
Someone bears responsibility for you becoming a vampire. They
owe you a Debt.
Oct 11, 2018 5:01 am
Edouard est un nouveau joueur sur la scène du Montréal supernaturel. Portant toujours le même veston cravate, chic mais usé, le cheveux mi-long déchevelés, parfois cacher par un chapeau et les yeux d'un violet intense. Il est charmeur et extrêmement charismatique. Il se bâtie rapidement une réputation d'une personne capable d'offrir ce que l'on désire, ou de retirer ce qui nous est insupportable.

Ses clients de prédilections étant des mortels au ambitions plutôt ordinaire, ses projets non pas encore dérangé aucuns joueurs importants. Le faits qu'il ait aussi démoli à lui seul une petite bande de brigand qui tentait de l'arrêter sert aussi d'incitatif à éviter de s'en faire un ennemi inutilement.

Excentrique, fidèle et passionné, Edouard s'avèrent un allié fiable toujours ouvert à répondre au désirs et besoins de ses partenaires. Cependant, les critères qui lui font choisir ses partenaires sont encore incompris et l'impact futur de sa présence à Montréal incertain.

Édouard is a new player on the Montreal supernatural scene. Wandering the streets with a classic if used suits, somewhat long hair often hidden under his hat and piercing violet eyes. Charming and charismatic, he rapidly built a reputation as a person capable of offering what we desire most or getting rid of the unbereable.

His dealing being mostly with common mortals, Edouard as yet to clash with any bigger players in Montreal power struggles. Having singlehandely destroyed a group of thugs that tried to stop him may also have sent a message not to mess with him lightly.

He is eccentric, loyal and passionate, going to great lenghts to satisfy the desire and needs of his allies and clients. However, how he chooses those is still a mystery and the impact his presence will have on the city is still to be seen,
Last edited October 11, 2018 5:01 am
Oct 11, 2018 2:09 pm
Yes, now that everyone has made a character, we can start assigning debts.
Oct 12, 2018 3:05 am
My debts, minus the ones I owe my patron:

You're protecting someone from a dark power. They owe you 2 Debts.

Someone is trying to save you and keeps suffering for it. You owe them 2 Debts.
Oct 16, 2018 5:11 pm
Alright, now that Phil is back, we can continue assigning your debts.
Oct 16, 2018 9:02 pm
Sorry about the delay, me and my body decided to have a little fight. My debts are as follows;

Someone is helping you keep your demons at bay. You owe them a Debt.
Someone is your go-to when you get into trouble. You owe them 2 Debts.
You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret. They owe you a Debt.

I could see myself taking either of your two debts grousemetal, if you or anyone else have a preferred feel free to pick.
Oct 16, 2018 9:45 pm
Funny that one of your debt is someone helping you keep your demons at bay and we have a Tainted in the party... :P
Oct 17, 2018 2:36 am
I am down for you taking either of my debts! Just so I am clear, though, since this is my first interaction with Urban Shadows, are the debts only between party members or can it be NPCs, people we won't necessarily meet, etc.?
Oct 17, 2018 2:58 am
In general it’s better to have the debts be inter party as it gives our characters reasons to interact. Though you are allowed to create npcs to hold them, though that does imply that they will turn up in the story.
Oct 18, 2018 1:22 am
Perhaps answering your intro questions in this thread might help you determine your debts? A bit more insight into who the other characters are certainly cannot hurt...
Oct 18, 2018 2:54 am
Here's Jake's. I am open to a different length of time for him to have been in town if we want to make it to where our group has been working together for a while. I want him to be pretty new to Montreal and not intending to stay forever, so that it makes sense for him to not know where things are or the language.

Who are you? -- Jake Phillips, retired patrol cop.

How long have you been in the city? -- One week. My boss sent me up here to take care of some business.

Who would you die for? -- Any one of my six kids. They all live with their moms.

What is your daily release? -- I meditate 40 minutes per day. Complete darkness, earplugs in, nothing but me. It keeps me from flying apart.

What do you desperately need? -- I need to feel better/smarter/more capable than everyone else around me.
Oct 18, 2018 3:32 am
Indeed, 1 week might be a bit too recent considering the party needs to have some sort of past together. Staying in a place without having learned the language yet can be something like a month or two. Then again, there are English speakers who have lived in Québec all their lives and do not speak a single word of French, so... :P
Oct 20, 2018 2:09 am
Let's go with two months for him being in Montreal, then. Certainly long enough to tangle with some people, get some Debts going on.

Genisisect, I like the idea of your character being the "someone trying to save me that keeps suffering for it" that I owe 2 Debts, if you're okay with that.
Oct 20, 2018 4:50 pm
Two months in Montréal would make sense. Not enough time to learn French, especially if you were too immersed in your job (both mundane and demonic), though you might have still grasped some basic concepts ("oui" = "yes", "non" = "no", "allo" = "hello", etc.).
Oct 24, 2018 3:06 am
Are we creating debts in order, or should we just be throwing ideas out there in any which way we want?
Oct 24, 2018 4:06 am
Throwing in ideas out there any which way you want. See what sticks.
Oct 24, 2018 8:27 am
Sorry about my absence of late, still trying to get over some health issues and work had been demanding what few spoons I’ve had available. Here are my intro questions.
[ +- ] Intro Questions
Grousemetal I’m fine to take that on! What trouble are you in and how has Victoria helped?
Oct 24, 2018 8:28 am
I’m not sure if I’ve said this before but my French is weak, but not non existent. With my dictionary in hand I should be fine to post/read posts in French, although I might skip up every now and then.
Oct 24, 2018 3:32 pm
Genisisect says:
I’m not sure if I’ve said this before but my French is weak, but not non existent. With my dictionary in hand I should be fine to post/read posts in French, although I might skip up every now and then.
No problems. Hope your health gets better.
So, how do you feel about grousmetal's suggestion?
grousemetal says:
Genisisect, I like the idea of your character being the "someone trying to save me that keeps suffering for it" that I owe 2 Debts, if you're okay with that.
Oct 24, 2018 7:20 pm
Grousemetal I’m fine to take that on! What trouble are you in and how has Victoria helped?
Oct 25, 2018 3:08 pm
Genisisect says:
Grousemetal I’m fine to take that on! What trouble are you in and how has Victoria helped?
Jake has a serious problem with women. He gets involved with them easily, it escalates quickly, and it usually ends up with a lot of drama and hurt feelings. He is usually on the verge of some badly thought-out romance. I am thinking maybe he was starting to drift towards involvement with, say, a very powerful female werewolf leader that our crew was interacting with for a past job and Victoria ran interference in some way? OR perhaps they did get involved and the werewolves were out for blood and Victoria wrangled something to save him? The latter option seems like a more serious situation that would warrant a Debt or two.
Oct 26, 2018 4:20 am
grousemetal says:
Jake has a serious problem with women.
With six kids staying with their moms (plural!), yeah, I'd say! XD
Oct 26, 2018 10:09 pm
Jake is the "wedding" type, not the "marriage" type, lol
Oct 27, 2018 1:48 am
Who are you? - A recent arrival to Montreal, trying to make my way doing poorly paid manual labor I found through a temp agency.
How long have you been in the city? - About 6 months
How did you learn about the supernatural? - Old stories my grandparents told me when I was a kid. Most of it stuck though, and eventually my beliefs were vindicated.
Why is this city worth saving? - Basically, its home.
What mystery are you currently investigating? - Recently, there has been a lot of talk about abandoned sewers under the city, and the prospect that there might be things living in them is simply too tempting to write off.

Someone told you their secrets and you haven’t told anyone
about them yet. They owe you 2 Debts.

• Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more like
you’re protecting them. You owe each other a Debt.

• You’re leveraging dirt you have on someone to get their help with
something. You owe them a Debt.
I'm posting in English now, but I plan on playing mosty in French. ANy takers for my debts?
Last edited October 27, 2018 1:52 am
Oct 29, 2018 8:36 am
I like the idea of us protecting each other. Perhaps Victoria thinks she’s protecting you from supernatural threats and your keeping her out of trouble from mortal affairs (she’s a tad old fashioned).
Oct 29, 2018 1:35 pm
Genisisect says:
I like the idea of us protecting each other. Perhaps Victoria thinks she’s protecting you from supernatural threats and your keeping her out of trouble from mortal affairs (she’s a tad old fashioned).
I assume this is directed at Phil and his character Pavel?
I know the site has difficulties right now, but if we stick with it, we'll get through the debts. Hopefully, this will get fixed soon.
Oct 29, 2018 2:34 pm
@Phil_Ozzy_Fer, I'd like Jake to take " You’re leveraging dirt you have on someone to get their help with
something. You owe them a Debt." If you're amenable, of course.

@Genisisect, I was looking over your character's Debts to see what Jake could pick up of yours, and a thought occurred to me... Do the Debts cancel out if characters owe each other the same amount? I look at it as if they did each other a favour. I flipped through the rulebook and I didn't see this explicitly mentioned.
Oct 29, 2018 6:53 pm
Yes, sorry I forgot to put an @ Phil at the start of my last post.

@ grousemetal, It doesn’t cancel out per se, you could use a debt move to cash in your debt to remove a debt but otherwise you can just owe each other
Oct 30, 2018 12:42 am
Nope, debts don't cancel each other out. though, Genisisect is right in that one of the option you can use a debt for is to make someone drop a debt they hold on you.

Given that debts are partly how you advance in US, you don't necessarily want to go cancelling debts willy-nilly...
Oct 30, 2018 4:54 am
The forum finally loaded, so i'll try and make it count :P

@Grouse Edouard would have alot of fun doing matchmaking for Jake as (Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt). Maybe, since Jake was new in the city, he got refered to Edouard either to find a perfect romance or to "lessen" the hurt feeling of someone.

@Phil I suspect both Edouard and Pavel would have met each others roaming the same streets, curiosity from both side could have led to a too honest conversation where Edouard told Pavel his being able to feed on human emotions (Someone told you their secrets and you haven’t told anyone about them yet. They owe you 2 Debts.). And to be sure to keep Edouard on the side of mortals, Pavel could direct to Edouard people desperate to deal with bad emotions (Someone makes sure you get fed regularly. You owe them 2 Debts.)

@Genisect Could Victoria be responsable for Edouard transformation somehow? Maybe in her pursuit for supernatural knowledge she was studing Indigos (emotional vampires) and she arrange for Edouard being turned as a study case, using a debt from a NPC Indigo?(Someone bears responsibility for you becoming a vampire. They owe you a Debt).
In this scenario she would keep track of him and maybe use him as (Someone is your go-to when you get into trouble. You owe them 2 Debts.)
Nov 1, 2018 12:08 am
@TheVagrant, that sounds awesome!

@Genisisect, Jake can pick up your debt "You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret. They owe you a Debt." He is getting in deep with Victoria.

All I have left is "You're protecting someone from a dark power. They owe you 2 Debts."
Nov 1, 2018 1:36 pm
Things look like they're moving along nicely... as much as the site allows them to...

Do not forget that you can also use this thread to keep track of your debts (some debts will be called out in play and others will be created in play as well). Well, if the site allows you to. :P
Nov 3, 2018 12:11 am
@Vagrant, I like the idea that she had you created, although could you maybe take someone keeps your demons at bay? Maybe your using your ability to feed off emotions to clear out some of her dread and anxiety...

@Grousemetal, I like this plan, I’ll think about what that secret could be and get back to you on it.
Last edited November 3, 2018 12:18 am
Nov 3, 2018 1:28 am
TheVagrant says:
The forum finally loaded, so i'll try and make it count :P

@Phil I suspect both Edouard and Pavel would have met each others roaming the same streets, curiosity from both side could have led to a too honest conversation where Edouard told Pavel his being able to feed on human emotions (Someone told you their secrets and you haven’t told anyone about them yet. They owe you 2 Debts.). And to be sure to keep Edouard on the side of mortals, Pavel could direct to Edouard people desperate to deal with bad emotions (Someone makes sure you get fed regularly. You owe them 2 Debts.)

I think this works for me. As a new immigrant, the idea of wandering the city he's recently moved to could be entirely plausible. I like the weird enabling in this relationship as well.

Hey @grousemetal, how about we have our PCs share debts. You said you had, ""You're protecting someone from a dark power. They owe you 2 Debts."

And for Pavel, I have "Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more like
you’re protecting them." You owe each other a Debt.

I think this could be fun. What do you think?
Last edited November 3, 2018 1:35 am
Nov 3, 2018 1:58 am
Phil_Ozzy_Fer says:
And for Pavel, I have "Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more like
you’re protecting them." You owe each other a Debt.
Actually, Genisisect had already asked you if she could take this one. She had simply forgot to put the "@Phil" in her post. Check the previous page. You're not obligated to accept offer offer, I was simply letting you know before you close the deal with grousemetal...
Nov 3, 2018 3:11 pm
kalajel says:
Phil_Ozzy_Fer says:
And for Pavel, I have "Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more like
you’re protecting them." You owe each other a Debt.
Actually, Genisisect had already asked you if she could take this one. She had simply forgot to put the "@Phil" in her post. Check the previous page. You're not obligated to accept offer offer, I was simply letting you know before you close the deal with grousemetal...
Before you seal this unholy deal with Grousemetal. ;)
Nov 4, 2018 11:49 am
I don’t mind relinquishing, I’m sure panel has something else I can grab and the relationship between the two won’t change too much as they can take my protection debt
Nov 5, 2018 1:48 am
@genisisect I d take help keep your demons at bay, vamp feeding usually only works on mortals (at least without a corruption advance) so I'm not sure how it would work on a wizard, but it could certainly at least have a limited calming effect.
Nov 5, 2018 2:46 am
Sure, I don't mind Grousemetal taking the debt. I hadn't seen that.
Nov 5, 2018 5:25 am
@Vagrant, considering that the feeding move normally kills the subject, we can assume that this is something slightly different to that.
Nov 5, 2018 2:49 pm
Considering that Eternal Hunger always allows to pick only 1 even on a miss, and that Vagrant told me Indigos try to keep their victims alive as much as possible, I'm guessing they try as much as possible to pick "They don't die" when feeding, even on a miss. So I guess a missed feeding where the victim lives would be one of those unsatisfactory feedings Vagrant told me about...
Nov 5, 2018 8:43 pm
True, Indigo have a natural instinct to "nurture and savor" emotions in humans, as such, the usual side effect of feedind are rarely death, but more psychological in nature as the stress on the psyche can cause mental illness and mild to severe lethargic state. The more the subject psyche weakens, the worst the symptoms get leading to a comatose state or death and, at the same time, the less "satisfying" they become for the Indigo. This will lead the Vamp on a spiraling path of destruction if those kind of unsatisfactory feeding continue, until the Indigo becomes a wild beast without conscience.

An grievously wounded Indigo forced to feed to heal and survive as also high possibility to start down that path. And since Indigos are creatures of powerful instincts, it is very difficult to curb that self destructive behavior once it starts.

Hence, in a controlled environnement, Indigo feeding should be mostly safe, something bad can happen of course but death is improbable :P
Nov 6, 2018 4:30 am
I'm down for whatever, debt-wise.
Nov 9, 2018 9:19 pm
So what are the debts that are still missing?
Nov 10, 2018 2:56 am
"Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more like
you’re protecting them." - Pavel/Genisisect

Someone told you their secrets and you haven’t told anyone about them yet. They owe you 2 Debts - Pavel/Edouard

I still have my third for Pavel. What about everyone else?
Nov 10, 2018 2:58 am
That third one would be leveraging dirt on someone IIRC?
Nov 12, 2018 2:58 am
kalajel says:
That third one would be leveraging dirt on someone IIRC?
Yes, that is correct.
Nov 12, 2018 4:46 am
@phil you could honestly leverage dirt on anyone :P why not do it on Grouse's tainted so you have links with everyone. You like to live dangerously anyway ;)

I have Pavel help make sure i get feed regurlarly, i owe im 2 debts.

Edouard help Jake with is woman fix and subsequent women's problem :P

And Victoria bear responsability for Edouard becoming an Indigo and she owe him 1 debts.

So im all set! :)
Nov 12, 2018 4:59 am
@phil, Jake will take that last debt of yours!

I have "You're protecting someone from a dark power; they owe you two Debts" left. I don't believe anyone has spoken up for this one yet, though it is possible I missed it.
Nov 12, 2018 8:05 am
I could have missed it, but I think this is the only debt still unclaimed...

Someone is your go-to when you get into trouble. You owe them 2 depts.

I recon pavel could have this one, as it goes nicely with the one of his I took, or I could make an box...
Nov 14, 2018 3:11 am
Alright, let's try to wrap this up so we can finally start.

If you can't quickly assign your remaining debts to other players, feel free to make up NPCs for them. Do not forget to note any NPC you create here in your appropriate thread.
Nov 14, 2018 3:22 am
I'm good with all this wheeling and dealing.
Nov 14, 2018 4:01 am
Oh, I almost forgot, I need to ask questions about your characters...

@ All:
- What are your mundane obligations (if any)? Family? Job? Friends? Hobbies?

@ Vagrant:
- Who is your Indigo Sire? How did they turned you? How has your character handled the transformation so far?

@ Phil:
- How were you introduced to the supernatural? What have you discovered so far? Have you made any friends or enemies since investigating the supernatural?

@ Genisisect:
- How did Victoria came upon her magical powers? What has she given up for this power? What does she desperately need (ingredients, ritual, tome of knowledge)?

@ Grousemetal:
- Who is your demonic patron, what does he look like? How did you managed to sign a pact with him? Are you looking to get out or is Jake satisfied with his demonic job?
Nov 14, 2018 4:38 pm
@phil, as in you want to make an NPC for that last debt, you are okay with Jake taking it, or you want someone else to take it?

Also, last call for Jake's last debt before I assign an NPC.

@kalajel, I'll think on these questions today and get answers for you!
Last edited November 14, 2018 4:39 pm
Nov 17, 2018 5:21 am
I have "You're protecting someone from a dark power; they owe you two Debts" left. I don't believe anyone has spoken up for this one yet, though it is possible I missed it.

--"What are your mundane obligations (if any)? Family? Job? Friends? Hobbies? Right now, all that's on my plate is working for my boss. He has an expense account set up for me, this apartment, everything I need, which sounds nice... except I am working hard for it. I am only in my apartment to sleep every couple days, sometimes less, depending on what I am working on. My "friends" here are just work contacts, and my friends back in the States, they really don't have much in common with me anymore. I think about my kids constantly, but I haven't called since I got to Montreal. I pick up the phone and can't seem to dial any of the numbers.

-- Who is your demonic patron, what does he look like? Ventrannia, a terrible and fantastic to behold, snake-headed, gorilla-headed, vulture-headed, scaled and furred and feathered prince of Hell! But I have never seen them. My liaison I go through, Tulione, says that Ventrannia has at least a dozen assholes just like me working on mergers and acquisitions all across the globe and they do not have the time to meet us all. Tulione is alright. They seem almost normal, except for their too-clean suits and shoes. And the haze of smoke ringing their head. And that sulphur smell demons can't seem to completely mask, no matter how much expensive perfume they've dumped on.

-- How did you managed to sign a pact with him? I wanted an edge to get ahead at work, just a little extra juice and maybe some someone looking out for me to tilt the odds in my favour. I followed the ritual exactly like the book said, and here we are.

-- Are you looking to get out or is Jake satisfied with his demonic job? Being as I am retired-- early retired-- now, seems to me that the agreement I made shouldn't really still be in place. Seems only fair to me, since taking on this sidegig got me kicked off the force. If you really think about it, I mean.
Last edited November 21, 2018 6:42 am
Nov 17, 2018 6:51 pm
US gives a lot of leeway for players to make their own mythology. For a good example, just look at what Vagrant did with the Indigo... Though a good base on what is previously established in Earth mythos might help make things more believable. Perhaps your demon patron could be a djinn (Islamic demon), or a qliphoth (Hebrew demon), or something entirely of your own making, etc.

Nice answers. I also made generic questions to everyone about their mundane obligations (though you already answered some when you mentioned your 6 kids and your baby mamas). But how does an ex-cop who was dishonorably discharged make a living in Montréal? Do you get the occasional gig as a security guard? Or perhaps your severance pay was so sweet thanks to the edge granted by your demonic patron that you don,t need to work another day in your life (and which might explain why your demonic patron still feels like you owe him...)?

Edit: I looked and nobody seem to have claimed your debt Grouse. We'll wait until the weekend is over and if no one claimed your debt by then, just make up an NPC and assign it to him/her.

Nobody else has any unassigned debts left? Be sure to back check this thread to make sure. I'll just wait for you guys to answer the questions I asked about your character and then we should be ready for the preparations of the first adventure.
Nov 19, 2018 2:53 am
Edouard as no family or real friend to worry about him "changing" in Montreal. His family his all in Sherbrooke and none of them are close or expecting any contact. Edouard actually went to Montreal to get away from them and find his "succes". Succes never came and he got stuck doing a very average job as a car salesman. He still technically have that job, except he only show up we he feels like it or need money. His newfound irresistible charisma allows him to sell almost any car to anyone and his boss his unable to say no to him or make him follow any rules either.

Im not quite sure about how to go with the sire thing, except that any sexy pics or promess of a few quick buck could have baited him. Maybe Genisect could have a suggestion on how it could have happened or in what way Victoria could have been responsible?

As for the transformation, Edouard is having a blast! Everything shine in new light and his new world is exciting and wonderful and intoxicating. His favorite new pastime is to go to all the support group meetings he can find, to listen to the raw emotion of people telling there stories and feelings, and offer an "helping hand" when he feel inspired. There is already one alleged wife beater that "fell" from his balcony mysteriously.

I dont feel at this state that Edouard needs protection from a dark power or, if he does, he is not aware of it, having fun without realising the ennemies he make while getting implicated in anything that attracts his fancy.
Nov 19, 2018 2:28 pm
@ Vagrant: Or perhaps you can simply not remember who your sire is and how he/she turned you...
Nov 20, 2018 4:02 am
[ +- ] Answers to Questions
@Vagrant. I like the idea of Victoria coming across a relic of a long fallen Indigo, or maybe even just the process for how to make an indigo. Your sire therefore being long lost or non-existent (ie you are the first in your bloodline).

Ill create an NPC for my last debt. I like the idea of building up the kind of occult knowledge aspect tht I'm building towards and have a buddy who is a Scholar.
Nov 20, 2018 7:35 am
Right NPC made, I think I'm right to go!

Just for fun, I thin I will post Victoria's internal monologue in German, I'll include a translation in the post but it will help distinguish internal thoughts from what she is actually saying, which will either be in English or French. Feel free to veto this if you want Kalajel, I just figured it would be a linguistic mess already, why not go whole hog...

I also apologise in advance if my french is a bit off, but lets just pretend Victoria is actually fluent, she has been living in french speaking countries for about a century by now...
Last edited November 20, 2018 7:39 am
Nov 20, 2018 4:33 pm
It's fine. So long as everyone can understand, feel free to add whatever language you want. Who knows, it might help me increase my almost inexistent German vocabulary...

I'd probably stick to translating in english though as Grouse don't speak a word of French IIRC.

In fact, I should probably put a standard for translating one's post right now to avoid problems in the future. So, how about this... You are free to post in French (or German in that case) if you want to, but make sure to provide a small translation of your post in english to make sure everyone understands. It does not have to be a lengthy word-for-word translation, just a summary of what is happening or has been said will do.

Here's an example:

Christophe entre aux Foufounes Électriques pour trouver son contact Vamp. Il le trouve au bar à regarder la clientele comme un prédateur qui cherche un proie. Christophe approche Derek le Vamp et lui adresse la parole:

"Hey Derek. Ça va? Écoutes, la gang pis moé, on à un petit problème avec Carlos pis ces magiciens... Tu me rendrais un criss de gros service si toé pis tes vamps pourraient nous donner un coup de main là d'sus. J't'en devrais une."

Christophe va essayer Persuade an NPC et rouler avec mon Heart.

Christophe went to a night club called "Les Foufounes Électriques" to meet with the leader of a small group of Vamps he knows called Derek. He's going to try and convince him (Persuade an NPC) to give the group a hand with the Carlos' wizard problem by promising him he'll owe him a debt (or two)...
Nov 21, 2018 4:06 am
@Genisisect I like your idea. Edouard sire or rebirth source is unknown to him and he is much to caught in enjoying every moment to dwell or think about it. Things may get more complicated hif he ever meet others indigos without knowing their social norms, especially if some would consider him "rogue" due to the unusual circumstance.
Nov 21, 2018 6:43 am
Okay, edited my questions to include the ones I missed and have an NPC for my remaining debt.
Nov 21, 2018 2:55 pm
For those who ended up creating NPCs (or had to use NPCs) for their debts, do not forget to keep track of them here.

Also, do not forget to keep tab of your debts here.
Jan 15, 2019 11:47 pm
Technical question for Edouard's bulletproof vest. Is it a 1-armor concealable ?
Jan 16, 2019 1:33 am
Yes. But since you went for the concealable model, it will protect less than regular bulletproof vest. That means that if during a fight the enemy has some sort of advantage over you (MC's discretion, can easily be justify by taking "you find yourself in a bad spot" from unleash an attack), then they might be able to overcome your protection.
Jan 16, 2019 3:53 am
Make sense, what tag do i add to the item to identify that?
Jan 21, 2019 11:44 pm
Hmm, there are no official tag for this... I'd say [Partial Cover] might work.
Jul 31, 2019 11:10 am
Debts available over Édouard, a young emotional vampire :

2 debts for help making sure he is fed regularly

Or to him :

Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt.
Jul 31, 2019 11:42 am
I have a question about character creation: are the names/looks/demeanour in the playbooks just suggestions or must we choose from those lists? (i.e. can I give my character a name or demeanour of my own invention?)

Edit: Also! I just saw the other playbooks in the game description. The Immortal looks very cool. Do you have the immortal playbook? If not, I'll just buy it myself :)
Last edited July 31, 2019 11:48 am
Jul 31, 2019 4:17 pm
The names are suggestions, but the demeanors are keyed to each of the archetypes' themes. So you can create your own name, but you must choose from one of the listed demeanor. But you are allowed to broadly interpret your demeanor, the rulebook gives the example of an Agressive Wolf which might be like a fast-talking, fast-moving salesman.

I do own all of the playbook published so far, so yes, I do have the Immortal's playbook. However, Bedzonell seems to be hesitating between the Tainted and the Immortal, so you guys might want to talk it out to figure which one of you will get to play the Immortal.
Aug 1, 2019 3:12 pm
Interesting. Those are not quite the Dragon's Debts though...
Aug 1, 2019 3:39 pm
Yeah, usually, you work out the details of a Debt along with the other player who accepted taking it instead of saying in advance "I want my Debt to be so and so"... this sort of confused me at first.

Your background looks fine, though, again, since Debts are formed the moment they are taken up, maybe you could've waited after the Debts had been distributed and use those to form your background instead of the other way around...

As for as taking up more Debts than what you should normally get from your or other players' archetypes, I don't mind, if you're up to it, but you won't be getting any sort of mechanical game benefits out of it.
Aug 1, 2019 3:57 pm
Ah, my bad, sorry I wasn't clear enough myself. I didn't mean to imply I had decided on my debts without working them out with the others. I merely meant them to be suggestions for the others to consider. Please regard any background as merely a starting point for everyone else to consider, and I would appreciate any input so that I can rewrite it.
Aug 1, 2019 4:08 pm
I've deleted the earlier post, and rephrased everything as answers to the introductory questions for the Dragon archetype. I hope this helps clarify what I was attempting to do.

=Who are you?=

Bai Suzhen, or Suzanne Blanc, 35, French-Chinese descent, white dragon incarnate. Exactly seven years ago, her fiance, Chretien, left her at the altar on their perfect Parisian wedding day. She had initially thought that he had jilted her, but the more disturbing fact was that he had disappeared completely. None of his belongings remained in their apartment. His office had said that he had quit, his workstation cleared out completely. It was a missing persons case. Crushed, Suzhen returned to Shanghai, and continued her work as a museum director, curating ancient Asian artifacts. Her work with the Louvre was what brought her to Paris in the first place.

=How long have you been in the city?=

A month ago, Suzhen's latest project brought her to Montreal; the Museum of Fine Arts latest exhibition on the Tang dynasty art and calligraphy required her expertise and management. That was the ostensible reason.

=Who has hinted they might know more about your line?=

The real reason was more bizarre. She had received an anonymous email with a photo attached. It was a photo of Chretien, with who looked like his family of a wife and two children, but with the woman's face blanked out. There was no other information, and it took a bit of detective work to identify the background of the photo as La Ronde.

=How do memories of your previous life manifest?=
=What are your most painful memories of your former life?=

Suzhen flew into a rage. She went into depression. But she wasn't an indecisive woman. She knew exactly what she had to do. Her broodmate was calling out to her. They had spent previous lives and incarnations together. Each time, each cycle ended in tragedy. This era was no different. But she was determined to do something about it this time. She had to find him immediately, either to be with him again, or to kill him.
Aug 1, 2019 10:54 pm
Ah, okay, cool.

I checked your submitted character. All look fine. Now we just need to assign those Debts, work out some details like what is the mark/sign of your lineage and what will that arcane tome/device will do.

I also like to ask a few more questions about characters, so I'll do the same with you.
- Do you have any mundane obligations? Family? Friends? Jobs? Hobbies?
- How/when did Bai realized she was more than human?
- How does her draconic heritage manifests itself the most?
- Did she had run-ins with the Ordo Draconis before (in this lifetime)?
Aug 2, 2019 4:01 am
Some trivia on my character's name. Bai is her family name, which means white. When she was living in France she used the surname Blanc. Suzhen is her given name, which anglicised, reads Suzanne.

- Do you have any mundane obligations? Family? Friends? Jobs? Hobbies?
Suzhen is currently the Shanghai museum's assistant director in charge of curation and events. This often entails her travelling to other museums around the world to collaborate in cross-cultural exhibitions. Her longest stint in another country was in Paris, France, many years ago, where she met her fiance. More recently she's worked in Shanghai, but is now in Montreal for an upcoming exhibition.
Her parents continue to live in another China province, so she hardly sees them. She has only been in Montreal for a month, and while her attractive disposition made it easy for her to make new friends, her current state of mind, anger and depression, kept most of them at arm's length. She has spent most of her free time after work getting to know the city's sights and sounds better, just to deal with her emotions.

- How/when did Bai realized she was more than human?
In her incarnation in this lifetime, it was something in her work that 'awakened' her. She had been curating a discovery of ancient Chinese scrolls which described the ley lines of China (also known as dragon lines in mythology), and how they linked to the holy mountains in the geography of the land. One particular text contained her own name and marked her point of origin, and described the legend of a white snake or dragon who fell in love with another, only to be separated by an over-zealous monk. At that moment she realised she has had many past lives.
(This set of scrolls is her arcane tome. Perhaps it helps with one or more moves when she consults it for advice, maybe a Faction more, or even a Corruption move (like a Necronomicron)).

- How does her draconic heritage manifests itself the most?
Suzhen's mark of lineage is a dragon tattoo covering her entire back. When she uses her powers, the tattoo shifts and moves corresponding to the power she uses. In the most intense situations, the dragon features of her tattoo cover her own actual features.
Behaviour-wise, her career is a reflection of her draconic heritage. She is drawn to the investigation and acquisition of artifacts, traveling far and wide to find them.

- Did she had run-ins with the Ordo Draconis before (in this lifetime)?
She is unaware of it, but it was the Ordo Draconis that caused her fiance to disappear seven years ago, for reasons yet unknown. Her current search for Chretien will certainly put her on a collision course with them.
Aug 2, 2019 6:18 am
I've submitted my perpetually-teenaged, long-suffering Immortal, Tobias Culpeper.

One question: Tobias doesn't strike me as the... uh... successful sort. Would you mind if I downgraded some of his gear (namely the penthouse and luxury car/driver) to better fit his character? I would swap them out for the 'normal' apartment and car instead.
Last edited August 2, 2019 6:24 am
Aug 2, 2019 7:00 am
If I recall this is where we discuss debts involved in character creation...

If I remove the ones from the characters that we are no longer using, I'd only loose 1 off of my sheet (I loose a couple of others sheets but if you want Kalajel we can leave those there in case you still want to use the dropped characters as NPCs?)

So I'm looking for someone to pick up "You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret, they owe you a debt."

My first thought was to just link it too the Immortals "Someone saw you die" debt, but that might be heaping it on too much? I'd certainly be up for that aswell though and then maybe keep a secret for the Dragon?

By the way @oopsylon I'd also be up for Victoria knowing Tobias from a while ago... She's been around since WW1, so they might now each other if you spent much time in Europe.
Last edited August 2, 2019 7:03 am
Aug 2, 2019 7:37 am
By the way @oopsylon I'd also be up for Victoria knowing Tobias from a while ago... She's been around since WW1, so they might now each other if you spent much time in Europe
That works for me! He's English and he's been all over the place so it's definitely possible that they met in Europe.

Oh, I should post his Intro Questions and Debts...
Last edited August 2, 2019 7:38 am
Aug 2, 2019 7:43 am
Intro Questions
Who were you? Who are you now?
Tobias Culpeper was born in Oswestry, England in the year 1742 to a family of few means and many children. At the age of fifteen, Toby was employed as a cabin boy on an English trading vessel bound for North America. Unfortunately, the ship wrecked in a freak storm halfway across the Atlantic Ocean and all aboard drowned. Toby washed up in the West Indies two years later, miraculously alive. He does not remember what happened during that two-year period, but he has not aged since the day of the shipwreck and he is seemingly unable to die.

What do you loathe about your immortal existence?
While immortality is not without its perks, being forever fifteen is not all it's cracked up to be. Mortals rarely take him seriously, employment opportunities are... uninspiring at best, and Toby can count the number of times he's been let into a bar on one hand.

How long have you lived in this city?
Toby moves around constantly, rarely staying in any one place for more than a few years, lest any mortal start to notice that he doesn't age. He's been in Montreal for only a couple months now, so he's still a bit disconnected from the supernatural scene.

What still entices you about an ordinary mortal life?
Watching mortals grow up, grow old, and make families together, Toby- eternally young and growing ever more detached- cannot help but feel that his future was stolen from him. Ostensibly, he has more of a future than anyone but, stuck as he is in an endless cycle of fake IDs, minimum-wage jobs and emotional isolation, he envies the change and growth inherent to a mortal lifespan.

Which mortal do you trust with your secrets?
Toby is currently employed as a cashier at a downtown 7-Eleven, where he shares his shift with a mortal named Dylan. Toby tells Dylan everything because it amuses him to know that Dylan will never believe him.

Suzhen - You have been watching someone's lineage closely, keeping them safe from harm. They owe you two Debts.
Victoria - Someone has seen you die and come back to life. They haven't told anyone your secrets. You owe them a Debt.
Edouard - Someone usually accompanies you when you head straight into danger. Tell them why you trust them. You owe them two Debts.
Last edited August 3, 2019 12:00 pm
Aug 2, 2019 11:46 am
Genisisect says:
So I'm looking for someone to pick up "You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret, they owe you a debt."

My first thought was to just link it too the Immortals "Someone saw you die" debt, but that might be heaping it on too much? I'd certainly be up for that aswell though and then maybe keep a secret for the Dragon?
I can certainly work with this. The Dragon archetype is hunted by an enemy, the Ordo Draconis. They are hunting for Suzhen's ex-fiance, whom she's looking for as well. You know his whereabouts, but are keeping it secret. This is potentially dangerous if they find out what you're helping to hide.
Aug 2, 2019 2:10 pm
I definitely want to base Victoria on ideas of knowledge acquisition etc. So did you want her to know who your love is but be keeping it from you and then? Seems a bit hard to cash as a debt against you if you know what I mean.
Aug 2, 2019 2:47 pm
I was thinking that Victoria would be keeping the secret from the Ordo Draconis. Subject to the MC's approval, the Ordo is a sorcerous, occultic, religious sect, intent on destroying Suzhen's fiance, (and Suzhen herself). But they haven't located him yet. Or perhaps they haven't understood who he truly is. But Victoria possesses the knowledge of his whereabouts or his importance.
Will this work better?
Last edited August 3, 2019 5:09 am
Aug 2, 2019 2:59 pm
@ oopsilon: checked your character, looks fine. As for downgrading equipment, I don't mind if you want to, though, Immortals are movers and shakers, and even if Toby might have had trouble getting started due to his perpetual youth, centuries-old hedge funds and the likes are not entirely out of your reach; after all, he's been around for a long time.
Also, I won't lie, I had a bit of a chuckle as I pictured how much of an interesting roleplay opportunity seeing Toby insisting on trying to live a normal youth's life, having his minimum wage student job, all the while being driven back to this ostentatious house each night, having the same discussion with his driver each time... "Sir, you never answered me why you perform such menial tasks each day while you already have all this money."
But if you want to downgrade your equipment and play a struggling Immortal, I'm fine with that.

Also, concerning your schemes, they use a mechanic very similar to how the MC's threats and storms work, with a game clock as well. So, you might want to add the following to your schemes on your character sheet:
[ +- ] Scheme clocks
You will be required to actively work on your schemes to make them advance. Your start of session moves will also make one progress (or regress if a miss is rolled, though I guess you are safe from this for the first time around). A scheme which was not worked on for a while could even regress if I deem it appropriate.
Aug 2, 2019 5:17 pm
@Oopsylon Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt could go well with "Toby can count the number of times he's been let into a bar on one hand."

Since Edouard sense emotions and cannot feed on non-mortal, a single passage in the 7-elevencould have sparked an encounter and Edouard would be fascinated by the mix of envy and boredom of a caracter like Tobias.

Depending on how their relationship would have developped, it could be open to Someone usually accompanies you when you head straight into danger. Tell them why you trust them. You owe them two Debts. too.
Aug 2, 2019 10:21 pm
kalajel says:
Also, concerning your schemes, they use a mechanic very similar to how the MC's threats and storms work, with a game clock as well. So, you might want to add the following to your schemes on your character sheet:
[ +- ] Scheme clocks
You will be required to actively work on your schemes to make them advance. Your start of session moves will also make one progress (or regress if a miss is rolled, though I guess you are safe from this for the first time around). A scheme which was not worked on for a while could even regress if I deem it appropriate.
Understood. Will do!
I also have to add 'interruptions' at some point. Do I do that now?
TheVagrant says:
@Oopsylon Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt could go well with "Toby can count the number of times he's been let into a bar on one hand."
Yeah, I was thinking that too. Poor guy needs someone to buy him alcohol :P
Depending on how their relationship would have developped, it could be open to Someone usually accompanies you when you head straight into danger. Tell them why you trust them. You owe them two Debts. too.
Yeah, that could work! I would say Tobias trusts Edouard because he seems like he lacks ulterior motives. He's just a young vampire trying to have some fun :)
Aug 2, 2019 10:53 pm
oopsylon says:
Understood. Will do!
I also have to add 'interruptions' at some point. Do I do that now?
Yes, indeed, you need to select 3 interruptions and tell me to which scheme they will apply.

You also need to secretly tell me (via PM or the note tool) how you can be killed for good.

And just like I did for Bedzonell, I have a few more questions for your character so I can better figure out who he is.
- Do you have any mundane obligations? Family? Friends? Jobs? Hobbies?
- Has Toby ever wished he could die for good? Has he ever taken step towards that?
- What is the best/worst part of coming back to life?
- How detached has Toby become? In what way does his detachment manifests?
Aug 3, 2019 4:52 am
Do you have any mundane obligations? Family? Friends? Jobs? Hobbies?
As mentioned previously, Toby works as a cashier at a 7-Eleven. He has no family, but he has a few friends in the city- both new (Edouard, Dylan) and old (Victoria, possibly Suzhen). He’s made a hobby of collecting and collating research on paranormal phenomena in the Atlantic Ocean in an effort to investigate the origin of his immortality. He keeps his research on the matter in a small, black notebook.

Has Toby ever wished he could die for good? Has he ever taken step towards that?
No. He may have considered it briefly once or twice but, ultimately, he does not want to die. He wants to live more. Besides which, his brief experiences on the other side have not been particularly enticing.

What is the best/worst part of coming back to life?
Dying is obviously not a pleasant experience and coming back to life is often disorientating and frightening, but by far the worst part of it all (at least in Toby’s opinion) is the cold, dark space in between the two. Mostly, Toby sees nothing, hears nothing, is nothing in death, but occasionally, when he stays under too long, he will see things in the dark- disturbing, unearthly visions- that leave him less of himself than he was before.

How detached has Toby become? In what way does his detachment manifests?
While Toby has a few friends and acquaintances, he has trouble forming meaningful relationships. It is becoming more and more difficult to relate to others and he is constantly moving from place to place so even his longer-lived friends (vampires, other immortals, etc.) are temporary.

oopsylon sent a note to kalajel
Last edited August 3, 2019 5:34 am
Aug 3, 2019 4:53 am
@BedzoneII, Your "Someone is keeping a mortal friend or family member safe on your behalf. You owe them a Debt" could work well with my "You have been watching someone's lineage closely, keeping them safe from harm. They owe you two Debts.". I could even change one of my schemes to Stewardship which would mean Toby could be actively working toward keeping this friend/family member permanently safe.
That being said, I’m not sure why Toby would be invested in this. Perhaps he was friends with you or Chretien in one of your previous lifetimes?
Last edited August 3, 2019 4:55 am
Aug 3, 2019 7:33 am
I like that idea. Toby could certainly have been looking out for Suzhen's lineage, in this case Chretien. It was possible that Toby was the one who sent the anonymous photo. That would count as two Debts, one for protecting, and one for informing her.

And I think the idea of Toby knowing Suzhen in one of her previous lives would work fine. Perhaps in a previous life, Suzhen protected him somehow. Perhaps she was one of those who played a part in saving him from the shipwreck: he did know it at first, but found out about it more recently. Or perhaps a previous more maternal version of Suzhen took care of him in an era where life was difficult for a seemingly 15 year old boy.
Aug 3, 2019 10:14 am
Hm, well I don't think he was 'saved' from the shipwreck per se, but she could have helped him in some other way, like you said, and they became friends.

The 'two' debts involved are:
-"Someone is keeping a mortal friend or family member safe on your behalf. You owe them a Debt"
-"You have been watching someone's lineage closely, keeping them safe from harm. They owe you two Debts.".
So that's three debts total. Two for keeping an eye on Suzhen's lineage in general and one for specifically keeping Chretien safe from the Ordo Draconis (which I will interpret as Toby changing one of his current schemes to Stewardship which, if successful, will eventually make Chretien safe for good).

I’m okay with Toby being the one that sent the photo but I don’t think he would have been involved in Chretien’s initial disappearance. He probably recognised Chretien in passing after he moved into Montreal and, realising that he's most certainly in danger from the Ordo Draconis, felt obligated to protect him.

Speaking of schemes, I’ll sort out the interruptions now...
Aug 3, 2019 11:37 am
That sounds perfect, let's go with that. We can specify further what keeping an eye of Suzhen's lineage in general has entailed so far. Maybe if we find two aspects of it, that'll tally with the two Debts. So that you can cash them separately when the need arises.

Here's another potential hook since we're still working out debts. The Dragon archetype is a reincarnating one. Suzhen discovered her origin from a set of ancient scrolls she possesses. These are some sort of almanac. In at least one of them, she is specifically named and her past life(s) described. That how she awoke this era. The scrolls are incomplete. She is actively seeking the missing ones. She is also analysing them to find the other broodmates of this era (MC's discretion). The Ordo Draconis also have incomplete copies of these, which they use to hunt the dragons.

Debt summary so far:

Suzhen's Debts
Someone knows you betrayed them, but they don’t know the whole story. You owe them a Debt.
Someone stole something from you and lost it to the Ordo Draconis. They owe you two Debts.
(Toby) Someone is keeping a mortal friend or family member safe on your behalf. You owe them a Debt.

(Toby's Debt) You have been watching someone's lineage closely, keeping them safe from harm. They owe you two Debts.
(Victoria's Debt) You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret, they owe you a debt. [to be confirmed]
(Edouard's Debt)
Last edited August 4, 2019 2:21 am
Aug 3, 2019 11:57 am
oopsylon sent a note to kalajel
Last edited August 3, 2019 12:02 pm
Aug 3, 2019 4:13 pm
The Debts looks to be going well. Do not forget to note them on your character sheet. I've also made a Debts tracking thread here to make it easier to track everyone's Debts.

I've also added a thread for Suhzen and Toby in the Friends, Allies, and Contacts section.
Aug 5, 2019 4:18 am
I'm trying to figure out how Suzhen and Edouard could have some link together. Edouard is quite young in the supernatural scene and has no connection outside of Montreal. He would love the lost love angle, but he would have needed to cross path with her somewhere.

What are the places Suzhen serach for info or the steps she took in Montreal to find her love? Edouard is mostly hanging around the nightlife and support groups, but he does start to build a reputation of problem solver for people with no recourse.
Aug 5, 2019 6:22 am
I’d be totally down to having your "Someone stole something from you and lost it to the Ordo Draconis. They owe you two Debts." Victoria is trying to gain information right, and some almanacs about dragons is a lot of info right, that’s a cool way to imply why you don’t have the complete set and offers you an opportunity to complete your set.

Edit: (having double checked the thread) I’d be up for Victoria having harboured you from the Ordo when you moved in, maybe she had made a a safe house for you or fitted you out with a. Harm that helps mask your presence.
Last edited August 5, 2019 6:28 am
Aug 5, 2019 9:08 am
That's a nice way to make the debts work in both directions between Victoria and Suzhen. Ok, let's call these scrolls The Fivefold Path of the Dragon. (Because the Dragon archetype mentions 5 dragons born in any given era). They are a priceless museum artifact. Suzhen originally owned 3 of the scrolls, which she curates for exhibitions, one of which is on loan to the Montreal museum. In Victoria's studies in the occult she 'borrowed' the scroll to study, and the Ordo Draconis took the opportunity to steal it from her. By stealing it, the Ordo Draconis now knows about Suzhen. As a result, when Suzhen arrives in Montreal, Victoria helps Suzhen keep her dragon identity a secret.
This way, Victoria owes Suzhen for the loss of the scroll, and Suzhen owes Victoria for keeping her identity a secret.

Thus far:

Suzhen's Debts
Someone knows you betrayed them, but they don’t know the whole story. You owe them a Debt.
(Victoria) Someone stole something from you and lost it to the Ordo Draconis. Victoria owes you two Debts.
(Toby) Someone is keeping a mortal friend or family member safe on your behalf. You owe Toby a Debt.

(Toby's Debt) You have been watching someone's lineage closely, keeping them safe from harm. Suzhen owes you two Debts.
(Victoria's Debt) You are helping someone keep a dangerous secret. Suzhen owes you a Debt.
(Edouard's Debt)
Aug 5, 2019 9:16 am
As for Edouard, Suzhen has spent a month in Montreal from Shanghai. Is there something Edouard might need from the Far East, like a weapon, or special blood that will make him better in some way? The Dragon archetype collects artifacts (dragons hoard things!) so Suzhen is likely to know where certain objects can be found or can be acquired. (I suppose this applies to Victoria too, more books for her wizardly learning).

Apart from looking for Chretien, Suzhen might be looking for his current wife or partner (maybe she is a rival!), whose face is scratched out from the photo. Perhaps information on the woman can only be found in the nightlife, or through the Night Faction, and Edouard can help with this.

Also, does Edouard have Vamp debts Suzhen could have some connection with?
Aug 5, 2019 3:51 pm
Vamp debts goes as follow :

Someone makes sure you get fed regularly. You owe them 2 Debts.
(Tobias) Someone relies on you for their fix. They owe you a Debt.
(Victoria) Someone bears responsibility for you becoming a vampire. They
owe you a Debt.

Edouard did search recently for a weapon, he reached to Victoria who offered to provide it through her sanctum. In general, at this moment, he is looking to increase his battle power to deal with reckless gangs and monster infestation.

Edouard is no detective but he is incredibly persuasive (Irresistible: When you persuade an NPC using promises or seduction,
treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. On a miss, your machinations succeed as
though you rolled a 7-9, but attract the attention of a rival or enemy.) If he heard of your search, he would have offered his assistance, Suzhen could have send him in a direction that ended up being a trap (like access to the original photo from LaRonde employees that were under watch from the Ordo Draconis). Did could maybe lead to the last of Suzhen debt, Someone knows you betrayed them, but they don’t know the whole story. You owe them a Debt. ?
Aug 6, 2019 3:20 pm
Ok, that could work. Perhaps when Suzhen first arrived in Montreal, she first started her search in the streets, amongst the Night faction. She meets Edouard, and asks him to help investigate LaRonde. He gets into trouble with the Ordo Draconis, and now thinks Suzhen betrayed him. So Suzhen owes him a debt.

In return, I was wondering whether, when the new storm starts, and Suzhen and Edouard meet again, (and they finally have a chance to talk things out), she will attempt to honor the debt by finding him a new source to feed him regularly. This can start a new Vamp Debt for you.
Aug 6, 2019 4:25 pm
Indeed, we can even do both before starting without removing the tension if : Edouard escaped the trap but since neither he or Suzhen knows if he's identified or compromised by the Ordo Draconis, then Suzhen would have avoided direct contact but started sending people looking to get rid of intense emotions Edouard's way.

Ence debts both ways and Edouard not knowing what to think of Suzhen until they will meet in the story to clear the air.
Aug 7, 2019 2:15 am
Sounds good, I'm up for it.
Aug 10, 2019 5:39 pm
Edouard just got his first advance, do I call my choice in story thread or I just write it on my character sheat?

I want to choose the Revenant archetype move Vigilante, seems appropriates with trying to deal with gangs of wolves bikers and fae monsters around town :)
Aug 10, 2019 5:45 pm
Either way is fine with me, so long as I know what you took. Go ahead and mark it on your character sheet and clear your Faction boxes.
Aug 12, 2019 1:12 pm
I was just thinking further about Suzhen's debt to Edouard. I've posted it as a potential misunderstanding. But is there a need to make it so that it's an actual betrayal? I'm assumed it's up to Vagrant and myself to determine how serious or minor it is.
Aug 12, 2019 5:26 pm
Exactly. Now, why would you want to betray someone as likable as Édouard? :P
Aug 16, 2019 4:03 pm
The Dragon addendum suggests working out a custom move with the MC for the ancient tome gear. May I run a suggestion by you? The concept behind the suggestions is that the scrolls provide some sort of insight when consulted, and the insight can be used later. I've listed 5 effects because there are five scrolls. If fewer scrolls are in possession, perhaps some of the options are not available. Please consider, modify or reject outright! :)

The Fivefold Path of the Dragon (5 scrolls)
When you consult this ancient tome, roll+Spirit. On a 10+, hold 4. On a 7-9, hold 3. On a 6-, hold 2 in addition to any
complication the MC wishes to add. You may spend 1 hold to gain one of the following effects:
- Take +1 forward to your next Faction move (or Hit the Streets or Investigate a Place of Power especially)
- Take +1 forward to your next Figure Someone Out
- Take +1 forward to your next Dragon Move
- When you next unleash, roll with Spirit instead of Blood
- When you next unleash, add +1 harm

You may only use 1 hold per action. You may only consult the tome once per day.
Aug 16, 2019 4:30 pm
BedzoneII says:
The Dragon addendum suggests working out a custom move with the MC for the ancient tome gear. May I run a suggestion by you? The concept behind the suggestions is that the scrolls provide some sort of insight when consulted, and the insight can be used later. I've listed 5 effects because there are five scrolls. If fewer scrolls are in possession, perhaps some of the options are not available. Please consider, modify or reject outright! :)

The Fivefold Path of the Dragon (5 scrolls)
When you consult this ancient tome, roll+Spirit. On a 10+, hold 4. On a 7-9, hold 3. On a 6-, hold 2 in addition to any
complication the MC wishes to add. You may spend 1 hold to gain one of the following effects:
- Take +1 forward to your next Faction move (or Hit the Streets or Investigate a Place of Power especially)
- Take +1 forward to your next Figure Someone Out
- Take +1 forward to your next Dragon Move
- When you next unleash, roll with Spirit instead of Blood
- When you next unleash, add +1 harm

You may only use 1 hold per action. You may only consult the tome once per day.
That looks like an interesting base. I'm at work currently, so I cannot check my rulebook, but once I get home, I'll take a look at how balanced this move is and what changes, if any, I'll make.
Aug 17, 2019 12:45 am
Alright, here's something I came up with that I feel is balanced.

The Fivefold Path of the Dragon
The Fivefold Path of the Dragon is a series of five scrolls written in an ancient language that only dragons can read without any magical aid. They contain insights and wisdom pertaining to the Chinese five elements and draconic nature, though, some scrolls are missing… When Consulting The Fivefold Path of the Dragon, roll with Mind. On a 10+, Hold 3, on a 7-9, Hold 2 and Mark Corruption. On a 6- hold one and mark Corruption, your mind will also have been strained by reading ancient draconic language, you cannot consult the scrolls again until you sleep. You can spend your Hold 1 for 1 to perform one of the following.
- When you are tying to Figure Someone Out, you get an additional question as if you were in their Faction. If you are in their Faction, you gain two additional questions instead.
- When Inflicting Terrible Harm on an opponent, you can also frighten, intimidate, or impress them as if you had Let it Out.
The Scrolls: As previously mentioned, there are five scrolls, but you begin play with only one of them. The other four have been stolen, lost, or otherwise misplaced. Your MC will tell you when you will find another scroll. Mark one. When you find other scrolls, you can mark them as well as you find them. Add the following to the list you can spend your Holds on for each scroll you have found. Each two scrolls found above the first also allows you to Hold one more when you roll a hit. ([/] in your possession, [ ] still lost)
[ ] Path of the Claw (Metal): The writings contained within this scroll pertains to righteousness, ambition, determination, progress, and persistance. Choose a Faction, you gain +1 forward on your next Hit the Streets or Unleash an Attack against that Faction.
[ ] Path of Flight (Wood): The writings contained within this scroll pertains to benevolence, creativity, luxuriance, blooming, and flourishing. Choose a Faction, you gain +1 forward on your next Lend a Hand or Get in the Way or Mislead, Distract, or Trick against that Faction.
[ ] Path of the Heart (Fire): The writings contained within this scroll pertains to propriety, enthusiasm, and passion. Choose a Faction, you gain +1 forward on your next Keep Your Cool or Persuade an NPC against that Faction.
[ ] Path of the Mind (Water): The writings contained within this scroll pertains to wisdom, aptitude, brightness, agile mind, and mental strength. Choose a Faction, you gain +1 forward on your next Figure Someone Out or Investigate a Place of Power against that Faction.
[ ] Path of the Scale (Earth): The writings contained within this scroll pertains to fidelity and honesty, nurturing, stability, and security. Choose a Faction, you gain +1 forward on your next Escape a Situation or Put a Face to a Name against that Faction.

Here is my reasoning behind my revised version of the scrolls.
First, I felt that Mind was a better stat to use than Spirit as it would fit more the whole concept of reading and understanding ancient wisdom more than your force of will and connection to the supernatural would.
Second, I felt that simply granting a +1 harm and allowing to unleash with Spirit was a bit powerful. I know that -2 Blood sucks, but that means that in combat, you'll have more of a support role to the other players. Also, considering that advances, corruption advances, or simply getting a weapon later on should help with your fighting abilities, I decided instead that if you inflicted terrible harm on someone, you could have the option of coercing them in stopping fighting right then and there, which might come useful in quickly putting an end to a fight.
Thirdly, I noticed you chose All Things Laid Bare as a move. I felt that the extra question will have a nice synergy with that move.
Fourthly, the way I designed the scroll would give you an incentive to go out there and find the misplaced on since your move would only get stronger the more scrolls you would have in your possession, thus giving me more opportunity to progress whatever story or plot I need to. Also, that fact that you need to choose a Faction for some of the options will hopefully mean that you will hold on to your holds (pun not intended) for as long as possible before consulting your scrolls again. Finally, as a continuation to that last idea, the risk of Corruption will probably mean that you will not always be consulting the scrolls and might reserve this move for when you are expecting trouble or are planning something.
Aug 17, 2019 12:54 am
Aw chucks...

Flattery will get you everywhere... :P
Aug 17, 2019 1:06 am
I'll copy that onto my character sheet. And, in the interest of fitting it into the background, let's say Suzhen starts with the Path of the Mind scroll. It was reading the scroll that awakened her because she 'Figured herself Out', and came to Montreal to 'Investigate a Place of Power'
Aug 21, 2019 7:00 am
MC, before I post regarding Henry Greenfield, I wanted to ask if he is a character I can declare as a broodmate. It seems to fit, ie. he collects precious objects, is secretive, etc, and it's the 'first' time I'm meeting him. He'd be unawakened of course. What do you think?
Aug 21, 2019 2:33 pm
I had not considered making Greenfield a dragon, but it is an interesting concept. However, you have already met Greenfield before: once when you found a rare item for him and he owed you a Debt for it, then again recently when you appeared in front of The Council... So according to the rules, you cannot make Henry Greenfield a Dragon.
Aug 21, 2019 2:48 pm
That makes sense. In any case, I'll always check in and ask first when a suitable character pops up.
Aug 21, 2019 4:21 pm
I'm thinking of changing the result of 6- for the scrolls. It occurs to me that if my design philosophy of having you hold your Holds for as long as possible and avoid consulting the scroll too often to avoid Corruption end up working, the whole "you cannot consult the scroll again util you have slept" might be a bit redundant...

I'll see how the scroll plays out first, and if it does the way I had predicted, it might be simpler to just change a result of 6- as "nothing happens, no insight, no Corruption, and cannot consult again until you have slept"...

Edit: Hmm, although, I do remember specifying that the extra scrolls only grant more Holds on a hit only, and not a miss... Hmm, maybe it will work fine the way it is, who knows... Again, I'll have to see how it handles in game before applying any changes.
Aug 23, 2019 9:55 pm
TheVagrant sent a note to Genisisect
Aug 24, 2019 12:33 am
Genisisect sent a note to TheVagrant
Aug 24, 2019 12:46 am
Genisisect says:
TheVagrant sent a note to TheVagrant
TheVagrant sent a note to Genisisect
Last edited August 24, 2019 12:46 am
Aug 24, 2019 1:13 am
Genisisect sent a note to TheVagrant
Aug 24, 2019 1:33 am
TheVagrant sent a note to Genisisect
Last edited August 24, 2019 1:33 am
Aug 24, 2019 2:58 am
Genisisect sent a note to TheVagrant
Aug 24, 2019 3:25 am
Genisisect says:
TheVagrant sent a note to TheVagrant
TheVagrant sent a note to Genisisect
Last edited August 24, 2019 3:25 am
Aug 24, 2019 4:06 am
Genisisect sent a note to TheVagrant
Aug 24, 2019 4:30 am
TheVagrant sent a note to Genisisect
Last edited August 24, 2019 4:30 am
Aug 24, 2019 2:06 pm
kalajel sent a note to TheVagrant
Aug 27, 2019 6:17 am
Well with that face to a name roll I’ve checked every faction. Um not sure what I’ll take as an upgrade yet but I’ll update when I do.

I’ll take a move from another faction; Conduit.
Last edited August 27, 2019 6:58 am
Aug 27, 2019 2:49 pm
Oracle move, interesting. Cool.
Aug 29, 2019 2:58 am
TheVagrant sent a note to Genisisect
Last edited August 29, 2019 3:00 am
Aug 30, 2019 2:25 am
oopsylon says:
kalajel sent a note to kalajel
Could you please note your Interruptions on your character sheet under your schemes? I tried looking your character sheet for a refresher and could not find them. It would allow me to stop from having to find that post again in the future.

If your Interruptions are already noted on your character sheet, then please ignore my request.
Aug 30, 2019 2:35 am
Sure! I've added them under their respective schemes.
Sep 1, 2019 11:26 pm
I figured I'd put this here because this is the more relevant place. How do you feel Kalajel about my proposed method of making my let it out effect permanent? Ie adding a new spell that reads, "Clarity: Spend 1 hold to Keep your Cool as if you had rolled a 10."
Sep 1, 2019 11:55 pm
Yeah. I'm fine with that. I did told you that in an earlier post edit. Perhaps I did not made it clear or you never saw the edited post.
Sep 1, 2019 11:58 pm
I didn’t see that actually, updating my character sheet now!
Sep 10, 2019 2:21 pm
Noting Suzhen's sanctum details here (and also on my character sheet):
4 Features: a scattering of ancient relics, a mystical prison, magical wards, [one more]
2 Downsides: it contains many volatile substances, it's tough for you to access

For the 4th feature, I'm deciding between magical booby traps, or a portal to another dimension. But I have a question regarding 'a portal to another dimension', but I don't know whether it means the sanctum itself exists in another dimension, or whether the sanctum contains a portal which allows access to another dimension.
Sep 10, 2019 2:44 pm
That's up to you to decided. US is very lax on many details, allowing for the players and MC to come up with them on the fly or as they are needed.

Also, if your sanctum is difficult for you to access, I'd expect something along the line of a Let it Out or Keep your Cool to successfully access it, not just punching in a different code on the keypad... Just so you know...

Edit: some more ideas I had for a hard to access sanctum:
- Requires a very long string of numbers to be punched in, which would require time and the possibility of you being discovered by other employees of the museum/security guard you might question what you're doing here at this time.
- I simply get to decide when you can or can't access your sanctum.
- Requires a different code, but also some rare component which gets consumed while the code is entered so as to avoid other employees to accidentally access your sanctum while punching a wrong code. The downside to this security measure is that you need to seek this component each time you wish to access your sanctum...
Sep 10, 2019 3:16 pm
I also imagined hard to access as having some form of unpredictability or awkwardness ie. 'what are you doing here at this time'.
I like it because it makes for great storytelling, but given that Suzhen currently is being hunted and has no home, perhaps I shouldn't make it too difficult for her to find a place of relative safety!

Ok perhaps I'll go with portal to another dimension, and combine that with attracts otherworldly attention. They make sense together. So the sanctum itself is out of phase from our dimension (gotta punch that code, in draconic there are extra numbers in the keypad!), and as a result sometimes it is exposed to otherworldly contact, good or bad.

Apr 6, 2020 9:33 am
Dommage que Genisisect ne puisse pas jouer maintenant. Une sorcière serait une excellente connexion pour mon personnage :(

Too bad Genisisect can't play now. A wizard would be a great connection for my character :(
[ +- ] Modèle/Model
[ +- ] Image
Je laisse juste un point de départ ici. Je le modifierai plus tard. Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que la plupart des choses signifient, mais je fais avec :D L'idée est de jouer un oracle islandais et membre d'un mouvement néopaïen. Il a sa propre chose religieuse animiste avec les elfes, Aesi et Gaia se joignant au mélange (oh blessed translator!)

Just leaving a starting point here. I'll edit it later. I have no clue what most things mean, but I'll just go with it :D The idea is to play an icelandic oracle and member of a neo-pagan movement. He has his own animistic religious thing going with elves, Aesi and Gaia throwing into the mix
Last edited April 6, 2020 5:25 pm
Apr 6, 2020 12:32 pm
ok. Here is a quick draft
[ +- ] Intro Questions
[ +- ] Debts
Of course I only need to meet on PC now to meet all PCs but...
So, I could easily meet the wizard from being with the wiccans. Apparently there are a couple thousands of them in Quebec. That would introduce the immortal as well. It is possible I met the dragon as she crossed my ever-moving tent and decided to check on the wondering fortuneteller. The vamp may have sold me my crappy car and we got into that award situation where I'm reading his mind and getting this weird vibes from the car (that's probably why I bough it) and he is screening my emotions...

CESN sent a note to kalajel
Last edited April 7, 2020 6:44 pm
Apr 6, 2020 5:16 pm
Your character sheet looks great. You just forgot to increase one of your character's stat by 1 and one of your starting factions by 1. Other than that, everything else looks great.

Edit: Sadly, Genisisect does not feel well enough to be here and agree to your Debts, so you might have to ask if someone else is interested by them...
Apr 6, 2020 5:26 pm
Ah right... +1 to heart so I don't have negatives there and +1 to mortality because humans are cool ;)
Apr 6, 2020 5:32 pm
kalajel sent a note to CESN
Apr 7, 2020 1:03 am
CESN says:
You’ve had a dire prophecy about someone, but you don’t know how to help them...yet. You owe them a Debt.
What would be direst than seeing the immortal PC... die?
If Elijah saw Toby (my immortal PC) die in one of his visions, perhaps Elijah doesn’t yet know Toby personally but is trying to find him so that he can save him from the foreseen death? Idk, it could be a fun little plot hook or something and it means we don't have to figure out how Elijah and Toby already know each other...

(Really cool character concept/backstory btw! :D)
Apr 7, 2020 3:09 am
I don't mind taking on the debt relationship about the dreams and visions. Dragons potentially have memories of all their past lives, so perhaps those dreams and visions draw from some of the knowledge Suzhen possesses.
Apr 7, 2020 7:46 am
oopsylon says:
If Elijah saw Tobydie in one of his visions, perhaps Elijah doesn’t yet know Toby personally but is trying to find him so that he can save him from the foreseen death?
Sounds good to me :D Maybe that is one of the reason I came to Montréal as preventing your death is obviously important for ... the balance? (you wouldn't be a PC otherwise ;) )
oopsylon says:
(Really cool character concept/backstory btw! :D)
Thanks! I still need to put it in french for the practice 😅Surely it will sound much cooler :D
BedzoneII says:
I don't mind taking on the debt relationship about the dreams and visions. Dragons potentially have memories of all their past lives, so perhaps those dreams and visions draw from some of the knowledge Suzhen possesses.
That is perfect, you have the scrolls and the memories. My visions and nightmares don't have to be just about the future, or they may need knowledge of some obscure past events to interpret. Should we go with the idea that we met when you decided to check on the wandering fortuneteller? Maybe the reputation I was building convinced you I could help fighting your husband/mate-to-be?

CESN sent a note to kalajel
This means I'm missing the debt: You are helping someone realise their true potential through your visions. They owe you a Debt
Which could be for Édouard. Not sure what would be the vamp's potential to unlock here... What do you think about the meeting idea:
* Édouard may have sold me a crappy car and we got into that award situation where I'm reading his mind and getting this weird vibes from the car and he is screening my emotions...
* Alternatively, Édouard may have been re-born (or done something) with or within the car, and when I bought it I had visions of him.
Last edited April 7, 2020 7:55 am
Apr 7, 2020 9:26 am
Nice, yes Suzhen would've resorted to all means to find the missing husband, including looking up the fortuneteller, and for that matter, even oracles. It could be a good working relationship or friendship thereafter, consulting dragon scrolls and other ancient artifacts Suzhen would've access to.
Apr 7, 2020 4:11 pm
@ Elijah:

The Wiccan get up that you have (the cape, the viking runes) are they ancient heirlooms or are they modern reproductions? How did you obtain them?

How did your family react to your prophetic gifts?

How about your wiccan friends? Were you part of a wiccan group back in Iceland? How about your wiccan contacts here in Montréal, how many of them are there? How good or strained is you relationship with them?
Apr 7, 2020 6:07 pm
kalajel says:
The Wiccan get up that you have (the cape, the viking runes) are they ancient heirlooms or are they modern reproductions? How did you obtain them?
The cape is a modern but the runes are ancient runes found after the first vision (like the ruins of the temple of Þór)
If asked, I’ll say they were a gift from Úlfljótr himself during the first Alþingi (playing a bit on the "time wizard" concept ;)
kalajel says:
How did your family react to your prophetic gifts?
They thought it was some teenager fantasy sort of game. Being apparently harmless they did not oppose and since paganism is officially recognised, they are still a bit unsure, but supportive
kalajel says:
How about your wiccan friends? Were you part of a wiccan group back in Iceland? How about your wiccan contacts here in Montréal, how many of them are there? How good or strained is you relationship with them?
The Ásatrúarfélagið is an Icelandic religious organisation of heathenry which includes anything really. Wiccans may be part of these fellowship, but it is broader than that. Wiki says there are about 700 Wiccans in Québec, most of which in Montréal, so I thought that would be a nice connection. A nice community, but not too many they'd be everywhere.

I guess the relationship with some of them is good, since they sheltered me but, like with everything, it would be interesting if I was to be unwelcome by some of the local Wiccan witches and sorcerers. Maybe they just feel threatened by my powers, maybe they think I’m a fake, maybe there is a feeling I will disturbe their order... or maybe there is something deeper at play
Last edited April 7, 2020 6:32 pm
Apr 8, 2020 5:16 pm
reading through the factions of Montréal at the moment and...
kalajel says:
Power is governed by an administrative council... Harold Silverman (Oracle/Outremont)
I probably met with this council (or will meet soon), with the possibility that Harold saw it coming ;)
Apr 9, 2020 9:32 am
So I started to skim through the manual now and in the introduction it is suggested that players explore different norms hidden urban/modern stuff...

* Since 89% of the population is ethnically Icelandic + 6% Eastern europeans... there isn't much to choose there. White European he is.
* However Icelanders will need an e-Visa type thing to be in Canada and likely a work or residency visa. So let's say Elijah can visit Canada, as he has the travel/visit visa, but he can't legally work in Canada, so posing as a wandering fortuneteller selling advice could lead to some trouble :D
* In addition, I found there is some tension within the Ásatrú we can play. On one hand the diversity and gender fluidity of some Norse deities makes it open to the LGBTQ, on the other hand, reviving the old tradition is a pretty much right wing endeavour... so there are certain white supremacist factions who view the Norse and Germanic beliefs as the true Caucasian-European ethnoreligious group (yeah, that's some Neo-Nazis right there!). The is probably no reason to hide homosexuality in Iceland (which boils down to Reykjavík basically)... but I can add some gender-spectrum fluidity to Elijah's pagan world view. Interestingly, I would have assumed urban Canada would be pretty much ok with this but wiki says "En 2015, 71 % des Québécois disent être témoins d'irrespect envers les LGBT dans leur vie quotidienne et plus de la moitié des jeunes LGBT font l'objet de menaces, d'intimidation ou de violence à l'école". So that's something else asking for trouble :D
Apr 9, 2020 4:26 pm
I'm not a super huge fan of the PC material within US, but also I'm not entirely against it. Basically, if players want to play up this aspect of US, I won't prevent them from doing so, but I also won't go out of my way to introduce non-binary, gender-fluid, fox-kin NPCs in the game, partly because I don't feel that sexuality is a relevant character trait... I just don't feel a character's sexuality is that important, unless part of the plot relies on it (ex: Maurice's wife being in a coma from a fireball thrown by a rogue Wizard, explaining his vendetta against the supernaturals of Montréal). Basically, what I'm trying to say is, who knows what Ibn's or Baron Samedi's sexuality might be right now (heck, I haven't even decided that myself!), because it has no bearing on the plot at the moment.

I also replace the whole X-Card rule, which I view as the worst way to deal with sensitive topics during play (too immature and condescending), and prefer to replace it with the Social Contract. Basically, before play begins, I inform my players that US is a mature and dark game which can explore the worst aspects of human nature, and I'm willing to be as dark and as descriptive as my players feel comfortable. So Before the next storm starts, if there is any subject that you (the plural form) feel uncomfortable exploring (you don't even need to tell me the reason why), you can tell me now, and I'll avoid going there. As I said earlier, the Social contract is a living document, and if at any point my players have a change of mind, the Social Contract will change accordingly.
Apr 10, 2020 8:20 am
Ah right. The way they wrote looked like that was the goal of the game :D
Anyway, I think we can still use both idea at some point: no working permit and unfriendly bunch within the Icelandic fellowship
Apr 10, 2020 2:42 pm
Yeah, US is really pushing a certain agenda... something I wish I had known that before purchasing the game, but no use crying over spilt milk now... Anyways, like I said, if you want to pursue or explore this facet of city life, I won't object.
Apr 11, 2020 1:34 am
I admit I completely ignored the X-Card agenda. While it seemed like it was the original motivation for US, the game itself doesn't really need any of it. Perhaps it was meant to cater a whole other segment of WW players who want to do adult VtM.
Apr 11, 2020 2:12 am
I just read into it the suggestion to play character that get you out of your confort zone.
Apr 11, 2020 3:03 am
TheVagrant says:
I just read into it the suggestion to play character that get you out of your confort zone.
That’s how I read it too- that you should play a character who is different to yourself and, probably, the types of characters you normally play. As I understand it, Urban Shadows is simply pointing out that urban fantasy lends itself very well to explorations of identity and culture and that diversity makes a story more interesting and realistic. It would be awfully boring if every character was the same, after all. 😊
Last edited April 11, 2020 10:44 am
Sep 19, 2020 10:37 pm
So apparently, this is a thing. Might explain Toby...
Sep 20, 2020 1:59 pm
:D :D especially since Toby does like older women...
Sep 21, 2020 1:47 am
BedzoneII says:
:D :D especially since Toby does like older women...
That’s certainly an… interesting assumption you’ve made hahaha XD

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