New Around These Parts.

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Sep 29, 2018 7:15 pm
Hello all. I heard about a place where forever DMS like myself could actually be a player in a game. I've been playing around with the game and character creator and i'm excited to get into some games. So introduce yourselves if you like, give me tips on how to use the site and maybe through some invite my way. I started D&D 2e about a decade go and have played/DMed almost every edition. Also a fair bit of other games like Cyberpunk 2020, Shadowrun, Cypher ect. I'd be game for any anything that isnt D&D 5 since I've been playing it nonstop since D&D Next was announced.
Sep 29, 2018 9:34 pm
Welcome! You might want to pop over to, the intro thread where new players come to say hi. Most people in the Tavern thread are advertising new games, so you might get more response there. For myself, i run Warhammer FRP and Cthulhu, though all 5 of my games are full right now, but there's always new stuff popping up on this thread.
Sep 29, 2018 9:35 pm
Welcome Deepest_Lore. There is a New Players Guide somewhere in the forums (General-》Guides?) that will explain the basics, but its pretty straightforward around here.

Lots of 5e gets the love, but many other games, too. Check out the Games Tavern forum for info on new games.

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