A bit overdue!

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Oct 22, 2014 9:46 pm
I suppose this is long overdue, but since I expect to see new people do introductions and I am all over this site you all should probably know me.

The basics:
28 yrs old
Lives in Sunny Florida with my wife and three kids
Occupation: Entrepreneur (Restaurant)

How I got into gaming:
...that was like almost two decades ago couldn't tell you. All I know is I started messing around with miniature wargaming around 10 years old and roleplaying was a logical progression from there. I enjoyed video game RPGs and became a huge fan of Balder's Gate so naturally I looked into what it was based on. I started Wargaming with Mordheim and started roleplaying with AD&D. I also played Magic: the gathering since third grade but fell out of love with that by high school.

What I like to play:
Anything, I do board games, card games, video games, rpgs, and especially wargaming. I generally am drawn toward sci-fi but will play anything and obviously fantasy is my roots. I generally find d20 to be a venerable and tired system but will still play. I currently and pretty much always have preferred narrative over rules and so prefer rules light and rp heavy systems. My games tend to avoid combat and favor social interaction and problem solving.

How I got to Gamer's Plane:
Keleth is a friend of mine and though I have not seen him in years I have stayed in touch with him over the internet. We have played a few live games over Skype and using Jparanoia. We have several mutual friends. I was one of the original testers in earlier iterations of this site and I try to be a major player and helper with this stable final version.

Nongaming Hobbies:
Fishing, Hunting, Camping, Guns, Gardening, and of course my family

Favorite Book Series: The Dresden Files

Favorite TV Show: Once Upon a Time

Favorite Movie: Hell if I know (I don't watch much tv or movies)

See you all in game!
Oct 23, 2014 1:17 am
Oh hey, welcome to the fray, Anythony! Oh lordy, Dresden, Shakka will make note of that you can be sure ^-^;

type type type, words words words!

I started with MTG then went to WH40k from there, but during that whole time i was involved with d&d 3.5 at school and with friends. Having fallen out of touch with 40k (too many new eds i don't like) and MTG (making the game stupid derpy) i mostly stick to other tabletop games and roleplaying whenever able to.

I need to get my rl group together sometimes soon, having dice withdrawls.. that or i need to work on my own system some more, also having withdrawls on that end.
Nice to finally meet you! :3

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