Alrighty -- I did my research. The character sheets are almost identical.
Age of Rebellion
Edge of the Empire
Force and Destiny
Age of Rebellion adds a knowledge skill: Warfare (Int)
Force and Destiny adds a combat skill: Lightsaber (Br)
On page two of the character sheets both Obligations and Duty have the same fields. In Force and Destiny the Morality box is somewhat different. Force and Destiny also adds a 'Force Power' section within Talents. Otherwise page 2 is identical across all three games.
Without understanding any of the mechanics that are behind your character sheet software, I think the following changes would make an EotE character sheet generally FFG-Star Wars:
(1) add knowledge skill Warfare (Int)
(2) add combat skill Lightsaber (Br) (note that it's not /always/ Br based on talents, but not sure that matters)
(3) rename Obligations to Obligations / Duty
(4) add Morality section with requisite items (this allows all characters to potentially have all three or 2 of the three for mixing and matching between core rulebooks)
(5) add a Force Power section
With those changes, I think the sheet is generic enough it's good for all of the games.
Obviously, queue this to a priority level as makes sense with all the other work you have to do. I just wanted to complete the research and report back.
Last edited September 15, 2015 4:44 pm