Newb Alert

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Nov 2, 2018 4:14 pm
Hi Everyone,

I'm completely new to table top/pen and paper RPG's, I have a lot of time in video game RPG's though, (Diablo, Everquest, WoW, etc) so I do understand the basic concept. I'm also familiar with Dragonlance, and to a lesser extent, Forgotten Realms which I know are worlds explored often in these games.

For similar reasons to many on this site I'm sure, my schedule doesn't permit me dedicating to a live in person game, I don't have a group of real people to play with anyways. Also I like how the play by post format allows the players and GM's a bit of time to think about their actions or look up a rule before progressing without the pressure of people staring at you waiting for you to make a decision.

I don't really know what type of game I'm interested in as I've never played any of them, but I'd like something in the traditional fantasy setting. My in game interests fall more in the dungeon crawling/combat areas and the character and story progression that comes with them. I'm not as much into the in-character role playing, but I'll certainly do as much as whatever group I find myself in does (or try, I've never really done role playing before), basically it's not really my thing, but I'll do my best not to ruin the atmosphere or feel for others who do enjoy that aspect.

If anyone is looking for another player in their game, and doesn't mind providing some guidance to a complete novice, I'm looking forward to trying this out, just give me a bit of time to read up on whatever rule book is needed and get a character created.

Thanks in advance, looking forward to some good adventures.
Nov 2, 2018 4:18 pm
Welcome! Hope you find a game soon!
Nov 2, 2018 4:22 pm
Welcome, Mandroid! You'll glad to have you here! Games are popping up all the time so juat keep your eye on the Games Tavern. In the meantime feel free to join us on Discord.
Last edited November 2, 2018 4:22 pm
Nov 2, 2018 4:24 pm
Nov 2, 2018 4:36 pm
Welcome, Mandroid, hope you find this hobby as rewarding as many chronics on this site do!
Nov 3, 2018 2:55 am
Welcome to the community. Things slowed down temporarily the last week but now we are all rearing to go. Good luck finding a game.
Nov 3, 2018 3:06 pm
Hello and welcome!
Dec 4, 2018 4:57 pm
Catching up on some introductions, welcome Mandroid! Nice thing about Play-by-Post is you can try a lot of different things at the same time to get an idea of what you may like.

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