Solar Blades and Cosmic Spells [ EDIT ]
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The universe is in collapse, as planets and systems struggle for freedom under the rule of sinister despots. Against the malevolent sorcery of the Overlords stand the few remaining bearers of the legendary Solar Blades.
What will you do when the forces of the Void close in?
Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells is a rules light, Star & Sorcery Role Playing Game with an Old School spirit. This is a complete Role Playing Game, inspired by the Old School Renaissance, the Pulp Literature and the many Science Fantasy stories brought to us by movies, comics and games. Based on the Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells RPG, this game system provides players and Overlords (that's how we call the GM in this game) a set of flexible and streamlined rules, as well as an array of tools to make gameplay fast and fun, allowing them to have exciting adventures with solar blades and cosmic spells!
more info on my fourm here
What will you do when the forces of the Void close in?
Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells is a rules light, Star & Sorcery Role Playing Game with an Old School spirit. This is a complete Role Playing Game, inspired by the Old School Renaissance, the Pulp Literature and the many Science Fantasy stories brought to us by movies, comics and games. Based on the Sharp Swords & Sinister Spells RPG, this game system provides players and Overlords (that's how we call the GM in this game) a set of flexible and streamlined rules, as well as an array of tools to make gameplay fast and fun, allowing them to have exciting adventures with solar blades and cosmic spells!
more info on my fourm here
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
you have to roll 3d6 for attributes. choose from the archetypes Tough, Nimble, Smart, Gifted.
Playable Races
Humans are the most widespread species in the universe. This is due to their incredible capacity to adapt to almost any environment but also due to the Cleansing Wars, when the mad Galactic Overlords and their former Leader almost exterminated any other species that opposed human supremacy. Their appearance is the most varied among the sentient species, with a wide range of skin tones, different colors of hair and eyes, and an even more varied range of cultures. In game terms, we assume all characters are humans unless specified otherwise, so no modification is needed. Humans are the only species that begin with a Luck score of 4
Trekkats have the appearance of large reptiles with armored faces and three large horns for defense, a strong exoskeleton and six insectoid legs. They were once primitive savages from an isolated planet in the outer regions. They were brought into the Cleansing Wars when the Galactic Overlords decided their sheer number could make a difference in the battles between themselves and started training them in the use of weapons. It didn't take long for their independent minds to decide to break away from the Overlords? control and explore the Galaxy. However, as revenge, one of the Overlords used all their powers to devastate their home planet, and now Trekkats are as orphans among the stars. Trekkats have an innate talent with machines, and a strong sense of camaraderie amongst themselves. Additionally, they are capable of making extraordinary jumps. In game terms, as part of their Movement, they can leap a distance equal to either their Physique or Agility (whichever is higher) in meters horizontally, or half as much vertically. They need one extra adventure to level up each time.
Szarians are reptilian humanoids with slender bodies and the incredible capacity to know where in the Galaxy they currently are. Because of this, the Galactic Overlords decided they were more valuable alive,
under their service, than dead like other alien species. Pacts were made with different tribes and ancient
rivalries turned into open warfare both on their home world and amongst the stars. When the Cleansing
Wars ended, the Szarians maintained their fame as the best explorers in the universe, but the
relationships between the tribes was never the same.
Szarians have a very competitive culture and a strong desire to discover new places, paths and systems.
Their innate ability to always know where they are makes them perfect explorers and hunters. In game
terms, Szarians characters never get lost and always know their location in the universe if they?ve
traveled to that place before. Because of this they need one extra adventure to level up each time.
No one remembers who the Cyberians were before they decided to become a race of cyborgs. They
made the transition from biological beings to machines with the immortal brains of sentients in the early
days of the Cleansing Wars, sensing their bodies would not be enough to resist the cruelty that was
coming their way. Doing so allowed them to resist most of the biological weapons used against aliens in
the Wars and made them the first species to organize an alliance against the Galactic Overlords.
Even after the Cleansing Wars, Cyberians remain a species dedicated to overthrowing the remaining
Galactic Overlords. Their cybernetic bodies make them resilient to most conditions that are harmful to
biological beings, but also make them vulnerable to specific hazards machines may face. Their
mechanical bodies are equipped with many tools and weapons customized to each individual,
effectively making them capable of having twice as much encumbrance limit compared to other
characters. As usual, this makes Cyberians characters need one extra adventure to advance each level.
Playable Races
Humans are the most widespread species in the universe. This is due to their incredible capacity to adapt to almost any environment but also due to the Cleansing Wars, when the mad Galactic Overlords and their former Leader almost exterminated any other species that opposed human supremacy. Their appearance is the most varied among the sentient species, with a wide range of skin tones, different colors of hair and eyes, and an even more varied range of cultures. In game terms, we assume all characters are humans unless specified otherwise, so no modification is needed. Humans are the only species that begin with a Luck score of 4
Trekkats have the appearance of large reptiles with armored faces and three large horns for defense, a strong exoskeleton and six insectoid legs. They were once primitive savages from an isolated planet in the outer regions. They were brought into the Cleansing Wars when the Galactic Overlords decided their sheer number could make a difference in the battles between themselves and started training them in the use of weapons. It didn't take long for their independent minds to decide to break away from the Overlords? control and explore the Galaxy. However, as revenge, one of the Overlords used all their powers to devastate their home planet, and now Trekkats are as orphans among the stars. Trekkats have an innate talent with machines, and a strong sense of camaraderie amongst themselves. Additionally, they are capable of making extraordinary jumps. In game terms, as part of their Movement, they can leap a distance equal to either their Physique or Agility (whichever is higher) in meters horizontally, or half as much vertically. They need one extra adventure to level up each time.
Szarians are reptilian humanoids with slender bodies and the incredible capacity to know where in the Galaxy they currently are. Because of this, the Galactic Overlords decided they were more valuable alive,
under their service, than dead like other alien species. Pacts were made with different tribes and ancient
rivalries turned into open warfare both on their home world and amongst the stars. When the Cleansing
Wars ended, the Szarians maintained their fame as the best explorers in the universe, but the
relationships between the tribes was never the same.
Szarians have a very competitive culture and a strong desire to discover new places, paths and systems.
Their innate ability to always know where they are makes them perfect explorers and hunters. In game
terms, Szarians characters never get lost and always know their location in the universe if they?ve
traveled to that place before. Because of this they need one extra adventure to level up each time.
No one remembers who the Cyberians were before they decided to become a race of cyborgs. They
made the transition from biological beings to machines with the immortal brains of sentients in the early
days of the Cleansing Wars, sensing their bodies would not be enough to resist the cruelty that was
coming their way. Doing so allowed them to resist most of the biological weapons used against aliens in
the Wars and made them the first species to organize an alliance against the Galactic Overlords.
Even after the Cleansing Wars, Cyberians remain a species dedicated to overthrowing the remaining
Galactic Overlords. Their cybernetic bodies make them resilient to most conditions that are harmful to
biological beings, but also make them vulnerable to specific hazards machines may face. Their
mechanical bodies are equipped with many tools and weapons customized to each individual,
effectively making them capable of having twice as much encumbrance limit compared to other
characters. As usual, this makes Cyberians characters need one extra adventure to advance each level.
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