Strange Æons [ EDIT ]
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Strange Aeons
In a distant land polluted by an alien menace from beyond the stars, a great cancer grows within the earth. As its tendrils reach out through the dreams of those who learn and study its existence, a sinister cult grows more active in preparing the way for a devastation that will destroy more than the minds of would-be heroes. Can the adventures reclaim lost memories in time to stop the advance of a cataclysmic contagion that could threaten all of Golarion? Can they resist the mind-shattering truths revealed by the Yellow Sign, and the monstrous force it symbolizes? The Strange Aeons Adventure Path pits the heroes against the cosmic horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, with new monsters, mind-shattering terrors, and explorations far beyond the known lands of Golarion.
The Strange Aeons Adventure Path begins with your characters waking up in an asylum with no memory of how they arrived there or who they are. Your first glimpse of the asylum is like a snapshot of nightmarish chaos. Things are certainly not what they seem, and carnage fills the grim stone halls of the sanitarium. You must face the challenges of the asylum and your own foggy memories if you hope to survive.
Strange Aeons embraces numerous themes of Lovecraftian horror to present an entire campaign that pits Golarion’s latest batch of heroes against maddening menaces from beyond time and space. In this Adventure Path, you’ll find encounters focusing on locales such as insane asylums, creepy old houses, musty libraries, forgotten desert cities, and far stranger locations. At the same time, Strange Aeons remains fundamentally a Pathfinder game. Your characters will continue to gain power as they rise in level, and the expectation is that they will survive and persevere against seemingly insurmountable horrors. There may be casualties along the way, but in the end, Strange Aeons is not meant to present insurmountable challenges or hopeless encounters.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
(Some restrictions on race and class options in an effort to fit the setting, themes, and tone of the campaign)
- Race: Core Races
- Class: Core Classes, Hybrid Classes, Alchemist, Gunslinger, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle, Witch, Occult Classes (warning: psychic spellcasting might be rough in this adventure - but thematically, they could be fun), Unchained Class Versions
Additional Notes:
- Ability Scores: 15 point buy. Minimum Wisdom score of 10 - Will saves shall be plentiful in this campaign.
- Archetypes: recommended as many are very thematic; if so, please choose from one of the many listed in the player's guide
- Alignment: Everyone starts with a clean slate, True Neutral. Your RP will dictate your alignment. Chaotic Evil is excluded.
- Traits: 2 Traits & 1 Drawback required; one trait MUST be from the Player's Guide. A 3rd trait is allowed w/ a 2nd drawback.
- Background: Identity is a key theme of this Adventure, therefore you will be required to submit a background for your character with the exception of the most recent 5 years of their life. The background may be as elaborate/thorough as you'd like, but should give me some understanding of who you were up to the beginning of your memory gap.
- Misc.:
----Elephant in the Room's Feat Tax system
----It is recommended you invest in at least one knowledge skill
----+1 skill point per level ONLY to be used in a skill you are proficient in AND is based on a mental stat
----Will saves will be important, it is recommended you don't neglect them
----You will face invisible creatures
----Expanded fear rules will be used
----Fear immunity will be changed to a type of fear resistance
----Corruptions will be used, if the right moment comes along in the story for a particular character
----The 'missing 5 years' of your memory will be largely crafted by the GM, but there will be strong effort to make it service the story and your character when eventually revealed
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