4e Pirates [ EDIT ]

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The year is 1550 and piracy is on the rise for French Privateers against the Spanish. The New World has shown to be abundant in Gold, Silver and...Monsters? When Columbus found the New World in 1492, he encountered many strange new peoples who spoke of terrible monsters. Being that the new peoples were Heathens, they were ignored. But as Smallpox killed off 90% of the population of the New World, this made room for those monsters to come out of hiding. Fast forward 50 years and not only are the Spanish transporting huge sums of Gold and Silver, but now they struggle to hold onto their new conquests. Throw in a French King who wants a piece of the action and has sanctioned Privateers, and the New World just got very dangerous. Welcome to 4e Pirates!

In this game, PCs take on the role of French Privateers who pillage and steal whatever they can from the Spanish. At this time the only colonies in the New World are Spanish and even they are having doubts about being there. So the PCs, as French Privateers, have a goal to get rich at Spain's expense. But they also must face against Monsters that were unheard of back in the Old World. Given that much of the New World has been overrun by Monsters who were in hiding for so long, it is up to the PCs whether they take treasure from Spain or from the Monsters who must be hoarding much of the Gold and Silver. After all there is a whole New World that has yet to be fully explored.

Please note that since this is PBP, it might not be a "pure" 4e game in terms of tactics. I will provide maps on occasion, but the main idea here is to have fun and explore history in terms of 4e D&D. Also realize that I may post every other day too. I find that posting daily just burns me out and I'd rather do this for the long haul.

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Level One
22pt Buy Method
PBH I, II and III are used.
Nothing from Setting Specific Books like Dark Sun, Forgotten Realms or Eberron.
All races and classes from the PHB's are allowed.


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