Sarapesh is a city under a powerful enchantment. Sometime in the forgotten past an artful mage instilled in every stone a need to shift between the planes of existence. Every few days the entire metropolis will shimmer into a new reality and location, typically on the outskirts of civilization. Not long enough to be more than a fanciful rumor. However, just long enough for the droves of merchants who compose the majority of the populace to trade their wares from unknown worlds. Any who enter here witness the grandest market ever seen. When a traveler barges into the local tavern, spinning tales of a mystical city: They may be drunk, or they may have stumbled upon Sarapesh.
Many who find the city decide to stay ... its people are representative of every conceivable realm. (from The Shifting City, published by Dank Dungeons at
This will be a heist game.
Closed for game applications
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Please build a character using Tiny Dungeons 2e, Tiny Frontiers: Revised, or the Micronomicon.