The Essence of Magic [ EDIT ]
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The essence of magic - Playing on discord with the first group now. Further applications by DM to form a second group.
Welcome to The essence of magic. The essence of magic is a role-playing game that allows the players to design their own magic abilities. The magic system is based on the audio book He Who Fights With Monsters which gives every character 4 essences whereof each combines 5 abilities in the same theme. However, there is no list of abilities for each essence but they can be designed as the player sees fits. The abilities can be designed to be of any kind including projectiles, buffs, dashes summons, enhancements and many more. Thus, the system allows to play the full range of known classes, as well as designing completely new ones or even combining different ones together.
The best way to demonstrate this is by using an example. Maybe you want to play a swordsman. Normally this is limited to picking up a strong weapon and armor and charging up front until either you or your enemies die. However, in this set, you can get really, really proficient as a swordsman. You could speed yourself up, grow wings, ignite your sword, teleport around the enemy or create wind blades to attack from afar. Or you could just do all of it! Your creativity has no limits.
Do you want another example? Let’s say two people are reading this and both like to burn their enemies with flames. That normally means that they will both play exactly the same class but in this set, both players have 4 areas of magic whereof only one is identical while the other three essences can be completely different. One could go for fire and healing at the same time, while the other one likes to go for ice for the second essence to heat and cool the enemy in turns.
There is a whole list of essences (144 known so far), which can be combined in any combination resulting in over a million different essence sets. Furthermore, your character can increase his/her level allowing you to power up your character and all his/her abilities with additional effects later on. This can best be shown by using an example again. The ability fireball from the fire essence will serve as an example. The ability cab be upgrades upon reaching the next rank to shoot 2 fireballs with the first upgrade, while the second upgrade then increases the hit chance by making them target and chase your enemies and so forth. Each of sour 20 abilities can be upgrade up to 5 times in total, either giving more effects, empowering old effects or improving them otherwise. The upgrades as well as the abilities can be designed by the player. Finally, this rule set allows you to pick an orientation, a role and a race to best suit your preferred play stile. All the magic details are waiting for you below.
Your group of new adventurers becomes the chance to join the adventure society - a renown organization that gives you fame and money if you complete tasks for them- but your group has to prove their worth before they can join. The first task is quite simple as you will just be on patrol through the villages. No one could have known what awaits you on your journey..
Charactersheet will be provided as well as the Rule Book.
Welcome to The essence of magic. The essence of magic is a role-playing game that allows the players to design their own magic abilities. The magic system is based on the audio book He Who Fights With Monsters which gives every character 4 essences whereof each combines 5 abilities in the same theme. However, there is no list of abilities for each essence but they can be designed as the player sees fits. The abilities can be designed to be of any kind including projectiles, buffs, dashes summons, enhancements and many more. Thus, the system allows to play the full range of known classes, as well as designing completely new ones or even combining different ones together.
The best way to demonstrate this is by using an example. Maybe you want to play a swordsman. Normally this is limited to picking up a strong weapon and armor and charging up front until either you or your enemies die. However, in this set, you can get really, really proficient as a swordsman. You could speed yourself up, grow wings, ignite your sword, teleport around the enemy or create wind blades to attack from afar. Or you could just do all of it! Your creativity has no limits.
Do you want another example? Let’s say two people are reading this and both like to burn their enemies with flames. That normally means that they will both play exactly the same class but in this set, both players have 4 areas of magic whereof only one is identical while the other three essences can be completely different. One could go for fire and healing at the same time, while the other one likes to go for ice for the second essence to heat and cool the enemy in turns.
There is a whole list of essences (144 known so far), which can be combined in any combination resulting in over a million different essence sets. Furthermore, your character can increase his/her level allowing you to power up your character and all his/her abilities with additional effects later on. This can best be shown by using an example again. The ability fireball from the fire essence will serve as an example. The ability cab be upgrades upon reaching the next rank to shoot 2 fireballs with the first upgrade, while the second upgrade then increases the hit chance by making them target and chase your enemies and so forth. Each of sour 20 abilities can be upgrade up to 5 times in total, either giving more effects, empowering old effects or improving them otherwise. The upgrades as well as the abilities can be designed by the player. Finally, this rule set allows you to pick an orientation, a role and a race to best suit your preferred play stile. All the magic details are waiting for you below.
Your group of new adventurers becomes the chance to join the adventure society - a renown organization that gives you fame and money if you complete tasks for them- but your group has to prove their worth before they can join. The first task is quite simple as you will just be on patrol through the villages. No one could have known what awaits you on your journey..
Charactersheet will be provided as well as the Rule Book.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
The details on how you create a new character are explained in the rule book. You will start with one essence and two abilities and little to no clue about how to use them. However you plan to become one of the legendary heroes and collect all your 20 abilities and go down in history.
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