Dungeons & Disney 5E [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.

This is a lighthearted funsies game.
If you are a ruleslawyer, power gamer or looking for Curse of Strahd, this game is not for you.
This game follows the rule of cool, both regarding D&D rules and Disney movie cannon.
Of course, all people of all backgrounds and groups are welcome to join this game.
You're all characters straight out of a Disney movie, living together in the Magic Kingdom, from where they will travel to various places for adventure. It is a mix and match of Disney movies. Beast could fight Scar in Neverland.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
Your character is a Disney character out of a theatrically released animated Disney movie.
- You can use any class you think makes sense for this character.
- You can also use any race you think complements the character's abilities.
Your character will have all the abilities of that race, but will not actually be a member of that race and not look like it.
For example:
If you want to play Peter Pan, you could chose the Fairy race because of it's flying speed. That wouldn't mean he'd have wings.
If you want to play Ariel, you could chose the Sea Elf race for swimming speed and underwater breathing. Ariel wouldn't be an elf though.
- Characters will begin at level 3.
- Point buy
- Normal starting equipment & gold, but if your character has any non-magic items that make a lot of sense to have, go ahead.
- If your character qualifies as a Disney Princess, you'll have proficiency in Charisma (Performing) when you are singing, or expertise if you are already proficient in Performing (thanks to CaveJohnson for the idea when I first did an interest check)
- Obvious villians, let them be your villains in the game.
- Characters that will not work in D&D. No Lightning McQueens, or actual (talking) animals.
- Characters related to Donald Duck / Mickey Mouse and that side of Disney.
- Characters that are owned by another brand of the Disney company. No Marvel, Star Wars, Muppets, Simpsons.
- You can use any class you think makes sense for this character.
- You can also use any race you think complements the character's abilities.
Your character will have all the abilities of that race, but will not actually be a member of that race and not look like it.
For example:
If you want to play Peter Pan, you could chose the Fairy race because of it's flying speed. That wouldn't mean he'd have wings.
If you want to play Ariel, you could chose the Sea Elf race for swimming speed and underwater breathing. Ariel wouldn't be an elf though.
- Characters will begin at level 3.
- Point buy
- Normal starting equipment & gold, but if your character has any non-magic items that make a lot of sense to have, go ahead.
- If your character qualifies as a Disney Princess, you'll have proficiency in Charisma (Performing) when you are singing, or expertise if you are already proficient in Performing (thanks to CaveJohnson for the idea when I first did an interest check)
- Obvious villians, let them be your villains in the game.
- Characters that will not work in D&D. No Lightning McQueens, or actual (talking) animals.
- Characters related to Donald Duck / Mickey Mouse and that side of Disney.
- Characters that are owned by another brand of the Disney company. No Marvel, Star Wars, Muppets, Simpsons.
Game Closed
This game is closed for applications
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This game is currently full
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