Eberron: Stalker [ EDIT ]

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About Mournland. Once, Cyre shone more brightly than any of its sibling nations in the kingdom of Galifar. Today, this region is a festering wound across Khorvaire. A wall of mist surrounds a land twisted into strange and terrible shapes. Cyre was once called the Jewel of Galifar. Now it is the Mournland.

Of all the bizarre and horrific spectacles of the Mournland, perhaps the greatest tragedy is represented by the ruins of the once-glittering cities of Cyre. Some have been reduced to rubble, while others are eerily preserved, devoid of life but otherwise unharmed. In some of them, treasures left behind by the former inhabitants await discovery, and many people across Khorvaire are eager to get their hands on such spoils for a wide variety of reasons.

The hook
You are just of many humanoids of the all across Khorvaire eager to risk their lives in a desperate attempt to make your own discovery in the Mournland. Most of them are barely seeking the wealth, but there are enough of weird ones: some agents of House of Cannith seeking information about still functional assets, some warforged seeking to meet the The Lord of Blades (power-mad tyrant some warfoged see as scholar and philosopher), ...

The scenario The scenario has a railroad - main quest to retrieve particular artifact form Mournland. Nevertheless DM is open to discuss design side-quests for each PC if the player invest heavily into reading Eberron book. It is optional of course.
Regardless of side-quests party is going to have two challenges and monsters living in Mournland is only half of that challenge. Your competitors is your biggest problem -the NPC interested in acquiring the artifact will be paying whoever brings it to him. And there is little to no law enforcement in the Mournland

{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Start lvl: 3
Sources: any
Option rules: all, but some particular feats may not be allows - ask DM before picking any feat (lucky feat banned by default)
Class restriction: no Bard, Druid, Ranger and Rogues allowed by default. But feel free to convince me those classes are illegible for environment/hook

Race/Subclass: any for official rules
Use the 27-point buy Ability Scores, average HP on lvl up


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