Fate of Eberron [ EDIT ]
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A game using Fate set in Eberron, a D&D setting originally created for D&D 3.5. For those familiar with the setting, we'll start in Sharn because it's easy, but I want to work together in an extensive session zero to create the basic set up of the game and tie the characters together. I want to emphasize that the session zero will be lengthy, and it may be a couple weeks before we actually start play. I'll be using the Fate Condensed version of the rules, which is available as a pay what you want pdf from DriveThruRPG here.
I do not condone and will not portray sexual violence or violence towards children. I don't anticipate this game getting too dark, but there are some horror aspects to the Eberron setting, and so if we want to we'll go there for a while.
I do not condone and will not portray sexual violence or violence towards children. I don't anticipate this game getting too dark, but there are some horror aspects to the Eberron setting, and so if we want to we'll go there for a while.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
For those familiar with Fate Core/Condensed, I'm making a few changes to character generation to account for the Pulp feel I want to establish. You will be larger than life heroes, and I feel your character sheet should reflect that. So:
15 Skills (5 Average (+1), 4 Fair (+2), 3 Good (+3), 2 Great (+4), 1 Superb (+5))
Starting Skill Cap is Superb
Starting Refresh is 4
Start with 5 free Stunts
4 Stress Boxes to start
7 Aspects
I'm still up in the air about a magic system. I may use High Fantasy Magic, as I'm familiar with it and like it, but I'm open to other ideas.
For skills we will change Drive to Ride and add the Pilot skill for ships, airships, and other elemental powered vehicles.
Your character's first Aspect will be his High Concept, his second will be his Trouble, and his third will be a relationship aspect tying you to another PC.
An easy way to create a high concept is to steal races/classes from D&D and add an Eberron nationality and an adjective. For example, I play a character in a Fate game named Marius Leeford who is an Itenerant Cyran Wandslinger.
15 Skills (5 Average (+1), 4 Fair (+2), 3 Good (+3), 2 Great (+4), 1 Superb (+5))
Starting Skill Cap is Superb
Starting Refresh is 4
Start with 5 free Stunts
4 Stress Boxes to start
7 Aspects
I'm still up in the air about a magic system. I may use High Fantasy Magic, as I'm familiar with it and like it, but I'm open to other ideas.
For skills we will change Drive to Ride and add the Pilot skill for ships, airships, and other elemental powered vehicles.
Your character's first Aspect will be his High Concept, his second will be his Trouble, and his third will be a relationship aspect tying you to another PC.
An easy way to create a high concept is to steal races/classes from D&D and add an Eberron nationality and an adjective. For example, I play a character in a Fate game named Marius Leeford who is an Itenerant Cyran Wandslinger.
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