Witch Craft (SWADE) [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
You're a coven who owns and operates Witch Craft Brewing Co., a failing craft brewery in Salem, Massachusetts. Things are looking dire: the business if floundering and creditors are blowing up your phone. But with some hard work, good marketing, and some savvy business practices you may just be able to turn things around!
But that's the easy part. See, everyone "in the know" is aware Salem is the site of a massive and potent ley line. This draws all sorts of supernatural folk to town, some who don't have the best intentions. But what some of these folk have forgotten is that Salem is under the protection of witches. And recently, that responsibility has fallen on your coven.

Tone and Style:
Aiming at Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. It's a world populated by monsters who are not always devious or evil, and where town politics are sometimes more pressing than world ending rituals. There will be spooky elements and horror flavor, but it's of the variety you'd see on a prime time drama.
Taking a page out of Free League's book, Advancement will be accomplished by hitting Character and Story goals. Battling evil, casting rituals, and disagreeing with your friends and coven.
Episodes will have a main monster plot, and a small town, brewery in trouble subplot.

Length and Frequency:
Gonna keep the posting frequency relaxed(ish) so I think I'd only ask for 3 posts a week--for example, I'd likely only post on Mon, Wed, and Fri. The game will be episodic, and I'd try to keep the monster of the week element short and punchy, with the ongoing story weaving throughout. We can get an episode under our belt and see how it goes from there.
Who's Welcome:
I'm welcoming players of any experience level. Savage Worlds can be pretty simple, and we'll keep it that way, leaning into that simplicity--in fact, ignore Situational Rules section of core book, if you have it.
All marginalized groups and persons are welcome. Characters in this game world specifically and explicitly don't judge each other based on gender, race, orientation, preferences, physical ability or appearance and the same is expected of the players.
If you're interested post here with just a sentence or two on who your witch is, and what their friends find to be their worst quality.
I'm a firm believer in front story over backstory, so keep it light and don't over think it!
You're a coven who owns and operates Witch Craft Brewing Co., a failing craft brewery in Salem, Massachusetts. Things are looking dire: the business if floundering and creditors are blowing up your phone. But with some hard work, good marketing, and some savvy business practices you may just be able to turn things around!
But that's the easy part. See, everyone "in the know" is aware Salem is the site of a massive and potent ley line. This draws all sorts of supernatural folk to town, some who don't have the best intentions. But what some of these folk have forgotten is that Salem is under the protection of witches. And recently, that responsibility has fallen on your coven.

Tone and Style:
Aiming at Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. It's a world populated by monsters who are not always devious or evil, and where town politics are sometimes more pressing than world ending rituals. There will be spooky elements and horror flavor, but it's of the variety you'd see on a prime time drama.
Taking a page out of Free League's book, Advancement will be accomplished by hitting Character and Story goals. Battling evil, casting rituals, and disagreeing with your friends and coven.
Episodes will have a main monster plot, and a small town, brewery in trouble subplot.

Length and Frequency:
Gonna keep the posting frequency relaxed(ish) so I think I'd only ask for 3 posts a week--for example, I'd likely only post on Mon, Wed, and Fri. The game will be episodic, and I'd try to keep the monster of the week element short and punchy, with the ongoing story weaving throughout. We can get an episode under our belt and see how it goes from there.
Who's Welcome:
I'm welcoming players of any experience level. Savage Worlds can be pretty simple, and we'll keep it that way, leaning into that simplicity--in fact, ignore Situational Rules section of core book, if you have it.
All marginalized groups and persons are welcome. Characters in this game world specifically and explicitly don't judge each other based on gender, race, orientation, preferences, physical ability or appearance and the same is expected of the players.
If you're interested post here with just a sentence or two on who your witch is, and what their friends find to be their worst quality.
I'm a firm believer in front story over backstory, so keep it light and don't over think it!
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
So, the idea is that your characters are witches. But, that doesn't mean they have to use an Arcane Background. In fact, we're going to be using the Rituals Rules in the recently released playtest of Pinebox Middle School--I'll provide them when the time comes. We'll also use the powers found in that supplement, as well as any found in the SWADE Horror Companion when it comes out.
What this means is that characters can use Occult to cast any power as a Ritual via completing Dramatic Tasks (i.e., a series of 'timed' tests that are narrative in nature). So, if you envision your witch as not having at will spell casting ability, and prefer them to be an occult investigator, you'll fit right in. Everyone starts at Novice--we'll also be using Wealth Die instead of tracking money.
I'm also open to other types of characters who are not witches. I think at least one PC should be a witch though, but I'd fill out the coven with a few extras if we went that route.
Soundness:All characters have a Derived Stat called Soundness -- it's Spirit/2 +2. Soundness can be lowered by (1) failing Fear Checks, (2) failing Spirit Checks following intense or traumatic scenes, and (3) any time you'd normally take Fatigue. (We're actually going to ignore fatigue, and use Soundness in its place). Some monster attacks could attack Soundness, causing a Fear Check. When a characters Soundness reaches 0 they are "incapacitated." Soundness can be healed via Spirit related trait rolls, done with a +2 following a personal interlude scene between you and another character.
Goal Statements: Each episode, your character will have at 3 goal statements. One is always simply "Complete the Episode." The other two are up to you to come up with, but at least one should involve another character. Each goal you complete gets crossed off. When you have three goals crossed off, you Advance.
Hopefully this will promote the T.V. prime time stylized drama feel--Buffy, Supernatural, Charmed , etc. The adventures will be episodic, so there is room for tight 'episode' arcs as well as longer season ones.
Speaking of character arks--as GM I come up with scenarios, set scenes, and introduce complications to the characters plans, etc. but I'm not telling a story. The characters (players) are telling the story. We're a writers room, working together--I have a plot outline, a monster, hook or complication, and you all flesh it out by interacting with it! So backstory elements, plans, town NPCs, answers to the mystery, all need to be driven by active characters and player ideas!
Language: We're actually gonna use this skill, and it will encompass dead languages, fantasy-made-up-stuff, and things like that. So, just another tool in the investigative, research toolbox.
What this means is that characters can use Occult to cast any power as a Ritual via completing Dramatic Tasks (i.e., a series of 'timed' tests that are narrative in nature). So, if you envision your witch as not having at will spell casting ability, and prefer them to be an occult investigator, you'll fit right in. Everyone starts at Novice--we'll also be using Wealth Die instead of tracking money.
I'm also open to other types of characters who are not witches. I think at least one PC should be a witch though, but I'd fill out the coven with a few extras if we went that route.
Soundness:All characters have a Derived Stat called Soundness -- it's Spirit/2 +2. Soundness can be lowered by (1) failing Fear Checks, (2) failing Spirit Checks following intense or traumatic scenes, and (3) any time you'd normally take Fatigue. (We're actually going to ignore fatigue, and use Soundness in its place). Some monster attacks could attack Soundness, causing a Fear Check. When a characters Soundness reaches 0 they are "incapacitated." Soundness can be healed via Spirit related trait rolls, done with a +2 following a personal interlude scene between you and another character.
Goal Statements: Each episode, your character will have at 3 goal statements. One is always simply "Complete the Episode." The other two are up to you to come up with, but at least one should involve another character. Each goal you complete gets crossed off. When you have three goals crossed off, you Advance.
Hopefully this will promote the T.V. prime time stylized drama feel--Buffy, Supernatural, Charmed , etc. The adventures will be episodic, so there is room for tight 'episode' arcs as well as longer season ones.
Speaking of character arks--as GM I come up with scenarios, set scenes, and introduce complications to the characters plans, etc. but I'm not telling a story. The characters (players) are telling the story. We're a writers room, working together--I have a plot outline, a monster, hook or complication, and you all flesh it out by interacting with it! So backstory elements, plans, town NPCs, answers to the mystery, all need to be driven by active characters and player ideas!
Language: We're actually gonna use this skill, and it will encompass dead languages, fantasy-made-up-stuff, and things like that. So, just another tool in the investigative, research toolbox.
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