Stillness Settles Stone [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
Dwarfs. Ghosts. Stone golems. Echoing deeps. A treasure better left where it is. But you won't ...
Rules: Maze Rats.
You have crossed the Longbeard at peril, gotten your boots onto firm rock again, and ascended the steps to the Gates. The cavern opening looms above you as you ready your lanterns. Night approaches, and you are about to enter deeper darkness still.
Why do you want to retrieve Eightstrong?
Rules: Maze Rats.
tibbius says:
It's deep winter, when the Longbeard Falls are frozen solid enough to permit the treacherous traverse by axe and toepick that has enabled you to approach the Gates of Ghostal. Once the dwarf stronghold had another name, but now it is called Ghostal. In its depths, in the treasury, lies a fabled talisman called Eightstrong. It's said that the spell in Eightstrong is bound with the health of eight sturdy dwarf warriors. The nature of the spell has been forgot, but surely it must have been worth the lives of such fine dwarfs.You have crossed the Longbeard at peril, gotten your boots onto firm rock again, and ascended the steps to the Gates. The cavern opening looms above you as you ready your lanterns. Night approaches, and you are about to enter deeper darkness still.
Why do you want to retrieve Eightstrong?
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
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