Onyxsong Adventurers [ EDIT ]
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Onyxsong Adventurers

Nestled in the serene foothills of the Icebrave Mountains, lies Onyxsong, a slumbering hill dwarven town. This tranquil settlement finds itself at the pivotal intersection of the Ruby Ring Road, encircling the mighty Icebrave Mountains, and the High Road, which winds its way up the mountain towards the caldera of a dormant volcano that cradles the mountain dwarven city of Stormbrand. Reflecting the architectural style of many hill dwarven towns, Onyxsong boasts a distinctive grotte-and-bailey design. One portion is nestled within the heart of the mountainside, while the other half stands proudly on the surface, safeguarded by a formidable surrounding wall.
Within the finely carved caverns, the opulent nobles of Onyxsong find their luxurious abodes, basking in the splendor of their dwellings. On the surface, however, reside the marginalized dwarves and the outsiders, whose homes and shops bear a striking resemblance to those found in human towns nestled in the lowlands. Surprisingly, nearly a third of the bailey's inhabitants trace their lineage back to humanity, exemplifying the diverse tapestry of Onyxsong's populace.
Onyxsong was once renowned for its silver mine, but the precious resource was depleted a century ago. Mokend, the Goldhammer (King) of Onyxsong swiftly shifted the town's focus towards trade and commerce. Onyxsong became a crucial nexus between the bustling human and dragonborn towns in the lowlands and the mountain dwarves dwelling atop the peaks of the Icebraves. Mokend, an aged and wise ruler, finds himself slowly approaching the end of his life. In adherence to hill dwarven customs, all of the Goldhammer's children are eligible to ascend to the throne, but the heir is only named when the Goldhammer lies on his deathbed. With Mokend nearing his final days, he faces the delicate task of selecting his successor from among his three ambitious offspring.
Within the ranks of the noble class, there exists a prevalent inclination to rally behind Gilin, Mokend's daughter. Renowned as a fierce warrior who fearlessly leads her troops into battle, she has personally triumphed over twenty orcs in single combat. The nobility holds a deep admiration for Gilin, believing that these challenging times necessitate a determined and militant leader like her. However, Gilin's demeanor falls short of expectations, often emanating an aura of arrogance and condescension towards those she considers inferior. As a result, the common people harbor a strong aversion towards her.
Ragdig, the second child of Mokend, entered the world frail and anemic. During his early years, he was entrusted to live among humans, where he dedicated himself to mastering the craft of wizardry. Upon his return, Ragdig has won the affection of the common people due to his altruistic character and sincere endeavors to improve their well-being. However, the nobles harbor concerns regarding his intimate ties with foreigners, silently questioning his suitability for the throne.
Enna, Mokend's third child, is an idle and intoxicated woman who has recklessly wasted her father's fortune while spending her days idling in disreputable taverns. She is neither favored by the nobles nor the commoners. The only people who derive any benefit from her presence are the barkeeps who profit from her excessive drinking. Surprisingly, the Priests of Montor, the god of the deep places, find solace in her company. They believe that Enna was born on a significant day prophesied by one of their esteemed seers in the distant past. According to them, Enna's destiny is to eventually discover the Rubis Stone, a potent magical artifact capable of transforming ordinary rocks into precious rubies. Many dismiss such claims as mere folly, accusing the Priests of placing excessive faith in ancient prophecies and asserting that their trust in Enna is entirely misplaced. However, the priests remain steadfast and unwavering in their conviction.
In the midst of a volatile period characterized by political and familial strife, the Bloodwolf tribe of orcish raiders have launched assaults on numerous forts and villages surrounding Onyxsong. Meanwhile, far to the south, the mighty Copper Horde met its demise at the hands of a formidable alliance of humans and dragonborn. Concerns abound among the residents of Onyxsong regarding potential stragglers from the defeated horde migrating northward to join forces with the Bloodwolf orcs, thereby creating an overpowering adversary that the town is currently ill-equipped to face. Adding to the mounting challenges, migratory flocks of griffons have descended upon the region, persistently attacking trade caravans and pilgrims. It is against this tumultuous backdrop that a group of adventurers arrives in Onyxsong, driven by their insatiable thirst for wealth and renown. Unbeknownst to them, these newcomers unwittingly find themselves thrust into the heart of a town engulfed in familial and political turmoil, their destiny interwoven with the fate of Onyxsong and its impending power transition.

Nestled in the serene foothills of the Icebrave Mountains, lies Onyxsong, a slumbering hill dwarven town. This tranquil settlement finds itself at the pivotal intersection of the Ruby Ring Road, encircling the mighty Icebrave Mountains, and the High Road, which winds its way up the mountain towards the caldera of a dormant volcano that cradles the mountain dwarven city of Stormbrand. Reflecting the architectural style of many hill dwarven towns, Onyxsong boasts a distinctive grotte-and-bailey design. One portion is nestled within the heart of the mountainside, while the other half stands proudly on the surface, safeguarded by a formidable surrounding wall.
Within the finely carved caverns, the opulent nobles of Onyxsong find their luxurious abodes, basking in the splendor of their dwellings. On the surface, however, reside the marginalized dwarves and the outsiders, whose homes and shops bear a striking resemblance to those found in human towns nestled in the lowlands. Surprisingly, nearly a third of the bailey's inhabitants trace their lineage back to humanity, exemplifying the diverse tapestry of Onyxsong's populace.
Onyxsong was once renowned for its silver mine, but the precious resource was depleted a century ago. Mokend, the Goldhammer (King) of Onyxsong swiftly shifted the town's focus towards trade and commerce. Onyxsong became a crucial nexus between the bustling human and dragonborn towns in the lowlands and the mountain dwarves dwelling atop the peaks of the Icebraves. Mokend, an aged and wise ruler, finds himself slowly approaching the end of his life. In adherence to hill dwarven customs, all of the Goldhammer's children are eligible to ascend to the throne, but the heir is only named when the Goldhammer lies on his deathbed. With Mokend nearing his final days, he faces the delicate task of selecting his successor from among his three ambitious offspring.
Within the ranks of the noble class, there exists a prevalent inclination to rally behind Gilin, Mokend's daughter. Renowned as a fierce warrior who fearlessly leads her troops into battle, she has personally triumphed over twenty orcs in single combat. The nobility holds a deep admiration for Gilin, believing that these challenging times necessitate a determined and militant leader like her. However, Gilin's demeanor falls short of expectations, often emanating an aura of arrogance and condescension towards those she considers inferior. As a result, the common people harbor a strong aversion towards her.
Ragdig, the second child of Mokend, entered the world frail and anemic. During his early years, he was entrusted to live among humans, where he dedicated himself to mastering the craft of wizardry. Upon his return, Ragdig has won the affection of the common people due to his altruistic character and sincere endeavors to improve their well-being. However, the nobles harbor concerns regarding his intimate ties with foreigners, silently questioning his suitability for the throne.
Enna, Mokend's third child, is an idle and intoxicated woman who has recklessly wasted her father's fortune while spending her days idling in disreputable taverns. She is neither favored by the nobles nor the commoners. The only people who derive any benefit from her presence are the barkeeps who profit from her excessive drinking. Surprisingly, the Priests of Montor, the god of the deep places, find solace in her company. They believe that Enna was born on a significant day prophesied by one of their esteemed seers in the distant past. According to them, Enna's destiny is to eventually discover the Rubis Stone, a potent magical artifact capable of transforming ordinary rocks into precious rubies. Many dismiss such claims as mere folly, accusing the Priests of placing excessive faith in ancient prophecies and asserting that their trust in Enna is entirely misplaced. However, the priests remain steadfast and unwavering in their conviction.
In the midst of a volatile period characterized by political and familial strife, the Bloodwolf tribe of orcish raiders have launched assaults on numerous forts and villages surrounding Onyxsong. Meanwhile, far to the south, the mighty Copper Horde met its demise at the hands of a formidable alliance of humans and dragonborn. Concerns abound among the residents of Onyxsong regarding potential stragglers from the defeated horde migrating northward to join forces with the Bloodwolf orcs, thereby creating an overpowering adversary that the town is currently ill-equipped to face. Adding to the mounting challenges, migratory flocks of griffons have descended upon the region, persistently attacking trade caravans and pilgrims. It is against this tumultuous backdrop that a group of adventurers arrives in Onyxsong, driven by their insatiable thirst for wealth and renown. Unbeknownst to them, these newcomers unwittingly find themselves thrust into the heart of a town engulfed in familial and political turmoil, their destiny interwoven with the fate of Onyxsong and its impending power transition.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
Anything from the Player's Handbook is legal. As this is a "back to basics" style campaign, I want to limit the available content to the PHB :)
Character Creation:
Backstory: Skirt Length
Experience: Level 1
Wealth: Whatever your class package gives you
Ability Scores: 27 Point Buy
Hitpoints/Health: Standard
Alignment: No Evil
Character Creation:
Backstory: Skirt Length
Experience: Level 1
Wealth: Whatever your class package gives you
Ability Scores: 27 Point Buy
Hitpoints/Health: Standard
Alignment: No Evil
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