Northumbrian Woes [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
King Ælla of Northumbria has been killed at the Battle of York. His kingdom has fractured, and now ambitious men - Warlords of Dane, Norseman, Saxon and even Alban stock - vie for his crown.
Basic Rundown
This is a game using the SAGA supplement Age of the Wolf as campaigning rules paired with Pig Wars as the actual skirmish rules (because they're easier to learn and more fun).
Some aspects of the SAGA campaign supplement have been tweaked to fit Pig Wars. The most specific examples of this will be Warlord Traits. Special Rules will be omitted.
Factions used in the book are not all used in this specific incarnation, ex. Normans in the 860s are kind of out of place.
The asynchronous, timeline lenient aspects of the campaign rules make this a breeze for pbp play.
The game will last 6 "seasons" - which we will consider a year each - and at the end of the last, the ætheling with the highest Victory Point total will win Ælla's coveted diadem.
Will be plenty of roleplay encouraged between your characters and their own story arcs that develop naturally as the game runs.
Experience and Expectations
1 post every other day is acceptable. 1 post every day is phenomenal. More than that and you're a rockstar.
Totally willing to work with someone on this though.
No experience needed but an appreciation for strategy gaming is suggested.
Looking for 2-4 players.
King Ælla of Northumbria has been killed at the Battle of York. His kingdom has fractured, and now ambitious men - Warlords of Dane, Norseman, Saxon and even Alban stock - vie for his crown.
Basic Rundown
This is a game using the SAGA supplement Age of the Wolf as campaigning rules paired with Pig Wars as the actual skirmish rules (because they're easier to learn and more fun).
Some aspects of the SAGA campaign supplement have been tweaked to fit Pig Wars. The most specific examples of this will be Warlord Traits. Special Rules will be omitted.
Factions used in the book are not all used in this specific incarnation, ex. Normans in the 860s are kind of out of place.
The asynchronous, timeline lenient aspects of the campaign rules make this a breeze for pbp play.
The game will last 6 "seasons" - which we will consider a year each - and at the end of the last, the ætheling with the highest Victory Point total will win Ælla's coveted diadem.
Will be plenty of roleplay encouraged between your characters and their own story arcs that develop naturally as the game runs.
Experience and Expectations
1 post every other day is acceptable. 1 post every day is phenomenal. More than that and you're a rockstar.
Totally willing to work with someone on this though.
No experience needed but an appreciation for strategy gaming is suggested.
Looking for 2-4 players.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
Decide from what people your warlord will come. There can be more than one player from a a specific group.
Create your warlord according to the Age of the Wolf rules.
1. Name them, 2. choose or roll for a motivation, 3. roll for two traits, 4. calculate Wealth/Land/Reputation.
5. Next, build a warband:
*4 pts to begin
*No more than 2 of one unit type
*Mounted units are halved in size, except Hearthguard - but they cost 2 pts
1 Warlord (3 morale, 3 wounds) = free
4 Hearthguard (2 morale) = 1 pt
8 Warriors (1 morale) = 1 pt
12 Levies (0 morale) = 1 pt
6. Calculate your total starting power. Players start with 0 victory points.
Create your warlord according to the Age of the Wolf rules.
1. Name them, 2. choose or roll for a motivation, 3. roll for two traits, 4. calculate Wealth/Land/Reputation.
5. Next, build a warband:
*4 pts to begin
*No more than 2 of one unit type
*Mounted units are halved in size, except Hearthguard - but they cost 2 pts
1 Warlord (3 morale, 3 wounds) = free
4 Hearthguard (2 morale) = 1 pt
8 Warriors (1 morale) = 1 pt
12 Levies (0 morale) = 1 pt
6. Calculate your total starting power. Players start with 0 victory points.
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