Where Angels Fear to Tread (Demon: The Fallen) [ EDIT ]
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A Game of Infernal Glory
Demon: The Fallen is a ttrpg released by White Wolf Publishing in 2002. It is set in the Classic World of Darkness (not New WoD or Chronicles), sharing the same universe as other classic game lines such as Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Wraith: The Oblivion, and Changeling: The Dreaming.
In this game, you play one of "The Fallen" - a fallen angel (i.e. demon) who was condemned to Hell following a long war against Heaven. After countless millennia, the Gates of Hell that keep the demons imprisoned have begun to crack, allowing the weakest among demonkind (the player characters) to escape to Earth. However, to continue existing on Earth, a demon must find a suitable host for itself. Upon selecting a host body, the demon severs the person's soul from the body and takes its place inside the host, merging with the host's memories and emotions. On Earth, the demon follows its own personal objectives, while trying to balance the life of its vessel with the machinations of its demonic superiors to whom it is still bound.
All demons suffer from Torment, which is a Trait that measures the demon's pain and anguish. It reflects the mindless hate and rage that demons have experienced since their rejection by God and fall into Hell. Part of the game revolves around trying to manage one's Torment. Those Fallen with high Torment appear more monstrous and wicked in their natural form. Likewise, high Torment makes one unable to enter Holy Ground and more vulnerable to the faith-based attacks of true believers. Vile and selfish actions increase a demon's Torment, and it is much easier to gain Torment than it is to lose it.
While the mortal body provides the Fallen with a shield against their Torment, they are sometimes hindered by the memories and feelings the mortal soul left behind. The personal agendas of the demons vary from individual to individual. Some demons wish to finish the war against Heaven. Some wish to take revenge upon humanity, believing humans are the primary cause for the war and the overall ruined state of the world. And other demons want to reconcile; to repent for their sins and be able to return to God. A few even want to just live as humans and try to forget everything that's happened to them. The player characters will be a group of demons who have recently escaped from Hell and have reconnected with each other on Earth.
I hope to find 4 to 6 players looking to have a devilishly good time.

The Fallen are organized into a number of "Houses." These are analogous to angelic choirs and represent what kind of God-given jobs the demon had before Falling. Demon society is further divided into "Factions," which represent the Fallen's philosophical outlook on God, humanity, and its time spent in Hell.
Problematic and distasteful role-playing situations can arise when portraying immoral, inhuman characters such as demons. To help avoid these, player will be required to depict demons who are attempting to reform. "Reforming" can take a variety of forms and mean different things to different Fallen. It could mean doing good deeds and trying to be the angels they once were before the rebellion. It could mean actively opposing evil on Earth, especially evil perpetrated by other demons or supernaturals. To repent for stealing a human's body, some demons try to live the best human life they can, in order to make that person's sacrifice mean something.
Still, demons are gonna demon. Even those Fallen attempting to reform will often do questionable things to achieve "benevolent" goals. As protagonists, the Fallen are very much anti-heroes. Most repentant demons are not above violence, intimidation, and supernatural manipulation to reach their objectives. The Fallen suffer from a strong "ends justify the means" mentality.
Demons feed on Faith. Faith is the divine spark that exists in humans. Demons can access this by directly tapping into a human soul (a messy process known as "reaping") or by encouraging acts and expressions of worship. Likewise, Faith can be weaponized against demons, and Demon Hunters know how to use prayer and devotion to damage or drive away the Fallen.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
Follow the rules for character generation, as described starting in Chapter Six, p. 120 of the Demon: The Fallen core book.
The Ravener faction are not permitted to players. There are no limitations on House choices.
The Ravener faction are not permitted to players. There are no limitations on House choices.
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