Grim City [ EDIT ]
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So you want a good life in the big city, huh? Good luck, but lemme tell you somethin’ first. The thing you have to understand about the city is it doesn’t care. This city wasn’t just built. It grew outta concrete and steel and outta the greed of men, always tryin’ to separate themselves from those that didn’t quite have as much as they did, the ones that might be just a little bit out of place at a dinner party, or might not be able to afford the same excess as them. The high-rises grew out of ambition and avarice and the penthouses were furnished with envy and spite. Meanwhile, down on the streets, it's always rainin', and when it rains, it pours, and brother.... If you get stuck out in it, you better pray that you have your own umbrella, ’cuz no one’s gonna lend you theirs just to let their own head get wet. The city doesn’t care that you’re not lucky enough to be up at the top of those towers above the rain, it’s gonna keep on raining until it’s either washed you clean or washed every trace of you away, and then it’ll find somebody else, somebody new, and start the whole process over again. But like I said, good luck.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
Character Creation consists of several steps, not all of which I'm going to go into here, but step one is to pick a Role. The Roles are:
- THE ADVOCATE works the spotlight, either in a courtroom or in the columns of his paper. But is he working for truth - whatever that is - or for himself?
- THE BIG SHOT is a star - for now. But there’s always an up-and-comer looking to take the spotlight, and your age might just be a number but it’s not getting smaller.
- THE BULL has been part of the system way too long and it’s never helped him out once. So now, he’s out for himself, using every trick he’s picked up along the way.
- THE CON is just trying to get ahead, and it’s not his fault that some people don’t like the way he’s doing it. He’s just looking out for number one.
- THE FLATFOOT is the tarnished, not-so-white knight of the city. He searches for the truth, but rules? They don’t always work for the people they’re supposed to work for. When that happens, the ends justify the means.
- THE GLITTERATI is living the high-life, but that can’t last forever. Not with so many shadows swirling around that ivory palace.
- THE MUG is almost there, has almost made it… But it never quite works out. The chips never quite fall where they should, and there’s always someone with a better hand.
- THE OUTSIDER isn’t quite as in touch with things as they should be. He’s been away a while, and whether that’s his fault or Uncle Sam’s, now he just wants a normal life.
- THE PATSY is under someone’s heel, and always trying to get away. But they’re so desparate for a hand up that they’ll take any hand that’s offered to them. Most of them just take advantage.
- THE ADVOCATE works the spotlight, either in a courtroom or in the columns of his paper. But is he working for truth - whatever that is - or for himself?
- THE BIG SHOT is a star - for now. But there’s always an up-and-comer looking to take the spotlight, and your age might just be a number but it’s not getting smaller.
- THE BULL has been part of the system way too long and it’s never helped him out once. So now, he’s out for himself, using every trick he’s picked up along the way.
- THE CON is just trying to get ahead, and it’s not his fault that some people don’t like the way he’s doing it. He’s just looking out for number one.
- THE FLATFOOT is the tarnished, not-so-white knight of the city. He searches for the truth, but rules? They don’t always work for the people they’re supposed to work for. When that happens, the ends justify the means.
- THE GLITTERATI is living the high-life, but that can’t last forever. Not with so many shadows swirling around that ivory palace.
- THE MUG is almost there, has almost made it… But it never quite works out. The chips never quite fall where they should, and there’s always someone with a better hand.
- THE OUTSIDER isn’t quite as in touch with things as they should be. He’s been away a while, and whether that’s his fault or Uncle Sam’s, now he just wants a normal life.
- THE PATSY is under someone’s heel, and always trying to get away. But they’re so desparate for a hand up that they’ll take any hand that’s offered to them. Most of them just take advantage.
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