Tyranny of Dragons [ EDIT ]

This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.

The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, a lawless refuge on the Moonsea. Now, with no significant authority to stop the cult, other power groups in the Realms – the Harpers, Order of the Gauntlet, Lords' Alliance, and even the Zhentarim – must unite to stop the cult from fulfilling its dark purpose in the city.

This is an Adventure League campaign consisting of 14 modules from Defiance in Phlan to Escape from Phlan (with possible inclusion of Corruption in Kryptgarden). I've had an experience of running it for my party IRL, but we didn't manage to finish the campaign. I expect 5 to 8 players in the party with a possibility for new players to join at any given moment (if someone decides to leave).

I personally prefer short and informative posts from players, especially in the beginning when the characters don't know each other too well. I don't have issues with lengthy RP if my players find it fun, but having it early in the adventure tends to slow things down too much. I also wish to keep things vanilla, at least for this campaign, so only Player's Handbook will be allowed. This should also make the campaign more friendly for beginners.

{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
Are you sure you want to retire this game?
It will be moved to the Retired Games drawer at the bottom of your Games list. You can come back here and unretire it later, if needed.
Any future posts in this game will not show up in the normal notification systems (e.g. Front Page, Latest Game Posts, or email) and will only be visible by manually checking the game's threads.

- 1st level character.
- Races, classes and backgrounds from Player's Handbook only.
- Starting equipment or roll for starting gold.
- Pointbuy or roll for attributes.
- A motivation for a character to start adventuring in Phlan. Are you a local resident? Have you arrived to Phlan to test your mettle against the dangers of the Moonsea? IMHO the worst character is the one who can't briefly explain why he decided to go on adventure and has to be dragged by the rest of the party.
- Faction membership. Not a requirement, but it is encouraged to pick one of the five factions (Harpers, Emerald Enclave, Lord's Alliance, Order of the Gauntlet and Zhentarim) which will unlock additional quests and interactions for characters. Ideally there should be at least one member of each faction in a group for full experience.
Factions description


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