To the edge of the world [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
Settings: Swoard Cost, Faerün. story intro begins at baldur's gate, but the actual game will take place in remote locations. Players are not expected to have any knowledge of Swoard Cost or Faerün, but all deities of forgotten realms persist.
Game peace and duration This is an attempt to build up a one-shot for a 4 hour intense at-the-table game. On a PBP I hope to finish it in about 3 months if players could keep up with high involvement at the first week and continue with a post every working day.
Yet be prepared for DM to seldom stop narrative for a few days with prior notice.
Story background for the last decade sailors have been bringing various rumors to the Bardur' s Gates. Stories differ, the good news are talks about pirates of The Nelanther Isles to be cursed and turning into mindless undead allowing a better trade with south. Trading with Moonshae Isles (west) has stopped however as no ship have ever returned from west. The price of Kiwis grew exponential.
Local fisherman are complaining of the the catch is decreasing
Story begins when an old warlock summons party of well know heroes and share rumors are only visible part of the iceberg and hire them to stop the great evil before it has grown too strong.
While worlock's patron will promise a reward, PCs will hardly earn any glory because the world saving mission will need to be done discretely . And PC will need to trust this warlock to tell the truth or at least be intrigued to learn the truth.
Game peace and duration This is an attempt to build up a one-shot for a 4 hour intense at-the-table game. On a PBP I hope to finish it in about 3 months if players could keep up with high involvement at the first week and continue with a post every working day.
Yet be prepared for DM to seldom stop narrative for a few days with prior notice.
Story background for the last decade sailors have been bringing various rumors to the Bardur' s Gates. Stories differ, the good news are talks about pirates of The Nelanther Isles to be cursed and turning into mindless undead allowing a better trade with south. Trading with Moonshae Isles (west) has stopped however as no ship have ever returned from west. The price of Kiwis grew exponential.
Local fisherman are complaining of the the catch is decreasing
Story begins when an old warlock summons party of well know heroes and share rumors are only visible part of the iceberg and hire them to stop the great evil before it has grown too strong.
While worlock's patron will promise a reward, PCs will hardly earn any glory because the world saving mission will need to be done discretely . And PC will need to trust this warlock to tell the truth or at least be intrigued to learn the truth.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
[ +- ] 5e, lvl 15
All official books, all optional rules, point buy or roll 4d6H3.
[ +- ] Starting equipment per DMG, High Magic Campaign
5,000 gp plus 1d10 × 250 gp, three uncommon magic items, one rare item, normal starting equipment
[ +- ] Player's job to make PC engaged/hooked
During PC creation player have but one job : no matter what's your background you need to be hooked to take the mission - either because you want save the world, prove you are the best, just because your PC own one to your patron, or anything else.
Read Description and design your PC appropriate and be ready to adjust your PC motivation when new facts will appear and party meet deadly challenges.
Read Description and design your PC appropriate and be ready to adjust your PC motivation when new facts will appear and party meet deadly challenges.
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