The Vendeli Council [ EDIT ]

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The glory days of Keldrim seem now almost akin to ancient legends. Indeed, even the fall of that wretched empire is but an elder's tale. The civil war was bloody and brutal, and they say that the capital is now nothing more than ash and ruin. Freed from tyranny, the people of the fallen kingdom now find themselves adrift...or perhaps, free.

Whilst many fled to other lands, some of the old clans chose independence. They bowed not to a monarch or lord but heeded only the words of their own people. Some were conquered by upstart lords, eager to fill the power vacuum and raise a new empire. Some were assimilated into neighbouring kingdoms hungry for more land, either forcefully or willingly. And some yet still retain their independence. What will be the fate of these people? Will they enjoy free lives governed by their own kin, will they be crushed under the yoke of yet another tyrant, or will they rise to become one of the great powers of the world?
Vendel is a small town that has claimed independence following the collapse of its governing empire. There is hope and optimism amongst its people, but there is fear and uncertainty also. You have the great honour of being elected to the position of council representative, chosen to lead the people and provide guidance in all matters. You speak on behalf of the growing city-state, and the citizens expect you to provide protection, prosperity and happiness.

'The Vendeli Council' is a homebrew system that emphasises roleplaying and decision-making. Gameplay will revolve around politicking and problem-solving to try and find the best solution to the issues that the settlement faces. Inspired by games such as "King of Dragon Pass", it also focuses on settlement and resource management, with a specific order of actions and events. You will need to work together to make sure that the settlement doesn't just survive, but thrives.

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{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
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Character generation is very straight forward - you will simply need to assign points to abilities and select a trait. You can create a backstory as simple or complex as you would like, though I would encourage players to be less grandiose in their origins, i.e. less world-saving god-slaying heroes; the theme of the game is a small town reaching greatness from humble beginnings, after all! I can provide support in terms of wider world-building and information, but feel free to improvise and add your own bits of flavour to the world!


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