Without Benefit of Compass [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.
This is technically two games set in the same world.
I hope this letter finds you well. My children ask after you often, wondering when you’ll next grace our manor with your fine tales and strong mead. I rather think Cedra, in particular, has wild notions of the glamour of the adventuring life that you lead. Of course, you and I know it’s about eighty percent more tedious, and paradoxically twenty percent more perilous, than your stories would have him believe. Our home life is usually serene by comparison, but I fear that a situation of some delicacy has befallen my house in the last few days.
No, it’s not illness or attack, don’t worry about that. I can’t really speak to what it is, not in a letter where prying eyes can get their hands on it, but I believe you can be of some assistance to us. What I need are a few outsiders; people of shrewd wit and some ability, with no direct connection to any political factions in Greywater. No one would think anything of a few friends of yours visiting my home to bring me tale of your travels, and publicly, that would be what I said it was; a few friends of yours taking up my hospitality in exchange for news of you. I will discuss the real reason with them upon their arrival.
I trust your judgement, Provos. Send me good people, and I’ll see them compensated well for their service. And perhaps send them back towards you with some of Adrianna’s peach crop; I know you’re fond of the way she tends them in her grove. Yes, this is bribery – don’t blame me for knowing you so well!
In sincerest solidarity,
Baron Brynn Treymane
The harvest festival in North Peyxe is the only time of year that the otherwise small village becomes abuzz with unexpected activities. Merchants from all over the region come to get a first crack at purchasing the new crop of renowned Peyxian spices, and those who simply enjoy contests of physical or mental prowess participate in the festival's tournament-style agenda.
While the locals are grateful for the attention and the coin, they do also have traditions to honor - including a ritual pilgrimage up the road to the Olde Crypts, to pay honor to the dead who have come before. The leader of said pilgrimage is chosen by random lottery from amongst all town residents aged twelve and older, and this year, to his chagrin, the tavern keeper's young son has drawn the short straw.
Tradition allows him to choose a certain number of additional escorts to help him with his labors, and of course, the adventurers who have been patronizing the family tavern for days, filling his head with war stories of the lands beyond, seem like the obvious choices...
[ +- ] Hook for Game #1
I hope this letter finds you well. My children ask after you often, wondering when you’ll next grace our manor with your fine tales and strong mead. I rather think Cedra, in particular, has wild notions of the glamour of the adventuring life that you lead. Of course, you and I know it’s about eighty percent more tedious, and paradoxically twenty percent more perilous, than your stories would have him believe. Our home life is usually serene by comparison, but I fear that a situation of some delicacy has befallen my house in the last few days.
No, it’s not illness or attack, don’t worry about that. I can’t really speak to what it is, not in a letter where prying eyes can get their hands on it, but I believe you can be of some assistance to us. What I need are a few outsiders; people of shrewd wit and some ability, with no direct connection to any political factions in Greywater. No one would think anything of a few friends of yours visiting my home to bring me tale of your travels, and publicly, that would be what I said it was; a few friends of yours taking up my hospitality in exchange for news of you. I will discuss the real reason with them upon their arrival.
I trust your judgement, Provos. Send me good people, and I’ll see them compensated well for their service. And perhaps send them back towards you with some of Adrianna’s peach crop; I know you’re fond of the way she tends them in her grove. Yes, this is bribery – don’t blame me for knowing you so well!
In sincerest solidarity,
Baron Brynn Treymane

[ +- ] Hook for Game #2
The harvest festival in North Peyxe is the only time of year that the otherwise small village becomes abuzz with unexpected activities. Merchants from all over the region come to get a first crack at purchasing the new crop of renowned Peyxian spices, and those who simply enjoy contests of physical or mental prowess participate in the festival's tournament-style agenda.
While the locals are grateful for the attention and the coin, they do also have traditions to honor - including a ritual pilgrimage up the road to the Olde Crypts, to pay honor to the dead who have come before. The leader of said pilgrimage is chosen by random lottery from amongst all town residents aged twelve and older, and this year, to his chagrin, the tavern keeper's young son has drawn the short straw.
Tradition allows him to choose a certain number of additional escorts to help him with his labors, and of course, the adventurers who have been patronizing the family tavern for days, filling his head with war stories of the lands beyond, seem like the obvious choices...
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
We'll be starting at Level 2, you get starting equipment plus an extra 120gp to spend as you see fit.
In case it matters for the purposes of your long-term planning, there are a few things you need to know about my campaign world:
1) Teleportation Magic Doesn't Work - There is an IC reason for this and who knows, maybe you guys will be the ones to fix it someday, but for now, it is what it is. Incoming extraplanar summoning and conjuration work fine, but any attempt to teleport from one part of the planet to another, be it the few hundred feet of a Dimension Door or the trans-continental travel of a true Teleport spell, fails outright. Some mages have tried just Plane Shifting twice, on the logic that if extraplanar summoning works, they should just be able to Plane Shift to a different spot on the planet, but no one who has ever tried it has come back, so apparently that doesn't work either.
2) Guns smaller than a ship's cannon do not exist - People in the world understand about gunpowder and they are able to get the reaction to work at large scale, but refining it downward doesn't seem possible. So technically Gunslingers or gun-using Artificers exist, but only amongst the Giants.
3) The world is closer to medieval flavor than "typical" D&D worlds - While not entirely a 14th Century Europe experience, there is fidelity towards some of the concepts inherent in that time period. Literacy is very rare (y'all will be presumed illiterate if your Intelligence scores are lower than 12, and literacy rules in general will lean towards the challenging), patriarchal points of view are still dominant, adulthood comes comparatively quite early, most people don't rise above their station and while prisons do exist, most commoners are more likely to be executed or dismembered for moderate infractions rather than ever see the inside of one. Sexuality and gender identity are enlightened for the commoners but if you're a noble, you have a duty to produce an heir and that duty requires pretentiousness that better be good enough to fool everyone.
4) Life's not fair - This is really important so hear it clearly. Life. Is. Not. Fair. I WILL occasionally throw situations at you where your only survivable option is retreat, and it's not my problem if you try to murder hobo it anyway. This is your only warning to that effect.
In case it matters for the purposes of your long-term planning, there are a few things you need to know about my campaign world:
1) Teleportation Magic Doesn't Work - There is an IC reason for this and who knows, maybe you guys will be the ones to fix it someday, but for now, it is what it is. Incoming extraplanar summoning and conjuration work fine, but any attempt to teleport from one part of the planet to another, be it the few hundred feet of a Dimension Door or the trans-continental travel of a true Teleport spell, fails outright. Some mages have tried just Plane Shifting twice, on the logic that if extraplanar summoning works, they should just be able to Plane Shift to a different spot on the planet, but no one who has ever tried it has come back, so apparently that doesn't work either.
2) Guns smaller than a ship's cannon do not exist - People in the world understand about gunpowder and they are able to get the reaction to work at large scale, but refining it downward doesn't seem possible. So technically Gunslingers or gun-using Artificers exist, but only amongst the Giants.
3) The world is closer to medieval flavor than "typical" D&D worlds - While not entirely a 14th Century Europe experience, there is fidelity towards some of the concepts inherent in that time period. Literacy is very rare (y'all will be presumed illiterate if your Intelligence scores are lower than 12, and literacy rules in general will lean towards the challenging), patriarchal points of view are still dominant, adulthood comes comparatively quite early, most people don't rise above their station and while prisons do exist, most commoners are more likely to be executed or dismembered for moderate infractions rather than ever see the inside of one. Sexuality and gender identity are enlightened for the commoners but if you're a noble, you have a duty to produce an heir and that duty requires pretentiousness that better be good enough to fool everyone.
4) Life's not fair - This is really important so hear it clearly. Life. Is. Not. Fair. I WILL occasionally throw situations at you where your only survivable option is retreat, and it's not my problem if you try to murder hobo it anyway. This is your only warning to that effect.
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