Tales from the Shadows [ EDIT ]
This game has been retired! That means it's no longer being run.

For such a vast realm, surprisingly little is known about the Plane of Shadow, often also called the Shadow Realm. The whole plane is often described as a distortion and a shadow of the mortal realm, and certainly there are resemblances, as any shadow resembles its source and origin—and dark reflections and mirrored echoes are frequent enough. No shadow exists without a light and a source, after all.
At the same time, parts of the Shadow Realm are distinct unto the plane itself, especially those portions worked by shadow fey, goblins, bearfolk, humans, and darakhul as their realms and kingdoms. These places have been shaped by magic, as creatures manipulated the raw material of shadow into lands and settlements that please their makers. Great mages and clerics bend the land and the structures upon it into new forms, and the Shadow Realm itself often alters its own shape and direction in unpredictable ways.
The Shadow Realm has existed for as long as the mortal world has. It is a place of shadows where twilight rules, and its various peoples hold close their nefarious plans and draw power from the dark while avoiding its corruption and the identity-draining waters of the afterlife.
As a place of mortals mixed with minor planar powers, it has been congenial to the quicksilver fey, the nihilistic satarre, and ambitious humans willing to leave sunlit and wholesome lands for a more malleable, more dangerous, and more powerful realm.
In the Shadow Realm, the world is what you make it.
{{details.status == 'open' ? 'Open for game applications' : 'Closed for game applications'}} [ {{details.status == 'open' ? 'Close for applications' : 'Open to applications'}} ]
{{details.postFrequency.timesPer}} posts per {{details.postFrequency.perPeriod == 'd' ? 'day' : 'week'}}
{{details.approvedPlayers}} / {{details.numPlayers}}
{{details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} [ Make game {{!details.public ? 'Public' : 'Private'}} ] (Read the forum)
This campaign runs the Tales from the Shadows adventures as episodic adventures. The Tales from the Shadows take place in the Realm of Shadows as covered in the Book of Ebon Tides. The adventures will be episodic from levels 1 to 8.
We will begin at level 1 and will be using the D&D 5E 2014 ruleset.
Sourcebooks which can be used to create your character are:
PHB, Tasha's, Xanathar's and Kobold Presses Book of Ebon Tides.
- All variants and character options from these source books are welcome.
- Regular 27-point buy
- Starting equipment based on class and background
- Races from the Book of Ebon Tides are a bit more powerful than most other races. If you pick a non-Ebon Tides race, you get a free feat.
- Umbral is a language
I highly recommend this character sheet for it is very useful. But the character sheet is player property and responsibility. As long as all info is on it, feel free to format it however you like.
I believe that the rules should serve the story, not the other way around. This is the rule of cool. But it also means that character design should focus on an interesting character and not on min-maxing
Please note:
First time GM on PBP
We will begin at level 1 and will be using the D&D 5E 2014 ruleset.
Sourcebooks which can be used to create your character are:
PHB, Tasha's, Xanathar's and Kobold Presses Book of Ebon Tides.
- All variants and character options from these source books are welcome.
- Regular 27-point buy
- Starting equipment based on class and background
- Races from the Book of Ebon Tides are a bit more powerful than most other races. If you pick a non-Ebon Tides race, you get a free feat.
- Umbral is a language
I highly recommend this character sheet for it is very useful. But the character sheet is player property and responsibility. As long as all info is on it, feel free to format it however you like.
I believe that the rules should serve the story, not the other way around. This is the rule of cool. But it also means that character design should focus on an interesting character and not on min-maxing
Please note:
First time GM on PBP
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